198 突然な告白。

Ayla's next. It might be a little heavy for Ayla, but here's her shield. I tried my best to make it look like Aigis's shield, but it was impossible.
It's not as good as a shield, but when you hold it up, it creates a sphere of protection all around you. Keep in mind that the more forward the shield is, the stronger the warding will be.
Oh, ......... and by the way, you can prevent Magialus from attacking you from behind with all his might. Thank you!

Thank you very much! You can protect your sister and everyone else with this!

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. She pats his head and then turns to Victinius.

I've been thinking about what to give Victinius. He's not very good at fighting, and neither is Ira, so I came up with this armor.
In short, like Ira's shield, it wards and protects the entire perimeter, but this armor is made in the same way, but the wards reflect some of the attacks. ............. I'm sorry.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

It's not a bad idea. ......... Hmm? You're not happy about it. I'm sorry.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to try.

It's not that I'm not happy. ......... Well, here's the thing: ......... Victinius! I have something important to tell you!

What? What?

"Well, I want you to see to it that all the gods of Arstetia here ....

The gods, sensing something, stepped back and straightened their posture. The only one here who doesn't know what's going on is the confused Victinius in front of him.

"Here, sister. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

"What? ............ yeah ............. Yeah.

Ever since I came to this world, Victinius has always been concerned about me, hasn't he? It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it. .

"I miss .......... But I'm just a person.

But I'm just a person, and I can't walk with Victinius for ...... ever, so I thought. "Yeah.

"Yeah. Yeah.

"But you know, the other day, ......, that was like four years ago. You're a god now, aren't you?

Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

I'm not sure what to say.

Ayla Sephira, who can't stand to see him, literally slaps Masaru's ass. You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

......... You've been a goddess to me since that night. "Hmmm.

"Hmmm, I've been a goddess since the beginning.

Oh! You're right. ......... Well, Victinius! I've seen a lot of people and gods in my life, and there have been women (people) that I thought were beautiful to my senses! But you're the only one I've found beautiful enough to be emotionally charged. I love you ......... and I want to be with you forever!

He kneels down and gently holds out the ring in his hand.

I want you to marry me. I want you to marry me.

I love you! I want to live forever with you. ......... I want to live forever with you. I want to live forever with you. I want to live forever with you.

He held out his left hand to Victinius, who gently slipped the ring onto his ring finger. Then he felt something connect in Victinius and in Masaru.

"Was that ......?

The world seems to have blessed us, too.

......... world. ...... Oh, by the way, when you said eternity, did you mean that God never dies?

No, God has a life span and will die. No, God has a life span and will die, but it's only much longer than human life. ...... It means that we will live together until one day when we will be far away for a long time. It means we will live together for a long, long time.

So we're just like people. ....... With people?

Yes, we are. Yes, we are.

And so Masaru and Victinius gazed at each other softly until Isla Sephira was so overcome with emotion that she hugged him.