54 15 従属と制裁1

"Make Yurin my subordinate. ......
"Of course, this will only work if the will of both you and her match.

 I was surprised, but Rakshasa explained.

I'm not sure what to do.
 It's an object to which I, the one with the Darkness in me, have given a portion of my power.

 The relationship is established when I acknowledge the other party and the other party also shows a willingness to obey me.

If you can save Yurin, I have no objection. The rest is...
I also have no objection to ....... ......

 Under his labored breath, Ulin spoke.

I don't have any objection to ," said Yuling under a labored breath, "Mr. Chrom sealed Valerie and saved many of the test subjects. You sealed Valerie and saved many of the test subjects. I can follow you. I will obey ....... ......

 As she said this, the blood drained from her face.
 Her dull eyes were dull, and she must have already lost consciousness.

"That's enough. Don't say anything else.

 I restrained Yurin and looked back at Rakshasa.

"You heard him. I'll make Yurin a subordinate.
"Yes, sir. Then...

 She extended her white hand straight out.
 The black chain entwined in it crunched.

"Confirm the sorcerer's will. Yuling Ernes is recognized as the sorcerer's [subordinate].

 A black and purple particle overflowed from the chain and sprayed onto Yurin's right leg.

"Hmmm... ......

 A small gasp from Yulin.

My foot is ...... hot.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. From now on, you are the servant of your host.

 And Rakshasa.

"Next, I will grant you the [Darkness] skill.
"What skill should I give them to save Yurin?
"Demonization, my host.

 Rakhshasa answered my question.

"[Demonization] ......?
"It's a variation of the [Hexenbiest] you gave Irina Valim before. It is possible to acquire the supernatural abilities and life force of a demon while retaining the basic human form, will and reason, without becoming an ugly demon beast.

 Rakhshasa explains.

"So... you're saying that Ulin will no longer be human?
The only way for her to survive is to gain the life force of a demon.

 You can find a lot more information on this topic at ....... You can either die as a human being or become a demon and survive.

I'm not sure what to do.
The [Hexenbiest] is a skill that can be canceled at the will of the host, but the [Hexenbiest] is a completely permanent skill, just like the [Fixed Damage]. I'm sure you'll agree.

 I'm not sure what to do.

I'm fine with that,......,......," he said.

 Ulin said breathlessly.
 I'm fine with that,," Ulin said breathlessly, his face slowly beginning to show signs of death.

 If this continues, you will die...

"Please ...... me .......

 Her burnt face was in a desperate expression.

 I want to live.
 I don't want to die.

 I could feel her strong will.

"I understand.

 I made up my mind.

I'll give [Subordinate] Yulin the [Demonize] skill.

"This is ...... me ......?

 Yulin stood up.

 As expected of a demon....
 I'm not sure if you'll be able to find the right one for you.

 The maid's dress that was covered in blood is now without a single stain.

 I looked at Yurin again, but there was no change in her appearance.

 It's just... the atmosphere is different.
 She was still the innocent little girl, but her whole body was emitting a miasma of evil.

"How are you feeling?
"Yes, I'm fine now. I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger.
"No. No. ......

 I heard a scream.

 It's Mayka.
 It was Mayka. She was crawling desperately with her shattered limbs, trying to escape.

"You think I'm going to let you go?

 Against my will, a black chain yanked on his body.
 I lifted him into the air and locked him in a crucifixion-like pose.

 Mayka could not escape any further.

 I thought I'd just wipe her out with [Fixed Damage], but then I changed my mind.

 If I use the chain, I can carry Micah even if I'm not strong enough.

"Shea, Yuling. Let's go back to Valerie's lab.

 I'll take Mayka there and punish her.

 Sage compartment.
 He's locked up in the far end of the place where Valerie keeps her research data.

"Aaaaah ......, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ......!

 In the black crystal, Valerie was twisting and screaming.
 This crystal is a magical device that continues to inflict permanent pain on the people inside.
 Her tendons had been severed and she had lost her magic power, so escape was impossible.

"Oh, Master Valerie ......!

 Myka groaned in grief.
 I'm restraining her body with black chains.

 I stood more than ten meters away from Mayka and Valerie so that I wouldn't accidentally blow them away.

"Kuro ......m......

 Valerie looked at me and gave me a sullen look.

"You forgive me, ......, you came to get me out of here, .......

 Her voice was weak.

 You're an idiot, this guy.
 There's no way I'm going to forgive you.

"Please, please, help me. ...... It hurts, I'm sick of it. ...... Please, please, please, ...... Please, please, please, please, please, please, please... ...
"Well, you're in pain. I pity you.

 I smiled.

"Oh, thank you, Chrome. ......
"Your apprentice did a terrible thing to my people, to my village. I'm going to hold you, my master, accountable for your misdeeds.

 I turned my smile into a sneer.

"You will suffer even more, Valerie. Along with your beloved apprentice...