93 18 解放の鍵2

"Why am I in the 'Kuro Phase' ......?

 I look around, confused.
 Last time I chose to come here myself.
 But this time, it was so sudden.

"It must be due to the sudden increase in the host's power.

 Rakhshasa smiles lustily.

"What do you mean?

The deeper the darkness, the easier it is to be drawn into this world. This is how deep the darkness has become for the current host. The deeper the darkness, the more likely you are to be drawn to this world.
"Accidental ......?

 So the fact that I'm in this world now is a kind of accident.

...... I'm in the middle of a fight with Margot. I need to hurry back.

 If I disappear from the scene, only Shea and Yurin will be left to face Margo.

 Of course, if they were ordinary opponents, they would be no match for Shea, who has the two powerful skills of [Cut] and [Accelerate], or Yulin, who has the ability of [Majin].

 However, Margo is one of the members who defeated the demon king, Virgalodomus.
 I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it.

I'm sorry, but there are certain steps you need to take in order to leave this world. Unlike when you entered, even the current host can't escape at will.
"Then lead the way. To the exit.

 I said to Rakshasa, discouraged.

 There's a good chance that Shea and Yurin are being attacked by Margo outside even as we speak.
 I have to get back as soon as possible...

"You're worried about them, aren't you?

 Rakhshasa laughs.

"Obedient servant ...... or is it lover?
"Hurry up.

 I glared at her.
 I don't have time for your silly jokes.

There's no need to rush, we can go back to the time line right after the host entered here.

 Rakhshasa soothed me.

I'm not going to lie to you. I won't lie to you. It's forbidden as a terminal.

 Rakshasa bows.

"I will... never betray you. Never.

"Let's take a short walk, my host. There are things I couldn't tell you last time. ......

 The rakshasa told me to walk away and I did.

 The last time I came here, I was in the middle of a battle with Valerie's apprentice, Micah.
 The last time I was here was during a battle with Valerie's apprentice Micah, and in this world I met Juno again.

"Is he here again?
I'm sure you're not the only one. I don't think there will be any such encounter this time.

 And rakshasa.

"I see. ......
"It's just the two of us, my host.

 Rakhshasa took my hand in hers.
 The hand is moist and soft.

 The wet eyes that stared at me had a mysterious glow in them.
 I felt a tingle of s*xiness run down my spine.

...... What are you talking about all of a sudden? I'm not sure if that's what you want to talk about.

 I raised my eyebrows.
 I stared straight at the rakshasa.

I was only joking.

 She grabbed my hand and leaned closer.
 She hugged me from the side, breathing into my ear.

"Don't joke at a time like this.
'I'm sorry, sir. Let's get down to business.

 The rakshasa bowed.

Raksasa bowed and said, "Let's go get the key to unlock the host's power from the abyss.
"What ......?
It's not every day you get the chance to enter the Kuro Phase. You have to get it now.

 The rakshasa looks at me again.
 Slowly she brought her face closer.

 Her lips are about to overlap with mine, and her words come out in a hot breath.

"More power. More power to avenge you.