64 Bounty Neck and Awakening [7]

 I got the information I was looking for and went back to the main entrance where Rose and Dr. Leia were waiting.

"Oh, Allen! What's up?

Did that blood fox do anything to you?

I knew Lize-san was a very nice person! Look at this map! This red cross is where they have their labs!

 When they opened the map Lise had given them, smiles appeared on both their faces.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I've been able to get some information out of her. ...... That's great, Allen!

 After that, the doctor stared at the place marked with a red cross.

"Hmm, it's about fifteen minutes from here. ....... But is there a laboratory in the woods like this ......?

 He tilted his head and muttered with a difficult expression.

Anyway, let's go there. It's the only clue we have at the moment.

You're right, Allen is right. ....... --All right, let's go!


 After that, we went through "God Street" and just kept going westward.
 The road became steeper and steeper, and we entered a dense forest.
 After about ten minutes of driving, we came to a place called

"......, this is it.

 The teacher, who had been running with a map in his hand, suddenly stopped.

"Is this it, ......?

There's no ...... building that looks like it. ......

 Rose and I scanned the area.

 As the doctor had said before we left, it was really just a forest.
 Lush, tall trees cover the sky, and a large waterfall is rushing by.
 There were no man-made structures, not even a trace of human footprints.

 There was no trace of human footsteps, let alone artificial structures.

(Are you sure you're not looking at ......?

 A cold sweat ran down my spine, and an unpleasant thought flashed through my mind.

 And then.

You're right, Lise's information network is ....... You hit the jackpot.

 The teacher muttered with a complicated expression, half happy and half frustrated.
 She then began to walk towards the large waterfall that flowed in front of her.

"Sensei, ......?

Where the hell are you going ......?

 "Where the hell are you going, ?" Rose and I called out.


 She suddenly threw a powerful fist toward the waterfall.

 The next moment.
 The large waterfall shattered to pieces, revealing an old laboratory.


 Rose and I rolled our eyes at the sudden appearance of the laboratory.

"It's a powerful cognitive barrier. It's probably the work of the magician Thor-Sammons. But I can't believe I didn't notice it until I got this close. ....... It's an incredibly advanced ward. ......

 The teacher who praised Thor then snapped his fingers and smiled belligerently.

I'm sure they're in here, judging by the warding. --Let's go!


 And so we rushed into the laboratory, with Dr. Leia in the lead.


 After being defeated by Zaku Bombar, a member of the Kuro Organization, Leah woke up on the lowest level of the institute.

"This is ......?

 When she tried to move her body in a hazy state of consciousness.


 I felt a dull pain in both of my wrists.

 Her hands were bound to the ceiling by chains.
 Her legs were also bound with weighted chains, and she was completely unable to move.


Oh, you're awake already! You're stronger than you think, Leah-Vesteria!

"...... Hey, little girl. I'm still going to let you live, so don't get any ideas.

 Zak and Thor, noticing Leah's awakening, peeked out from the back of the room.

"...... Zaku-Bombar!

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

 Her hands and feet were sealed, and she was physically helpless to do anything about it.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one. Are you some kind of pervert?

 She could not do anything about it, so she made a sarcastic remark.


"Hahaha! You really are a strong-minded girl to still be able to talk like that in this situation!

"...... Haha! You're a pervert with that big figure, you're irredeemable, Zaku.

 Zaku laughed happily, and Thor took advantage of it.

 Leah, who judged from the current exchange that she wouldn't be killed right then and there.

What is your purpose? What the hell did you kidnap me for?

 She asked the questions that had been bothering her ever since she was attacked at the summer camp.

"Hmm? Of course, that's your--

 And just when Zaku was about to open his mouth.

"Hey, Zaku, you idiot! You can't talk about the organization's confidential information that easily! I'm not sure if you have a brain in your head.

 A blue streak appeared on his forehead, and Thor kicked him in the shin.

I'm sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm sorry, but this is a secret!

d*mn it, ....... Get a grip, .......

 As they were talking about this.

I'm sorry to interrupt. I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation. ....... I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation,......, but I'm going to need a sample soon,.......

 A researcher with a large syringe in his hand approached me with a look of fear.

 Thick round glasses.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 He was about 150 centimeters tall and in his mid-forties.
 His grayish-black hair grew as long as he wanted, and there was not a trace of cleanliness in it.

"Oh, get on with it.

"Yes, sir. ....... Yes, sir. ......

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

"d*mn it, ........ I just need a little blood. Don't be rude, you ugly .......

 I'm not going to be able to do that," Thor said, exasperated.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 But--she was gifted and intelligent from an early age.

(Hihihuhu....... Hee-hee! ....... Calm down, Leah-Vesteria ......!

 She regained her composure by breathing incorrectly.

(You'll only waste your energy if you act out in this situation. ......) I'm pissed off, but I think it's wise to just do as I'm told ........ You can't help it, it's annoying but ......!

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure what to say. Then excuse me.

 The man stuck a needle into Leah's upper arm, and a stinging pain ran through her.

 The man took a large amount of blood, enough to fill three cylinders.

I'm not sure what to say. This is all you need. ......!

 He put on a twisted expression of pleasure and set them in a huge machine.

I'm not sure how long it will take to analyze them.

I'm not sure. Even if you do it in a hurry, it'll take a whole day. ......

Well, get it done as soon as possible. I don't like to wait.

 I don't like waiting." The impatient Thor muttered briefly and disappeared up the stairs to the upper floor.

 I don't like to wait.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. --I'm not sure what to do. I'm sure you're hungry too, aren't you? I'll find something suitable for you.

...... Hmm, I don't take charity from my enemies. I don't take charity from my enemies, and I don't know if it's poisoned or not.

"Hahahaha! You really are a stout girl! Well, what the heck, ...... you can always tell me when you're hungry.

 Zach laughed gaily and disappeared upstairs.

 After that, Leah just kept waiting for the machine.

 In order to conserve her strength, she didn't resist or act out - she just waited and waited.

 Allen would find her. He would rescue me.

 I kept waiting, believing that.

 And then one day, more than ten hours after she was captured here...

"Huh... Huh... ......... Are you awake, Leah-Vesteria......?

 The researcher from earlier came to visit Leah.

I'm not sure what it is. You've already taken enough blood, right?

"Huh. Hush. ....... Well, listen: ....... You'll be deported back to your 'home country' after this, and you'll be killed in no time. ......

"...... I'm sure you will.

 I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who'd like to have a look at it.  

I'm not sure what to make of that. It's a good idea to have a little bit of ...... fun.

 The man's demeaning gaze crawled all over Leah's body.

You're an a**h*le, .......

You're an a**h*le,....... You can call me whatever you want. ......

 The man said, stepping closer and closer to Leah.

No, no ....... Don't come here. ......

 And just as the man reached for Leah's body, a flash of red light rushed through the dark room.

 The next moment.

The next moment. Ah, ah, heat, heat!

 The man was engulfed in a scorching inferno, rolling on the ground and screaming in agony.

I'm not sure what to say.

 A horrible scream echoed through the laboratory and the man quickly died.

 And then.

"Hahahahaha! That was a close one, Leah!

 Zaku appeared with a glass of alcohol in his hand, laughing gaily.