36 14 探求の終焉

 SIDE Valerie

 Valerie was five years old when she first encountered magic.

 She was a magical genius, and her talent blossomed at a tremendous rate.

 He was only eight years old when he became the court magician of the Duchy of Liju.
 Since then, he has been obsessed with the study and exploration of magic.

 She was fascinated.
 I was fascinated by the mysterious power of magic.

 I wanted to explore it more deeply than anyone else.

 More than any other wizard in history.
 That's what Valerie wanted, that's what she dreamed of.

 And Valerie studied darkness in particular.

 The root of magic lies in the darkness...
 If she could unravel the darkness and make it her own, then she would naturally be able to reach the truth of magic.

 The first of these experiments was conducted two years ago.

 The forbidden spell, the Chain of Darkness.

 I sacrificed my disciples at the time and let the Darkness manifest in this world.
 The light that appeared at the same time was given to the hero Yuno.

 He explained to the party that the purpose of the spell was to strengthen the heroes, but Valerie's real purpose was to make the【Darkness】appear.
 Based on this data, he immersed himself in even deeper research.

 Even after defeating the Demon King, he stayed in his research facility near the border between the Duchy of Liju and the Kingdom of Larva, and worked relentlessly.
 He kidnapped nearby residents one after another and repeatedly experimented on them, and took a number of talented apprentices to help him with his research.

 He also took apprentices to help him with his research, although he did so in order to satisfy his s*xual proclivities. .......

 During the next two years, his research progressed by leaps and bounds.
 Soon, he would be able to uncover the darkness - the moment when his dream would come true was approaching.

 And then his dream was shattered in an instant.

"Nonsense ......, this is ......!

 Valerie groaned in shock.

 The burning magic that had filled her just a moment ago was gone.


 It's impossible.

 It can't be.

 Desperately, you try to deny the nightmarish reality.
 Trying hard to deny the hopelessness of what happened to you.

 But I still couldn't feel the magic inside me.

 It had vanished.
 The source of the magic Valerie had spent her life chasing was gone.

 The magic power that was essential for her to study magic was gone.

Don't be ridiculous. ......! You're almost there to make my dream come true,......, but what the hell? I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm sure it's worth it. Give me back my magic ...... and my dreams ......!


"Don't be silly, ......! You're almost at the point where my dream is about to come true,......, and this is it? I'm not sure what to make of this. Give me back my magic ...... and my dreams ......!

 Oh, yes.
 That's what I wanted to hear from you.

 The anger, the sadness, the loss, the despair I felt two years ago.
 I know you're going through the same thing right now, just in a different form.

How are you feeling, Valerie?

 I look down at my former mentor and smile.

"How does it feel to have everything you hold dear ruthlessly trampled upon and taken from you?
"You ......!

 Red tears streamed down from Valerie's eyes.
 Tears of blood.

"You little bastard, you've ruined my dream of making history. ...... Ohhhhhhhh!

 The wailing became an inarticulate scream, then a strangled cry, and finally a ragged breath.

 Valerie must have known.
 What's lost can never be regained.

 His magic would never return.

Her lifelong quest for magic was over.

 I was amused.
 A deep, dark joy.

"You've lost what you valued most, your goals and purpose in life have been destroyed. ...... You can live with that. You can't live with despair.

 The rest... well, let's just lock him up in there.

 He can't die, and he'll spend the rest of his life in mental and physical pain.

"Shea, can you do one more thing for me?

 I turned to the submissive girl.

 It's time to finish.