47 8 黒の位相1

"Please refer to me as Rakshasa from now on.

[Darkness] suggested abruptly.

"Rakshasa, ......?
"Isn't it too complicated to be called Darkness forever? Originally, [Darkness] was a concept of power. I'm only a part of it.

 Smiling woman.

"I've never had a host who could embody so much. Therefore... I would like you to know my true name.
I don't care what you call me. But if that's what you want, I'll call you that.

 I said to Rakshasa, aka the Darkness.

 I walked out into the wilderness with her.

 It's a very slow walk because my legs are failing me.
 Rakhshasa walks with me, keeping pace with me.

 All around me, the wilderness continues to look the same.

 A black phase (cli-photo).

 Like the gravestone hill I had wandered into before, this place was also a scene with a sense of desolation.
 The cloudy weather and the dimness of the surroundings also added to the atmosphere.

 Occasionally, a dark lightning bolt would strike the black sky.
 The lightning suddenly disappeared with a blinding flash.

"That was...

 It didn't feel like a lightning strike.
 It was as if it had been sucked into space.

"A part of the darkness is flowing into another time or another world.


"Or perhaps there is someone like you who wears the Darkness and wields its power.
Just like me. ......
"The times and the world may change, but human karma does not.

 The rakshasa smiles.

 Human karma .......
 I guess my vengeance is one of them.

Let's take a break around here.

 After two hours of walking, Rakshasa pointed to the shade of a huge rock.

It will be difficult for your frail body to travel for such a long time.
"...... Yes.
'You won't feel hungry here, but fatigue will accumulate as it does in this world. Sleep well.

 The rakshasa said.

'If you wish, I can perform a fairy tale for you.

 He looked back at Rakshasa.

'Just kidding.

 The [Darkness] woman smiled and raised her index finger.

 I was a little surprised at her mischievous mood.
 I didn't know she had this side to her.

"It doesn't sound like a joke, so stop it.
I was thinking of giving you a hug if you get on board.

 The rakshasa smiles lustfully.
 I don't know how serious you are, you unreadable woman.

The girls you were with would be furious with you.
"Shea and Ulin? I don't think they'd be angry.
"You should learn more about the subtleties of human emotion than just anger and hatred, my host.
"...... What are you talking about?
"Especially about the maiden's heart.

 I've been inhabiting you for two years.

It's been two years since I've been inhabited by you. ...... You've gained a lot of power.

 Rakhshasa suddenly changed the subject.

I've never forgotten my resentment and hatred towards them. I'm not sure what to make of that.
"Thanks to you, I can talk to you like this. I'm glad you can see me.

 True to her word, Rakshasa's eyes narrowed with happiness.
 I noticed a weeping mole under her right eye.

"You've been inhabited by many people before?
"Oh, you're jealous?
"...... Why should I be jealous of you?

 I was a little resentful.
 The rakshasa looked at me and for some reason seemed to enjoy it.

'Well, yes. I've dwelled in hundreds of thousands of people and brought about [darkness]. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, and what you can do to help.

 Rakshasa explained.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not. Some of them even collapsed the moment they took me in.

 She says with a smile, "That's horrible.

I wonder if having [darkness] means that the burden and wear and tear on your body and mind is more severe than you thought.
 I myself don't feel any kind of burden or exhaustion from using this power, but....

I've never felt any kind of burden or weariness from using this power myself, but..." "In your case, you seem to be getting your power from the darkness. It's a good thing that you're not the only one who has a problem with this.

 Rakhshasa explains.

"I was supposed to ...... die ......?

 I thought the effect of the ritual was to deprive me of my magical powers and severely weaken my body.

 But it's not.
 I was supposed to be sucked dry and die...?

"Your physical abilities may be significantly diminished, but your vitality far exceeds that of a normal person. Don't worry.

 Rakhshasa took my hand.
 Both hands, surprisingly warm, wrapped around my bony hands.

I will continue to do my best for you, my host. Please wield [darkness] to your heart's content.

 After resting, we begin to move forward again.
 We walked for a few hours, rested, and walked for a few more hours...and then we saw a huge lake ahead of us.

"We're here, my host.

 Rakhshasa pointed at the lake.

"Is that our destination?

 The being that's supposed to lead me to more darkness.
 I wonder if it's here?

 Rakhshasa nodded quietly at my question.

That lake is the center point of the Kuro Phase. And at the bottom of it...

 Rakshasa said in a reverent tone.

The source of the darkness... [Naraku] is lurking there.