63 Bounty Neck and Awakening [6]

 I was so upset that I forgot all about it.

I forgot that I had the right to ask for help from the five wealthy merchants at .......

 There's no better time to use it.

I'm not sure what you mean by "it might work", Allen! What do you mean, "it might work"?

Yes! Actually...

 Then I told him about an incident that happened three months ago at the Daidou Festival.

 When I was working as a mage, I took on an escort mission from Orestes to Dresden.
 There, the annual Daidou Festival was being held, and the five great merchants were meeting at the Daidoushokan.
 Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Kuro Organization blew up the Daidou Shokan and attacked the five great merchants.
 I'm sure you've heard of it, but I'm not sure if you've heard of it.

I see. ....... So that's what it is. ......

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.

I'm sure Lise will be able to help you!

 I'm sure Lise will be able to help!

I don't know how it looked in Allen's eyes, but ....... I don't know what Allen saw in his eyes, but Lise is a rotten, bloodless bastard. ......

I don't think so.

 The last time I saw him at Dresstier, he didn't look like that at all. .......

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. He always has a smile on his face, and he's not bad with people, so at first glance he seems like a nice guy.

 The doctor was right, Lise was basically smiling.

But behind that smile, he was crushing his competitors and opponents one by one, using legal - and sometimes completely black - methods. The next step for Lise, who half-monopolized the financial market, was to connect with various "dark forces". This was probably to protect himself from reprisals and government regulations. Now, we don't even know which organization is connected to the fox finance - it's completely untouchable. To be honest, I don't trust him at all.

 After concluding his story, Dr. Leia added one last thing.

But I've never heard of him breaking any of his promises in my life.

"Well then, ......!

Yeah, we're running out of time and resources, ........ Allen, do you mind if I use your valuable rights?

Yes, of course!

 And then, just when a ray of sunshine was finally shining.

"Wait a minute!

 Rose came into the chancellor's office with a bandage on her forehead.

"Rose, Rose! Thank God, you're okay!

Oh, you're awake!

 Oh, you're awake!" We rushed over to her.

"Thank you, I'm fine now. --Please take me with you.

 Rose looked straight at us and said clearly.

Rose: ....... I'm glad you feel that way, but your body's not ......

 Her hands and feet were wrapped in bloody bandages.

I'm fine with my body. You can use the power of the Hikanzakura to move as much as you want in battle!

But that's not the case. ......

 The power has a duration, and she says she doesn't have full control of it yet.
 It's obvious to everyone that if Rose's body is the first priority, it's better for her to rest here.


"Okay, fine.

 Dr. Leia readily agreed to accompany Rose.


I'm not sure what to make of this. And since Rose has an enhanced soul armor, a little injury won't be a problem.

 If the teacher who knows much more about soul gear than me says so, I can only agree.

...... Rose, please take it easy on yourself, okay?

Thank you, Allen.

 And when you've got that sorted out.

We'll be leaving for Dresden now! I'll have the horses ready, so you guys wait in the schoolyard!

 The teacher ran out of the chancellor's office at a fast pace.

"Yes, sir!


 Then we were pulled by the Chancellor's own fast horse to Dresden.

 It was not far from the city of Orestes to the merchant town of Drestia.

 After a short ride, we found ourselves at our destination.

...... It's been three months since I've been to Drestia.

 I got off at the "Avenue of the Gods," which runs through the center of Drestia, and looked around.
 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

 As I followed Dr. Leia at a brisk pace, we walked left and right through the streets of Dresden until we came upon a huge mansion.

It's a great way to get the most out of your money.

 The beautiful mansion, reminiscent of a chalk palace, was surprisingly large.

 It was six stories high, maybe even seven. .......

 The large garden had a large pool and a beautiful fountain, and from a distance we could see the beautiful stone garden.

 An elaborate iron fence surrounded the magnificent mansion, which was a mixture of various cultures.

(That's awesome, .......)

 As we were gazing at the overwhelming home, a flashlight shone on us.

Who are you? I'm not sure why you're peeking into Lizzy's mansion at this hour! I'm sure you're not the only one.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'm not sure what to do.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of this.

...... What the hell do you want?

 In no time at all, we were surrounded.

 I don't know what happened to him in the past, but he seems to be under a lot of scrutiny.

"Wait, wait, wait, you guys! We're not here for (・・・・) that today. We're just here to talk!

"Hmm, well that's too bad! Lize-sama is already asleep!

You can come back tomorrow if you need me!

 And then.

"...... No, wait. That boy there, is he Allen-Rhoddle?

 One of the privateers gave me a sharp look.

"Yes, sir. ....... Yes, sir.

Hmm, so you are. ....... For some reason, I've been told to only go through here if you come to visit. --Come on in, Lize-sama should be relaxing in the upstairs hall.

 He said and opened the gate a little.

"Hey, wait a minute, guys! Didn't you just say that Lise was asleep?

You idiot, of course that's a lie!

Kuro Fist, we can't let a dangerous person like you through!

Kuro Fist, we can't let a dangerous person like you through! ...... You can wait there quietly.

 It seemed that the private soldiers here were completely hostile to the teacher.

"...... Doctor, Rose. I'll be right back.

Allen, be careful with .......

Be careful, Allen. ....... It's the blood fox. If anything happens to him, shout at him, okay?

"Ah, ha ha ....... I'm sure Lise won't do anything weird like that.

 After leaving Rose and Dr. Leia, I walked through the gates of the mansion alone.

 It's a good idea to take a look at the website to see if there's anything you need to know.

I'm pretty sure it's the upstairs hall. ......

 I remembered the guard's words and slowly walked up the stairs to find Lise sipping tea from a silver teacup.

 She was dressed in a beautiful white and red kimono that looked like fire.
 Her long, reddish-white hair is pulled to the side, and a hairpin resembling a bright fire stands out.
 Healthy, shiny and taut skin.
 Long, slit fox eyes.

I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour, Lize-san.

"Oh my god, it's Allen-kun. What are you doing here so late at night?

 She smiled a gentle smile and asked in a soft manner.

I'm sorry, I don't have much time, so I'll get straight to the point. --My dear friend, Leah-Vesteria, has been kidnapped by the Kuro Organization. They've gone into hiding in a laboratory somewhere in this country. Lise, do you have any idea where they're hiding?

Yes, of course I do.

 She said simply, without any concealment or pretense.

Are you sure?

I don't like lying, you know.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

The ....... I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's had to deal with this.

"Yes, of course.

 I'm sure you'll agree.

I'm not sure what to do. But is it really okay to use it for something like this?

 She tilted her head and asked me about it.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but ....... I'm not sure what to make of it. Why don't you use it more for yourself?

 She stood up with a graceful gesture and began to slowly circle around me.

She stood up and began to slowly circle me. Gold, silver, treasure, famous swords, power - with our power, we can provide you with anything you want. It's a great right, but don't you think it's a bit silly to use it to find out the location of a ...... filthy laboratory?

 I'm sure ...... Lizzy is a kind person.
 She's thinking about me and offering me various possibilities.

 I'm very grateful for that, but the answer was already decided a long time ago.

Thank you very much. But I still want to know where Leah is.

 It's not that I don't want money.

 It's just that I'm going to need the money to make life easier for my mom.

(But I'm sure she won't be happy if she has to abandon her friends to get the money. ......!

 And then.

I see. ....... I'm not a Shidou guy, I'm an Allen guy. ......

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that," she said, mumbling something in a small voice.

I'll take it. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

"Oh, thank you ......!

 When I said thank you, Lize-san smiled gently.

You see that one place on the map marked with a red cross? That's their laboratory.

 I unfolded the map, and sure enough, there was a red cross.

"Well, I've still got work to do. I'll leave you to it.

"Thank you, Lize-san!

 When I thanked her.

When I thanked her, she said, "I'm just returning the favor, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.

 She said and went up to the third floor of the house.

I'd like to thank you very much. Lizze-san ......!

 I thanked her once more and ran out of her residence.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a great idea. I'm not sure what kind of color that innocent child will show in the future,........ I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future holds for him,.......