3 2nd Swordsman and Kenjutsu Gakuin [1]

 I heard voices.

"It's ...... waking...... up! I was wondering what time ...... I woke up ............ early ......... ...!

 When I slowly opened my eyes, I could see a vague blue sky.
 It seems I'm lying on my back.

(What the ......? I'm ...... what ......?

 My blurred vision became clearer and clearer, and my other senses became clearer as well.

 The cool earth.
 The blue smell of grass and leaves.
 Dry mouth.
 The bright sunshine.

 And a voice calling out to me.

"Allen! Come on, get up! Where the hell have you been sleeping?

 In front of me, I saw the matron, Paula, peeking out from above.


 I jumped up in a panic.

I jumped up in a panic and said, "What year, month, hour, and minute is it?

 I immediately checked the current time.

 Then Paula shrugged her shoulders in disgust.

"Huh, ...... Allen? Are you still dreaming?

"Oh, no, well, ...... it's over.

 I escaped from that hellish 100-million-year loop and made it back to the real world.

Yes, the hermit of time is ......!

 He drew his sword and looked around.

 But the hermit ...... was nowhere to be found.

The hermit of time ......? Allen ......, are you sure you're okay?

 Paula looked a little more serious as she approached.

"Oh, no, I mean ...... I'm sorry ......

Well, you've been having a lot of nightmares,......, did you have a bad dream?

"Maybe. ...... Maybe. ......

 Maybe it was just a dream.

 No, it must have been a dream.
 Common sense tells us that there is no such thing as a 100 million year button.

I'll listen to you if it's a bad dream. I'll listen to you if you have a bad dream, so it won't come true.

"Sorry about the ......, I don't remember much about it.

 You're lying.

 The truth is, I remember it more clearly than ever.

 But I'm sure they'll laugh at me for telling such a ridiculous story.

"Okay. Then get your ass back to the dorm! Breakfast is already ready. If you don't eat soon, I won't be able to clean up!

 With that, she turned on her heel and walked toward the dormitory.

I'm sorry, .......

 I was about to follow her, apologizing profusely.

 Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a red button that was glowing brightly.

 There was no way I could mistake it.

 It was .......

"A hundred million years, button ......?

 I shuddered.

 Could it be that ...... was not a dream ......?

 I swallowed my saliva and slowly picked it up.

(If I press this, ...... I'll go back to that hellish world ......?

 No, it's ...... okay.

 If it's real, you can slay the world and come back.
 If it's a dream, nothing will happen if you press this button.

 Either way, I have nothing to lose by pressing this button.

"Whew .......

 I took a couple of deep breaths and pressed it. I pushed it.

 But nothing happened.

"It's ......, isn't it?

 No hermit in time.
 The hundred million year button.
 The prison of time.

 It was all a dream.

 That's right.

 Those fairy tales can't be real.
 As I tossed the button aside, I noticed something.

 The 100-million-year button had a large scar like a sword.

(Was that ......? I don't remember seeing a scratch like that on ......?

 As I approached the button to take a closer look at it.

"Hey, Allen! What are you doing eating a weed? Come on!

 From up ahead, I heard the voice of Paula from the street.

"Yes, yes!

 Then I followed Paula back to the dormitory.


 Paula Garedzaar.

 She is the matron of the dormitory where I live.

 She is over two meters tall. She has a powerful face.
 She wears a pure white apron over a black shirt.
 She always wears her arms rolled up, and her arms are three times the size of mine.

 At first glance, he looks very scary and hard to approach, but in reality, he is a very kind person.

 After I ate the breakfast that Paula had made for me, I clasped my hands together.

"Thank you for the food.

"Yes! You've eaten well today! Good job!

 Paula slapped me on the back and smiled broadly.  

Paula slapped me on the back and smiled broadly, "Oh, by the way, how are you doing at school?


 At that moment, my heart skipped a beat.
 I had promised to duel Dodriel at nine o'clock this morning.

"Hey, what time is it?

"Hmm, seven and a half.

 Paula pointed to the clock on the wall.

"Well, it's .......

 It will take at least three hours to get to the Grand Academy of Swordsmanship from here, no matter how fast we hurry.
 You will be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this.

 But there was no choice but to not go.

 I didn't want anyone to think I was running away.

"I'm off to ......!

"Be careful! Don't get hurt!

"Yes, ......!

 And so I ran out of the dorm.

 I ran.
 I ran and ran and ran.

Dueling is not a promise. It's one of the rules of the Academy of Swordsmanship.

 If you're even a second late from the start of the match, you lose the fight.

(Probably ......, but definitely not in time.)

 But that didn't mean I could stay in my room and sulk.

 After that, I managed to arrive at the academy and immediately headed for the dueling area in the second building.

I'm sorry I'm late! I'm Allen-Rhoddle, and I signed up for a duel at nine o'clock this morning! Is the reception desk still open?

 The bespectacled receptionist looked at the paper in his hand and said, "Oh? He looked at the paper in his hand and said, "Oh?

You've arrived very early. It's only an hour before the game starts.

...... What?

 How can that be?

 I left my house at seven fifty.

 There was no way I could get to the school in just a few minutes.

 However, the little clock that was there was indeed pointing to 8:00.

(Really, it's only been ten minutes. .......) Maybe the clock in the house was broken ......?

 Anyway, ...... thank God.

Haha ...... thank god.

 I've avoided losing the war.
 Now all I have to do is put all my strength, all my efforts to date, into Dodriel.

I'm sorry.

 I arrived unexpectedly too early, so I passed the time by filling my stomach at a store.
 Although I had just had breakfast, I was strangely feeling quite hungry.

 Five minutes before the scheduled time, I headed for the gym where the duel was to take place.

 There I was overwhelmed.

What the heck is ...... this ......?

 Even though it was early in the morning, the gym was packed with students.

Whoa, the fallen swordsman is here!

You're finally going to be gone! You've been wielding your sword like an idiot day in and day out, and it's been a real pain!

You should be thanking Dodriel! She's getting rid of all the troublemakers in the academy!

 It was like a rain of deafening taunts from his classmates.

"What, why ......?

 While I was puzzled like that, I heard a deliberate giggle.

 In the direction of the laughter, in the center of the gym, was Dodriel and her cronies. He was smiling at me with an annoying grin on his face.

"Haha. I'll give you credit for not running away, Allen.

"DODRIEL! What the hell is this ......? I've never heard of this!

 He pointed to the students who had crowded into the gym and questioned Dodriel.

"Well, I'm surprised, too. Somewhere along the line, word got out that Allen and I were going to duel. ....... Some people have really bad taste, you know.

 He then cowered deliberately.

You .......

 No doubt. It was he who told the students of the academy about the duel with me and gathered them here. He's trying to humiliate me in public.

 He's really a ...... bad character to a fault.

"Blow up the failed swordsman!

"Aah! Lord Dodriel! Good luck!

 A male teacher walked into the gymnasium amidst the cries of students hoping for Dodriel's victory and my humiliating defeat. He was momentarily startled by the number of students and their voices, but then, without saying anything, he walked towards us.

Er ...... So, since it is the default time, I would like to begin the duel between Dodriel-Burton and Allen-Rhoddle.

 ...... So, you don't blame me for this situation?

 In a duel, the two sides must be on equal terms.

 Of course, dueling in an away environment like this is not fair or anything.

(The fact that the academy, which is supposed to be neutral, has no say in the situation is ......)

 I'm sure the academy wants to kick me out of here.

(d*mn ......)

 The only thing I could do was bite my teeth at the situation of being under siege.

I can only bite my teeth. I'm sure you're ready to go. Let's begin!

 And so, in the midst of the greatest away from home ever, the start of the duel was announced.

"This won't be over in an instant, will it, Allen? I'm going to beat you slowly ...... until you cry out for forgiveness!

 Dodriel pulled his sword from his waist and smiled lecherously.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

 In response, I also pulled out my sword and placed it in front of my navel. This is the most basic form of kenjutsu - the seigan stance.

 An indescribably heavy atmosphere characteristic of a duel flows through the place.

 In the midst of this, I stared at his sword.

 Even from a distance, I could see the beautiful edge of the blade.
 I remember that he boasted that it was a work of art by some master.

 My sword, on the other hand, is one of the lowest grade swords you can buy anywhere.

(Probably ...... or certainly, I will lose this game)

 There's nothing I can do to compete with him in terms of sword, skill, or talent.

(But you can't just quit here. ......)

 Even I have pride and honor.

(I can't just back down because he mocked my mother. ......)

 I stared into Dodriel's eyes as my heart burned with the will to fight.

 His sword is an offensive sword. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 If you challenge him to a head-on fight, which is his forte, you will never stand a chance.

(Aim for a counter ...... blow for a kill ......!

 That genius is human.

 He makes mistakes, he makes mistakes.

So this fight is all about surviving his onslaught!

 (So in this fight, I'm just going to survive his onslaught!) I'm going to find the briefest of gaps in the fierce sword fights and strike a blow with all my might.

 Even if I can't win, I'll at least wound him.

 This was my strategy.

Come on, .......

 I focused my mind and waited for Dodriel to step in.

 But contrary to my expectations, he didn't attack at all.

 In fact, for some reason, he kept a certain distance from me and did not approach me.

(...... What is it? (What the hell is he up to?

 I'm not sure what to make of it.

Allen, ....... What did you do (・・・・)......?

 This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your vacation.

I'm not sure what you're talking about, ....... I don't understand your question.

You're not going to ...... play dumb with me, you're a failed swordsman.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 I keep him in the center of my field of vision and maintain a straight-eyed stance.

(......Dodriel's mind is not so long.)

 I know him, just as he knows me.

 I know him as well as he knows me. He's short-tempered, he's bored, and he's a genuine genius, but there's no way he can keep up this tedious standoff. He'll probably come at me right now.

 A minute or two passed, and then Dodriel changed his stance.

(...... is coming!)

 The next moment.


 The next moment, "Oooooohhhh!" he shouted and ran towards us in a straight line.


 I was almost overwhelmed by his tremendous spirit, but I kept my mind strong and opened my eyes.

 But what lay there was a sight too funny (・・・・) to be true.


 No matter how long it took, Dodriel did not come at me.

 No, to be more precise, he was coming towards us at a deliberately slow pace, like a child playing chanbara.

(What is this Dodriel guy thinking? ......?)

 The answer to that question was quickly resolved.

(I see, I see. ....... It's not worth taking me seriously. ......

(I see. ) "You're not even worth taking seriously" - that's what he's saying out loud.

 It was frustrating.

 I never thought I'd be falsely accused to this extent.

 I thought he would be serious about at least a duel.

(d*mn you ......)

 After a few seconds of clenching my fists and biting my teeth.

 A few seconds later, Dodriel, who had finally closed the distance between us, began his attack.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

 It was as if he was trying to tell me to avoid him with a series of large and crude thrusts.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

 He evaded with the least amount of movement a series of thrusts that were so slow that he almost yawned.


 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to say. This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with your family and friends.


I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. The next blow will be three times faster than the current one. The next blow will be three times faster.

"No, what are you saying?

 Just when I was about to ask my question.


 I'm not sure if you'll be able to find the right one for you.

 It's not a series of strikes like before, but a single focused thrust.


(...... a little faster, huh?)

 But it was still a blow in the realm of child's play.

 What bothered me more than anything was the fact that Dodriel was so defenseless when he was throwing the thrust.

 It was as if he was provoking her to come at him.

(d*mn you ...... for always making fun of people. ......)

 I swung my sword at him, numbed by his repeated provocations.

I'm not sure what to say.

 In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to know what you think.

 The hall became as quiet as if it had been hit by water. Even the sound of spitting could be heard.

"What about ......?

 A dumb voice escaped from my mouth at the unexpected situation.

"Dodriel Burton out of action! The winner, Allen Rhoddle!

 Even after the referee, a male teacher, announced the result, the gymnasium was filled with a strange silence.

 At this moment, I was convinced.

(It's not a dream. ......?)

 I knew that the billions of years of hell I had spent in that other world were not a dream or an illusion.

The fact that Dodriel's movements seemed unusually slow was in no way due to the fact that he was slacking off,.......

 In fact, I was much stronger than he was!