72 Darkness and Sword King Festival [3]

 I took a psychic reading.

"Oh, that's ......?

 For some reason, the magic circle was shattered.


 At this unexpected event, the Spirit Room fell silent.
 The gazes of all your classmates pierced your entire body, and an unpleasant sweat ran down your back.

(This is .......) It's my fault ......, isn't it?

 In the thirty or so people I've measured for psychic power, this has never happened to me before.

 Maybe I've been measuring spiritual power wrong. .......

 I was feeling uncomfortable in the awkward atmosphere.

(This magic circle ...... how much did it cost?

 Even though I didn't do it on purpose, I broke the school's equipment.
 Naturally, I need to pay for it.

 The magic circle was set up in a special room called the Room of Spiritual Power.
 No matter how you look at it, a thousand or two thousand golds will not be enough.

(I think .......) I'm sure that each of the spirit swords cost a million golds. ......?

 There were more than a hundred spirit swords in the preparation room.
 But this magic circle is the only one in this spiritual space.

 In terms of rarity, the magic circle is by far the best.

(At the very least, it's more than a million golds. ......, right?

 I felt the blood drain from my body.

 A million golds is a lot of money.
 With that much money, I could live for a year without working.

(...... is not good)

 I was going to be a great swordsman and give my mother an easy life. .......
 If I don't, I might end up dragging her into debt. .......

(......) No, no, calm down. Maybe you'll find that it's cheaper than you think. ......!

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
 There is also the possibility that it is a consumable item with a limited number of uses!

 With great hope in my heart, I turned my gaze towards the doctor.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

 She opened her eyes wide and shook her fists.

(...... is over)

 That look of urgency - no doubt about it.
 It seems that the magic circle was too rare and expensive to be compared to the spirit sword.

(......? I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on. No, it can't be ....... There is no such thing as a spiritual influence on the measurement of spiritual power. ....... In other words, the cause of the destruction of the magic circle is the enormous spiritual power of Allen personally .......

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

 But there was no reply.

 I guess the shock was too much for her. .......
 She bit her lower lip and seemed to be lost in thought.

(The cause is undoubtedly the cursed "100 million year button" ....... He had probably been locked in the Prison of Time for quite some time. A thousand years ......, or even two thousand years if you're not careful ....... The poor thing must have taken a long time to escape .......

 A few moments later - after recovering from a major shock - the doctor looked me in the eye.

"Allen, ...... how many years have you been-- 

I'm sorry, sir.

 When I bowed my head.

"What's wrong, suddenly?

 The teacher looked puzzled.

I'm sorry for destroying the rare magic circle ....... I can't do it right now, but I'll work very hard to make it up to you. ......

Oh, oh, ........ You don't have to worry about that. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

"Really, ......?

Oh. And that was just a little accident in class. You're not responsible for it and you don't have to pay for it, so don't worry.

Oh, thank God. ......

 I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

"Hey, Leia! I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that. There was no such thing as black light in your description!

 Leah said, questioning the teacher.
 At the same time, all the classmates' eyes turned to the teacher.

Hmmm, yes, I agree. ....... I've never seen a black light like that before either, so I can't say for sure. ....... --One thing is for sure. Allen's spiritual power is far greater than anyone else's in the room. More than me, of course.

 When the doctor said that.


 All my classmates froze.

 Ms. Leia has many disappointments, but she is an absolute powerhouse in battle.
 The fact that her spiritual power was higher than mine made all of my classmates, including me, gasp.

I'm sure you'll agree that this is a great idea.

 I asked fearfully.

"No, I'm sure. No, I'm sure of it. You're better than me in one respect: spiritual power. --You should be proud. There aren't many swordsmen who possess that much spiritual power.

 The teacher smiled.

Oh, thank you, thank you .......

 I was very ...... happy.

 For the past 15 years of my life.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 That's exactly what happened at the Grand Academy of Swordsmanship.

 --Allen, you have no talent.

 --It doesn't matter how much you practice.

 --I'm tired of this. Quit now.

That's what the teacher said to me with cold, emotionless eyes.

 I've been praised as a swordsman.

 I was praised as a swordsman at the Fifth Academy, which is much higher than the Grand Academy of Swordsmanship.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 And while I was chewing on my tremendous joy.

Oh, come on. ....... I'm not sure if this is true or not.

"This means it's a spiritual power of national strength, right ......?

It's really amazing, Allen is ......!

 All of my classmates praised me with open arms.

 A few moments later - when the buzz had died down - the teacher clapped his hands.

Now that we've measured your spiritual power, I'll show you how to strengthen it.

 She cleared her throat once to attract attention and slowly began to speak.

The training method is quite simple: push yourself to the very limit! The moment your mind is worn out and your heart is screaming, your spiritual power will grow! It doesn't matter if it's a swing, an endurance run, or anything else! It doesn't matter if it's a bare-knuckle swing, an endurance run, or anything else, just do the painful work that makes you scream over and over again!

It's not that I'm not a good person.

 After all, I had been in that hellish "prison of time" for billions of years (・・・・), and I just kept swinging my sword.

 Patience, perseverance, and continuity - I'm used to such humble things.
 In fact, I even find it enjoyable these days.

 ...... Perhaps my spiritual power is the fruit of that experience.

The end of the second period is now ....... Okay, we've got about 30 minutes. So let's go back to the soul-dressing place and resume our soul-dressing training! As for the strengthening of spiritual power, it will be carried out in the afternoon strength training!


 And so, having understood the "spiritual power" that is essential to souldressing, we began to talk to the spirit core again.