18 8 復讐者と聖女2

Now, please take off your hood.
"...... Okay.

 I lifted my hood.

 Silver hair and a mask covering my eyes.
 There must not be much of the me of two years ago.

 Next to me, Shea also lifted her hood.
 Like me, she has a mask covering her eyes.

"You are .......

 Irina tilted her head slightly.
 I think she's trying to remember who I am.

 The change in hair color, the emaciation of my limbs... the image of the man I once was is gone.
 The atmosphere that I wear has changed as well.

 But there's still a chance he'll recognize my voice.
 I try to keep my voice low to camouflage myself.

"......, how can I help you?

 Irina's demeanor was that of a new acquaintance.
 I guess she doesn't know who I am.

 Or have you forgotten about me?
 Or have you forgotten about me, the woman who would switch men and sleep with any man to achieve her ambitions?

 Irina's expression changed slightly.
 Her eyes narrowed slightly while her smile remained clean and serene.

 She's trying to do something.

 I can feel her growing hostility towards me.
 In all fairness, we used to be lovers.
 I've got a pretty good idea what he's going to do.

 Well, it doesn't matter what he's trying to do.

 The next thing I knew, black flames were shooting up from around me.


 Irina raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Master Chrom, was that ......?
"It's Irina's high-level spell. It's Irina's high level spell.

 I'm not sure if you'll be able to tell me what that is.

"She tried to kill us just like she killed that Barnes guy with a brainwashing spell. Probably with a good excuse to everyone around.

 I sniffed and looked at the saint.

I sniffed and looked at the saint. "Pretending to listen to my requirements and then attacking me with magic. That's a pretty good characterization, Irina.

 But it doesn't work on me.

 The EX Skill [Fixed Damage] includes the effects of all those who are hostile to me.
 I'm not sure what to make of this.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.

"...... What are you talking about?

 The saint has a puzzled expression on her face.
 Of course, this expression is an act.

 I'm not sure if I'm going to keep my mouth shut.
 You've got a good heart.

"I'll tell you two things.

 I said, keeping my eyes on her.

One, no attack of yours will ever get through to me. And secondly, if you get within ten meters of me, you will die instantly.
What are you ......?
I'm warning you. I don't want you to die easily.

 With that, I took a step closer to Irina.

 Just one step.
 Not one more step.

 Now, let the vengeance begin...

"Shea, destroy the weapons of all guards.
It's a threat. There's no need to kill anyone but Irina. The rest, as we discussed.
"Yes, sir.

 Shea bows reverently.

 Then she drew her sword and held it ready.
 The blade is surrounded by a black aura.
The skill of "cutting" was put into the sword.

"You guys!
What are you doing to the saint?

 I'm not sure what to do.

If they get too close, I'll use my skills to kill them. Get it over with before they do. Can you do that?
"As you command, Master Chrom.

 My knightly ways are beginning to wear thin, Shea.

You're in my way.

 I'm not sure what to do.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.
 A black energy wing grew on both of her legs.

The power of [Darkness], the sword of [Cutting], and the ability to move with [Acceleration].
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

I'm not sure what to say.

 They stood there dumbfounded.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

 I'm not sure what to do.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

As you can see. If you come within 10 meters of me, you will be destroyed. Any entity that opposes me will be equally destroyed.

 I look around at the guards.

"Ugh. ......
What the hell are these ......?
"What are they, ......?" "Monsters, ......?

 They retreated as if pressured.

"Stay away if you want to save your life.

 I said, giving Shea a look.

"Stick to the plan. I'll catch up with you later.
Yes, sir.

 Shea nodded and closed in on Irina.

"Yikes. ......

 The screaming saint.

 Shea walked behind her at super speed and bound her.
 She pressed the blade against her neck.

You know ...... what will happen if you try anything strange.
"Ugh .......

 Irina's face scrunched up and she nodded.

 If she tried to use the no-casting spell, Shea would cut her neck before she could.
 With Irina's resistance blocked, Shea exited the enclosure.

"You too. Get close and you die. You'd better get the hell out of here.

 I announced to the crowd.

 Seeing as how the sword had been obliterated by [Fixed Damage] earlier, it should be obvious that 'approach and die' was not a threat.
 The crowd immediately fled as if they were spiders.

 Shea took Irina and rode away on the horse she had prepared in advance.
 I, too, used my skills to control the guarding knights, and set off on horseback a little later.

 After a few dozen minutes of riding, we arrived at the place we had discussed in advance.

 It was an old abandoned church.

 It is ironic that the place to judge the saint of Larva is the church of Larva.

"I'll be out of the way here.

 I entered the church.

 At the far end of the chapel, in front of the altar, are Shea and Irina.
 I faced them at a distance of about 15 meters.

"What the hell are you doing to me, ......?

 Her voice is trembling.

What are you? What do you want?
"Me? Don't you know exactly who I am?

 I slowly unmask myself.
 For the first time in two years, I face my former lover with my true face.

 Irina's gaze locked with mine.

 A few moments of silence.

 I felt as if the air was gradually becoming heavier, colder, and more concentrated.

"No way.

 I could see Irina gasp.

"You can't be...

 You're not..." Her voice trembled and faltered.

"Chrome ......? No, but you were alive when ......
"I was alive. Thanks to you, I have power. You made me resent you. Burning hatred.

 Desperate and vengeful.

It's time for judgment, my saint.

"Chrom, please ...... don't do anything terrible.

 Irina said in a trembling voice.
 Shea pressed her sword against his neck, blocking his movement.

Please, talk to me. ......
"All right. Then let's hear what you have to say.
Chrome. ......?
I need you to tell me the truth. Tell me why I was chosen for sacrifice. I want to know why you asked me to marry you that day.
Well, that's .......

 Irina's face paled.

"You understand the effects of my skills, don't you? And that I killed Riot.
You're a high-ranking monk. You're a high priest, you can sense the darkness I'm carrying, can't you?

 I looked at her.

"Irina, you have my permission to use the sensing spell. However, if you use any other spell I will kill you immediately.

 My gaze pierces the saint's.

...... I understand.

 Irina cast a monk-type sensing spell.
 It's for measuring the hatred, despair, and darkness that resides in me.

This ......?

 The blood immediately drained from Irina's face.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
I'm not sure what to make of this. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it.
"Oh, Chrome ......, I was wrong. It's all because they seduced me...
I'm not looking for excuses. I want the truth.

 I coldly interrupted Irina's reeling words.
 Irina immediately stopped talking.


 Silence reigned.

 You know that resistance is futile.
 You understand that resistance will get you killed.

"I understand. ......

 Irina opened her mouth reluctantly.