65 1 再会

 I was confronted by Margot.

 Margo Lascaeda, hero knight of the Rufus Empire.
 Two years have passed, and he looks no different.

 He's not growing up like Riot, he's not being embraced by multiple men for power like Irina, he's not repeating outrageous magical experiments like Valerie...
 It seems that she is still a hero and continues to fight against the remnants of the Demon King's army.

 But ...... that would be a false appearance.

 If he was truly a hero, he would've objected to sacrificing me two years ago.
 I'll never forget the look of relief and joy on his face when I was sacrificed.

 And now... as expected, you're working with the demons.

What is your aim, Margot?

 I kept a distance of at least 10 meters so that I wouldn't suddenly wipe him out with [fixed damage].

"Shea, Yurin. "Shea, Yurin. If he's about to enter my area of effect, stop him. I don't want to kill him easily.
Yes, sir.
Leave it to me.

The [Subordinate] girls nodded reverently.

 Shea holds up her magic sword with the [Cut] skill, and Yurin's whole body exudes the aura of a demon.
 I'm on the verge of war.

"Why are you still alive, Chrom?

 Margot backed away, her face pale.

And your hair ...... and limbs are so skinny .......
"Surprised at the change in appearance? I couldn't forget my resentment, my hatred for you. That's how I've survived.

 I smirked.

"Why do you have the power of darkness ......? I don't suppose it's because of that ritual...
I'll ask the questions first.

 I released the black chain.

"Agh! I can't move.

 I bind Margot to me.

"But my precious sword...
You will not use it.

 Just as he was reaching for the sword at his waist, I tightened the chains.

I tightened the chains.

 Margo frowned in pain.
 I'm sure his sword, the 77 Shippu Raiou Ken, was a first class magical weapon.
 I don't think it can cut my black chain, but it's best not to let him use it.

"Why are you with the demons, heroic knight?

 I lifted the edge of my mouth sarcastically.

"Well, that's ......

 Margo stammering.

"...... Juno has become too strong. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this. ...... But it's more than just a human power. I've heard that it will eventually go out of control, and this time it will destroy the human world.
You heard that? Heard from who?

 Margot says solemnly.

"To be precise, the source of Juno's light... Nirvana.
"[Nirvana] ......?

 I raised my eyebrows at the first name I heard.

"Do you know ......, Rakshasa?

 And call Rakshasa.

It's the opposite of the abyss, which governs the terminals of the Darkness, my host.

 The black-clad beauty who appeared explained.

I dared to jump into the demon tribe in order to stop Juno from running amok.

 Margo said in a dignified tone.

I have no intention of joining the demons, but I do have some interests that match theirs. That's why I'm working with them, even if it means I'll have to face the stigma of being a knight.

 I don't know how much to believe him.

 He's probably not telling you the hundred percent truth.
 There are probably some lies mixed in.

 But on the other hand, there's a hint that he's telling a mixture of truth and falsehood.

 Let's give him a break.

All right.

 I returned the black chain to my hand and released Margot's restraints.

"Mr. Chrome-......?

 Shea and Yurin stare at me.
 Rakhshasa kept smiling.

"I'm being asked to help the demons. If you're working with the Franjulas, there's no reason to fight for the time being.

 ...... For the time being.
 I'll get my revenge, but I'm going to postpone it for a little while.

 That's what Franjulas said when he invited me to his hideout.
 I have a hint to help you further develop your powers.

 I demanded that he show me the hint, but he said it would take a few days to prepare.

 ...... Are you up to something?

 Or maybe they really are.

 Well, if he's up to it, we'll just smash him.
Fixed damage, all of it.

"If I were to become even more powerful... would it matter? I could use that power to destroy you.

 Franjulous asks.

"You wouldn't do such a deceitful thing, would you? You have to have a very pure heart to be able to keep your reasoning from being consumed by the darkness while letting it fall.
"Is that what ...... is all about?
I have faith in your heart and soul.

 Smiling Frangoulas.

"And consistency. "And the danger. I even find it endearing.
"...... Are you hitting on Master Chrom?
"...... He's always on the lookout. You can never be too careful.

 I don't know why Shea and Yurin are staring at me.

This way, please. I'll show you to your room.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.

We're all in the same room. ......

 I muttered to myself as I was shown to my room.
 The bed was big enough to sleep five people.

If you like, I can provide you with a companion for the night.

 Frangoulas smiled.

"Or perhaps you two would like to be the ones to do it?
Shea's voice trailed off, "Well, well, well, well, well...

 Shea's voice trailed off.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

 Yulin sighs in annoyance.

 No, wait.

I'm sure you're not the only one. It's not like that.
Then I'll get you another woman.

 Franjulas says immediately.

I'll pass.
"Oh? Do you prefer men to women, Master Chrom?
"That's not what I meant.

 I glare at Franjulas, discouraged.