39 17 勇者と女剣士2


 Yuno's sword was pulsating violently.
 From the tip of the holy sword, a torrent of glowing white energy overflows.

 Squishy .......

 The space in front of him was greatly distorted.
 Beyond that... you can see what looks like a black stain.

What the hell is that?
It seems that the door to the black phase (cli-photo) is about to open. It's interfering with me as well.

 I heard a voice from the holy sword.

 No, to be precise, it's like a will that resides in the holy sword.
 It's simply called [light].

"Cli ...... photo?
It's a sign that the power of the Darkness is being maximized somewhere.
"The ...... power of darkness.
It may be a threat incomparable to the remnants of the Demon Lord's army. I'm not sure what to make of it.

 [Light] to announce.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
I'm not sure about ......, but for now I'll focus on the enemy in front of me.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.
 I'm going to repeat what I just said in my head.

(No, just turn your attention to the battle. ......!

 Yuno re-focused his energy.

"Let's go, [Light]. Give me great power!
"Yes, Master.

 As always, the voice of the holy sword is reliable.

 As long as I have this sword, I will not be defeated by any enemy in the world.
 It has defeated even the most powerful demon lord, Virgalodomus.

 Compared to that, no matter how powerful Ragios is...

I'm the one who will win.

 The glow from the holy sword enveloped Juno's entire body.
 I'm not sure what to do with it.

It's the emblem that proves you're a brave man of light.

 At the same time, power surged through his body.

 I can win...
 I can crush any enemy on earth with a single blow.
 Such overwhelming confidence arose in me.


 With a golden aura around him, Yuno kicked the ground.
 In the blink of an eye, he leaps above Ragios' head.

"How fast...?

 He left Raguio's surprised voice behind.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

But ...... is .......

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm not sure what to say.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before.
 I'm not sure what to do.

"No... not yet!

 Fara shouted in warning.

"What? ......?

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

 It seems that the dragon demon was still alive after the blow it had just received.
 It had tremendous vitality.

I'm not sure if that's the Barrier Crest...

 There was something shining on Ragios' forehead.

The "Barrier Crest".
 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 In the past, when they fought against the Demon King, Yuno and the others were equipped with it and survived the onslaught.
 It is said that the demon dragon had that treasure tool embedded in his forehead.

 Even with the holy sword Arcweis, the damage from a single blow is about 6,000.
It is impossible to defeat the Seal of the Demon with a single slash.

If it weren't for this treasure, I would have been defeated. That's great, brave man.

 Ragios laughs.

"d*mn ......!

 The enemy was already in position to launch the next Dragon Breath.
 The enemy was already in position to fire another Dragon Breath.

 It's been half a year since his battle with the Demon King, and his actual battle experience with strong opponents had dulled.

 In the past, he would not have let his guard down even after the previous blow.

"Oh no, ......!

 Juno's expression tightened in fear.

 Am I going to die here ......?

 Fear fills his mind with blackness.

 I hate this.

 I don't want to die.
 I've saved the world and earned endless glory.
 I was supposed to be able to live happily with the woman I love.

 No... even if she doesn't work out, with your position and achievements as a hero, you'll have more women than you know what to do with.
 Wealth and honor are at your disposal.

 I want to live.
 I want to live. .......

 I want to live...!

"Now go away, hero...

 "Get out of here, hero..." A shining breath shot out of Lagios' mouth.

 Just before that...

I'm not going to be able to do that.

 Juno's will burst.

 At the same time, the golden aura swells up with explosive force.

The surgeon's desire and will values have reached the prescribed levels.
The ritual's progress rate has reached 85%.
The surgeon's Light output has increased by 666%.
Limited ability to transfer into phase has been gained.
Analysis in progress.
Transferring to the Shiro Phase (Sephirot) is difficult under current conditions.
The door to the Kuro Phase (Clifton) is already open and can be accessed.
"At the time of the sorcerer's crisis, as an emergency evacuation procedure, I will transfer to the inside of the [Kuro Phase].
In progress.

"What the heck is this ......?

 Youno expressed his confusion.

 I've been fighting with the holy sword for two years, but this is the first time I've heard such a nonsensical message.

"No, no.

 Yes, I've heard a similar message once before.

 I'll never forget that.
 That was when I sacrificed a chrome and got the power of light in return.

"Execution complete.
"The sorcerer is transferred into the Kuro Phase.
This transfer is limited, and you will be forced to return to your original location after 666 minutes.
After your return, please attempt to eliminate the current threat or flee as soon as possible.

"What the hell is going to happen?

 At the same time that Yuno groaned, his vision went dark.

 The next moment, he was standing in a strange place.

"This is ......!

 Numerous grave markers on a small hill.

 And about 20 meters beyond that...
 A young man with silver hair, wearing a black hood and cloak, was standing there.

 A chilly wind fluttered at his hem.
 His entire body was covered in black scales.

"You ...... are ......?

 It was a face I knew well.

 A man I once traveled with as a companion.
 The man I used to call my best friend.
 The man Juno had betrayed.

"You're not ...... ......?

The brave man of light groaned in dismay.

I'm not sure what to do.