151 Development and education...

"Well, it's hard to make economic progress or change your life right away, right? So I have a suggestion. I have a suggestion.

A suggestion? Well, that's great, but is there any kind of magic that can effectively change people's lives... you mean like God?

Oh, no, not really. I'm afraid that if we use the power of a god, we'll end up destroying the nobility. No.

Don't do this, ........., the country will collapse. I don't know.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea. ...But in addition to that, children are required to learn letters and calculations. I'm thinking of creating a study abroad program as an extension of that. "Study abroad?

"Study abroad? What does that mean?

Well, first of all, we'd like them to stay in Vintaria for the purpose of learning new knowledge and new skills. What does that mean?

"Isn't that expensive?

Axiom's uneasy expression made Masaru wonder if he had pushed her too hard on taxes and money.

No, let's keep it cheap. Let's treat the current education as an investment in the future. The most important thing is to let them feel the difference between the current standard of living in the Kingdom of Greitas and that of Vintaria. I'm sorry.

"Oh, .......... I'm sorry.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm not sure what to say, but I think it's a good idea. You're originally from the Kingdom of Greytas, aren't you?

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea. And the people are poor, and there aren't many people smiling. And the people are poor.

"You're hesitantly ragging on me... I wasn't going to say that much either. .... "Hey!

Hey! I didn't mean to say that.

No, go on. No, go on.

Masaru and Adelina pointed out that the Kingdom of Greitas might have done something wrong. I'm not sure what to say.

I know you're going to focus on the military because you're carving out a life for yourself in a land of demons. That's why I believe that the development of technology for daily life should be the top priority. But we can't afford it.

But there's no room for anyone else, is there?

That's the thing. If the military and its industries need people, why can't other professions have technologies that are easier and require fewer people? Eating is the basis of human life, and if we neglect that industry, the population will increase and there will be a shortage of food due to military activities. Have you ever thought about what would happen if you put the military first in such a situation? Do you think that peasants without power will not revolt?

"........................... ............. "

Adelina and Aksyon were beginning to feel like they were at a wake, as if the current structure of the country was being denied.

The first thing to do is to adjust the taxes. Are the taxes really appropriate? Are merchants doing the right kind of business? Are they exploiting the weak by taking advantage of their position of strength? As long as they are paying us taxes, can they act properly in case of emergency? There are a number of issues to consider. "Wait a minute!

"Wait a minute! Isn't it all about enriching the farmers now? What about the rest of us?

What do you think will happen if the peasants get richer? If they have money, will they hoard it?

I don't know what would happen to the peasants. I don't know.

Axiom frowned.

I don't know how the farmers live." Axiom frowned, "They can't eat their fill of bread because most of the grain they worked so hard to grow outside the city walls is taken to pay taxes and make money. They eat one loaf of the hardest black bread, soggy with a thin soup with few ingredients. You can't eat a full loaf of bread.

"Peasants are also the only ones with a noticeably lower life expectancy when disease and war deaths are excluded. This is not only because of their diet, but also because they cannot afford to see a doctor due to their lack of money. Incidentally, there are cases where people are denied access to doctors because they are farmers.

......... No, that's not true. .......... Axiom.

It seems that Axiom really didn't know the realities of peasant life, and his face is very pale.

And when those farmers get rich they first buy food. They buy tools to make their work easier. When they have all these things, they try to expand their farmland. ......... In other words, money goes into the workshops that make the food and tools, and into the stores that sell them, and those people are enriched. In other words, artisans and merchants. The more land is developed, the more guards will be needed, and these people will also be enriched... of course, there will be times when the construction companies will be consulted. More crops means more haulers, and more haulers means more taxes. I see.

"I see... that's a lot of money for a lot of people. I see.

Well, even if the top gets rich, a few merchants and aristocrats still get all the money. There's no need for new technology because there's nowhere else to spend it and the money comes in the same way without any effort. We don't need new technology.

"Are you also causing stagnation in thinking and technology? .... I don't know.

Both Adelina and Axiom are unusually personable and receptive to the opinions of others...

I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm sorry.

In the event that you're in a position to do this, you'll be able to do so with the help of a professional.

We're going to start education and training programs, technology development, and staffing services at Vintaglia, so I guess that's a summary. I guess that sums it up.

"So... it's all about advertising, huh?

"Yes, advertising. Yes, advertising. We have to convince people of the need and get them to come. Oh, shit.

"d*mn... you just blew away all my gratitude at the last minute. .... I'll be back.

In the end, the meeting ended in a moderately relaxed atmosphere.