56 17 復讐者のパーティ

 Lock Valerie and Myka up in the magic device and let them suffer for eternity - that's the end of it for them.

 Valerie may no longer be able to recover, but Micah has the [Light], so there's no chance that he'll gain new power and plan some kind of counterattack.

 But since he has a piece of my chain attached to him, if he were to awaken to such power and use it, I would know immediately.
 It's a kind of detector.

 Well, if he's gonna strike back, he's gonna strike back.

 We're leaving the lab.

"Rakshasa, I have a question.

"Rakshasa, I have a question." I ask the beautiful woman who is the Darkness' terminal.

"Yes, my host?

 A beautiful woman in a jet-black dress appears as if oozing from the void.

What was the last technique that Micah used, and what was it?

 A spear that is a mixture of black and gold bounces off my [fixed damage] scales.
 This is the first time that I've ever been able to resist the fixed damage that Mycah's skills could not counter.

 In the end, with the help of Shea and Yurin, we were able to defeat him, but... .
 If Yuno had acquired the same kind of power, it would be troublesome.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what you need to do.

 Rakhshasa said.

"[Chaos] ......?
It's a very powerful skill that combines the attributes of both light and dark. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your time and money.
"Could I do the same thing?
"It's possible.


But... since the host is under the spell of the Dark Chain, the use of his skills will be severely restricted. It will not be easy for you to wear or use Chaos.
I see. ......
But if you can wear it, it will give you a big advantage when fighting against those who have the [Light].

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

In the country that the humans call the Principality of Liju, there are ancient ruins scattered around. In one of them.

 Sure enough, Rakshasa smiled and said.

"However, in order to obtain it, the host must go through a series of trials.
"Trials: .......

 I took a small breath.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to have to.

 But that doesn't mean I can't be careful.

 Just as my Darkness is growing in power, his Light might be growing in strength.
 I want to make sure I have the power to defeat him.

 I can't die if he comes back at me.

So the next destination is the Principality of Liju.

 The next destination is the Principality of Lij, the home of the female swordsman Fara, one of the brave party.
 It seemed to me that I could achieve two goals at once: gaining more power and taking revenge on Fara.

 Fortunately, we were on the border between Larva and Riju.
 It was only a short distance to the duchy.

"May I have a word with ...... you, Master Chrom?

 Shea spoke from the side.

 ...... Hmm?
 You'll be able to get a lot more than that.

I'm not sure what to make of it. You can see the figure very clearly. ......
...... Oh, by the way, I never introduced you.

 In the event that you're not sure what to do, you'll be able to always ask for help.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. It's called a terminal or something like that, but ...... its name is Rakshasa.

 I said to both of them.

"Greetings again, ......, [subordinates].

 Rakhshasa pinched the edge of her black skirt and bowed gracefully.

 Then she wrapped her arms around me again.
 A soft swell of her breasts pressed against my arms.

"...... aren't you getting too attached to Master Chrome?

 Shea's face became more and more grumpy.

"You're jealous, Shea. ...... You're so cute.

 Yulin smiled.

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to say. I'm, I'm...

 Shea immediately waved her hands as if in a panic.

"You're getting cuter.
You're so fresh. I'm sure you'll be able to find something to suit your needs.
"A mature woman. ......

 She repeats Rakhshasa's words and mumbles.

I have no experience with such things myself, but I do have a lot of knowledge from the various hosts I've seen ....... I can show you later if you like.

 And rakshasa.

 ...... Hey, what are you talking about?

I'm sure it'll help you seduce your host.
"Tempting Master Chrom .......
Oh, Miss Shea, your nose is bleeding!
"Oh my God, I imagined it. ...... Oh my God, ...... I'm so embarrassed.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

"You're all sorts of cute. ......

 I muttered with a sigh.

 My friends (party)...