85 Top Secret Matters and Sen blade festival [2]

 The 100 million year button - it's a cursed button.

 The moment you press it, you will be imprisoned in a prison of time for 100 million years.

 I once pressed this button, and there I continued to wield my sword with all my might.

 And after repeating "100 million years" over and over again, I escaped from the hell loop by "slashing the world".

(...... I've never told anyone about the 100 million year button until now.

 I thought no one would believe this fairy tale.

 And yet...

"Why did you tell me about the 100 million year button, ......?

 I asked.

"Of course I know about it. Of course I know about it, I've been there myself.

 She said something outrageous.

"You're an experienced ......?

"Yeah, no way. I also spent a long time in the Prison of Time. ......

 The teacher muttered with a faraway look in his eyes.

"So you know about the Hermit of Time, too, ......?

Of course I know him. Of course I know him. He's the old man with the white beard.


 That's for sure.
 It seems you, like me, received the 100-million-year button from the Hermit of Time and pressed it.

"So, what's this '100 million year button story' about?

 I leaned forward a little and asked.

"Hmm, well, ....... Hmm, well, let me get this straight: from now on, do not talk to anyone about the 100 million year button.

 The teacher looked me straight in the eye and said.

He looked me straight in the eye and said, "Yes, that's fine, but ....... Why is that?

 In the first place, I had no intention to tell anyone about the 100 million year button.

 But when he said again, "Don't tell anyone," I was curious about the reason.

Well, where should I start ......?

 "Well, where should I start, ?" The teacher began slowly, crossing his arms anxiously.

"Well, first of all, let me share with you the information we have. --The basic premise is that the 100 million year button is a cursed button carried by the Immortals of Time. Its origins are ancient, and the existence of the Immortal of Time and the 100 Million Year Button has been confirmed for several hundred years.

"It's been around for hundreds of years, ......?

Oh, far beyond human lifespan. ...... calls itself the Hermit of Time, so perhaps there is no such thing as a lifespan. He's more of a monster than a human being.

 Monster of things. .......
 The hermit of time seemed to have an air of humanity about him.

I don't know what his purpose is, but ....... I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had a bit of a hard time with the whole thing.

 Given that the Hermit of Time appeared before me, ...... I'd say that's probably not true.

However, this is rarely - if at all - revealed. But this is rarely - if ever - revealed, because most swordsmen can't stand the hell of 100 million years and commit suicide.


 It reminded me of something (・・・・) I don't like.

The swordsman who breaks the curse of the 100 million year button and escapes from that prison is called the Transcendent.

"...... Transcendent.

Ah, yes. And here's the problem: ....... Recently, there's been a major organization that's been gathering these Transcendents and working behind the scenes in this world.

Could it be the Kuro Organization, ......?

You get the idea. That's right.

 I'm sure you're right." The teacher nodded and sipped from the glass on his desk.

You've done so well at this Ken-Oh Festival. You've done a tremendous job at this Ken-Oh Festival, with the unknown swordsman defeating the child prodigy, Idra Luxmaria. ....... The Ken-Oh Festival is getting a lot of attention. I'm sure this information has reached their ears as well.

 She continued.

She continued, "In addition, although it hasn't been made public, you single-handedly defeated the famous Zaku Bombar at the stake. Zaku is a member of the Kuro Organization. Naturally, this information would be known to everyone in the organization. What I'm trying to say is that there is a high possibility that the Kuro Organization will contact you in the future. To recruit you, of course.

"Oh, they're recruiting me ......?

Yeah, it's quite possible. Just be careful, okay? --They're very persistent. Above all, they will not hesitate to use any dirty trick to achieve their goal.

"Okay, I understand. ....... I'll be on the lookout.

Yes, please do.

 There was no way I was going to join the organization that had kidnapped Leah.

 But I'll take precautions.

"Well, to wrap things up. The Kuro Organization is collecting 'Transcendents'. And based on what you've done so far, there's a good chance they'll be looking to recruit you. So, if someone asks you about the 100 Million Year Button, don't take them seriously and pretend you don't know. Because that person is most certainly a member of the Kuro Organization.

"Yes, .......

 I nodded my head.

"Well, that's the end of the story. I'm sorry it took so long.

 I'm sorry it took so long," he said, and drank his glass of water.

No, thank you for your attention.

"No, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it, I'm the president of this school and I'm your teacher.

 She smiled gently and finally asked me to tell her a little story.

I'm going to ask you a question out of pure curiosity: ....... Allen, how long have you been a prisoner in the Prison of Time?

Uh, sorry ....... I don't remember exactly how many years. ......

Yeah, I can give you a ballpark figure.

...... Well, yes. I think it's about a billion years (・・・・). ......?

 After looping through 100 million years over and over again, I didn't count beyond the tenth lap.
 At that time, I was not in a state of mind that could afford to do so.

 And then.

"What about ......?

 When the teacher heard my reply, he froze like a stone statue.

"......, I'm sorry. If I'm not mistaken, I just heard 'billions of years'. ......?

"Yes. You've been in that world for at least (・・・・) that long. ......

 Probably, but not more than 20 times.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

What the heck were you doing in there for such a huge amount of time ......?

Yes, ........ I'm not sure.

 I've developed various techniques such as the flying shadow, Oborozuki, Meigou and Yatagarasu.
 There was a time when I was developing various techniques, but basically I was just pretending all the time.

"You've been swinging for over a billion years?

Yeah, yeah, well, ......

Yeah, well ....... You really are one hell of a guy, .......

 I'm not sure what to make of this, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to say. No, it's nothing. ....... Forget about what I just said.

"Ha, ha .......

 I replied.

In case you're wondering, what I've told you here today is top secret and only a few people know about it. Please don't tell anyone about it.

Yes, I understand.

Okay, that's it. I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

No, thank you. Thank you very much.

 Then I said, "Excuse me," and left the chancellor's office.

(Phew. ....... But I never thought that Dr. Leia had pushed the 100 million year button. ......)

 The world is small.
 I didn't think there was anyone this close to me who had been through that hell.

(But maybe the Kuro Organization will come scouting. ......)

 There's no way I'm joining an organization that would kidnap Leah.

(......, but they're a large criminal organization)

 It is quite possible that the moment you reject their offer, they will turn on you and attack you.
 In this sense, we should be very careful.

Well, and ....... It's time to go to Leah and Rose. ......

 You can find a lot more information on this website.


 Right after Allen left the chancellor's office.

"Oh, that's impossible .......

 Leia's face turned pale and she clutched her head.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. What the hell kind of mental structure do you have?

 Her voice echoed loudly in the spacious chancellor's office.

 The name "100 million year button" is just what the hermits of time call it.

 Aside from Allen, there is no one who has actually returned to the real world after spending 100 million years there.

 If they cannot destroy that world - the prison of time - before then, they will become cripples and commit suicide.

 In fact, Leia, if she hadn't smashed the world with her fist in the 500th year, she would have surely become a cripple and met a tragic end.

 The longest prisoner in the prison of time on record is a thousand years.

 That figure had never been more than ten thousand, much less billions.

 That's why she was afraid.

 The fact that Allen was so sane (・・・・・・) after spending billions of years in hell was more frightening than anything else.

Allen-Rhodle: ....... Even if you don't take into account the superdreadnought nucleus in his soul, there's something(・・・・・) wrong with him as an individual(・・・・).......

 It was here that she finally began to recognize the anomaly that was Allen-Lordre.

Anyway, this is completely out of the realm of possibility,....... You should report to Dalia immediately. ......

 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find out more about it here.