81 6. The Brave Arrives

 SIDE Yuno

 My lost right arm is aching.

 In the mysterious space called "Kuro Phase (Cliffoto)", Yuno is reunited with his former friends.
 The man who was his best friend and also Irina's lover.
 And the man that Yuno sacrificed to gain his power.

 Crom Walker.

 To Juno, he was a wreckage of the past.
 It appeared to him like a ghost.

 A battle ensued, and Yuno was severely injured, losing his right arm.
 As much as he resented it, the fact that it had appeared now was more than anything else repulsive.

 To him, Chrom's existence was a stain.

 He couldn't let the world know that he had sacrificed his friends to gain his power.
 The glory and honor of the hero who had defeated the Demon King would all fall to the ground.

 That's why Chrom needs to be killed in secret.

 But as it turns out, Juno got her ass kicked.
 I don't know how it happened, but Chrom had gained the power of the Darkness, and was now able to control incredibly powerful skills.

 No matter how many true holy swords Yuno has in his hands, he can't compete with them at his current state.
 He needs to become even stronger...

 Or will he borrow the help of the others and conspire to kill them?


 The one who knocked on my private room and came in was the Goddess of the Rufus Empire.

 She was a beautiful woman in her early twenties with long black hair, white skin and an air of innocence.

 Her name is Janet.
 Although she is young, she is a priestess of high rank, and is said to be an excellent candidate to eventually become a high priestess.

 She acts as a liaison between Juno and the Order in relation to the ceremony for the brave men, and also handles various other miscellaneous matters.
 She was a bit like a secretary.

 Her youthful good looks were somewhat similar to Irina's, and she was Juno's favorite.
 She also seemed to have a strong feeling for him and sometimes approached him in a subtle way.

 He is one of the people she secretly lusts after, hoping to eventually win him over.

 But for now, it seems that the first priority is to hear her report.
 Judging from the way she is changing her expression, it must be a very urgent and serious matter.

"What's the matter, Janet?

 Hiding his ulterior motives, Juno smiled briskly.

"Yes, Mr. Juno. Actually...

 Janet began to speak.

The Demon Lord's army has invaded?
Yes, a huge blue dragon with thousands of demons is heading this way.

 Janet spoke with a pale face.
 Her body is trembling slightly.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

 His desire seems to have increased.
 Just looking at Janet's beautiful face and shapely body made his lower half of his body tingle hotly.

 Janet's face grew more and more pale, as if she didn't have the time to notice the flush of lust on his face.

I heard that another demon army led by a female vampire is invading the neighboring country.
"An all-out attack...?

 Juno growled.
 I'm sure you're not the only one.


 The giant blue dragon is similar in appearance to Latios.
 But," he said, "the giant blue dragon looks like Latios.

I can't help but have a bad feeling about this.

 Uno thought to himself.

I'm not sure what to make of this.
I'm sure you've heard of Falunia, the hero with the holy sword of the stars.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

(That's exciting.)

 I'm sure you'll have a great time.

I understand. I'll cooperate with you to defeat the demon army.

 The whereabouts of his girlfriend Irina are still unknown.
 Juno, who was sad at first, gradually came to terms with the fact that she was already dead.

 It was a shame to lose such a beautiful and innocent lover, but there was nothing he could do.
 I'll just have to find another one.

 My companion, Fara, is a candidate, but there are still plenty of beautiful girls and women in the world.
 Youno, the hero of salvation, is a perfect choice.

You'll have to choose your next lover carefully. (Well, you don't have to choose just one, do you?

 Janet, of course, but I'll put Farnia on the list for now.

 Juno licked her lips and left the table.