103 4. The Awakening Brave 1

The surgeon's desire and will values have reached the specified levels.
The ritual's progress rate has reached 99%.
The sorcerer's [Light] output has increased by 999%.
The ability to transfer into phase has been gained.
Analysis in progress.
You are now capable of transferring to the white sephirot.
Do you wish to transfer? Y/N.

 A voice sounded from somewhere.

"Sefi ...... Lotto?

 I muttered, stunned.

 The next moment, my memory came rushing back to me.

 Yes, I've seen something like this before.
 It was also when I was in danger of being annihilated by the attack of Lagios.

 The intense desire to live made Yuno's [Light] stronger.
 He then blended into an alien space called the "Kuro Phase".

 There, he met Chrom again, and a battle ensued.
 He lost his right arm and escaped with his life...

 This time, it seems I can move to the Shiro Phase instead of the Kuro Phase.
 Judging from the name, it seems that this is the world of [Light].

 And if I go to that world, I can become even stronger.

 My instincts told me so.

"Take me there, Holy Sword.

Copy that. Transferring to the Shiro Phase.
Executing ...... end.

 Before he knew it, Yuno was standing in a world of pure white.

"What the hell is this place, ......?
"It seems you have finally arrived, Master.

 Before he knew it, a fat, stocky man was standing beside Yuno.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

The strength of the light is due to the desire of the person. Greed is what you want. The source of will. The stronger it is, the brighter your [light] will be...

 The more it is strengthened, the more his [light] will shine.

"The Master is more aware of his desires than ever before. What you want. What I want. What you want to gain. Think of it more strongly. Then the Master's light will shine forever...
"My desire: ......

 It is not easy to bare one's desire, even if it is said suddenly.

You can't shake it off so easily. It's not that easy to shake off. It's also public knowledge. ......
What do you mean? What do you have to be afraid of?

 Vahle whispers.

'Don't be ashamed of your desires. Admit it and accept it. Then you will gain a greater light, more powerful than anyone else.

 The words were sweetly soaked into Juno's heart.

"Don't be ashamed ......?

 He was once trying to be a clean and brave man.
 He felt guilty that he had bedded Irina from his best friend Chrom.

 At least, in a corner of his mind.

 However, when he was told that Irina had disappeared and turned into a magical beast, Juno's mind began to change.
 Rather than wanting to save her, his ruthlessness to cut her down prevailed.

 There was nothing he could do about Irina's disappearance from his life.
 Then, I'll just switch it up and look for the next one...

 When he thought about it, his true intentions became clear to him.

 You can have as many women as you want.
 Devour them to your heart's content.
 You don't have to try to be pure.

"I'm the hero who saved the world. You can have any woman you want.

 Juno smiled crookedly.

"No, they'll come to me. I'm going to make them all mine. For starters...