138 儚い犠牲

"We're going to ride this to King's Landing!

The test drive with Zita and Mei, and their very high praise, made Adelina believe in the safety of the car and look at it with anticipation.

"Isn't this fun? This will get us to King's Landing safely and very quickly!

"This is amazing! ...Oh, that's not a shell in the front, is it?

Oh, it's a bumper, made of metal, just in case. The bumper is made of metal just in case it's too light to be stable. Think of it as a weight to stabilize you. I see.

"I see! Weight! Weights!

Oh, shit. What?

What? What did you say?

No? I think you're imagining things.

Oh, my God. .......... Yeah.

Of course, the bumper is the car's protective gear for safety in the event of a collision, but this time, Masaru did not expect to hit anything in the environment, rather, the strength and structure of the bumper is more like a weapon than protective gear, but no one knows. It's not a Japanese road, but an unpaved wilderness full of demons, so it can't be helped.

I'm not sure what to make of this. Do you think you can handle it?

I'll make it work! I'll make it work! I mean, I need you to make it work!

Can I borrow Guy if I can?

What? Guy... he's good, right? I'm not the best with paperwork. Okay.

Oh, yeah, that's a relief. Okay.

What are you up to?

I'm not scheming. It's just, if Adelina's going to be queen, who else is going to have to be informed?

Oh, ......, that one. Is he gonna be okay?

He'll be fine. We'll figure it out.

Then I went with Adelina to a room in the temple that had been completely transformed into an office.

"Hey, Guy... you don't like paperwork, do you?

Yes, I am. I don't like this kind of work. "Hey!

"Hey! What do you mean?

Cook's interrupting me, but I'll let it slide this time.

What do you think? I have a job for you.

I'll do anything to get out of doing paperwork!

Oh, really? Will you take it? Good, good, good. Good.

I have a bad feeling about this!

"Take Wayne on an errand to Portarym. What?

What? You're taking my brother?

He was higher in rank than you when he was a member of the Order. What's the errand?

So, what's the errand?

"Order a barrel of the finest salt in Portarym. That's it?

That's it?

"That's it?" Guy looks disappointed. "That's it? You idiot!

"Right. Since we're using two elite horsemen, please report to my uncle. I, Adelina, can't go back to Portalyme. I'm going to be queen there! Tell him. Tell her I'll be queen over there.

And if she's coming, tell her I'm on my way to King's Landing and she should come to Vinteria. We'll probably cross paths. We'll probably cross paths.

Guy's cheeks break out in a weird sweat. ....

I'm running!

I'm going with you. Why would Wayne let you go? He's got a family in this city. He's got a family in town. I'll ask him to keep an eye on them and make sure they're doing their job.

I'll ask him to keep an eye on you and make sure you're doing your job. ......... Please, ......... that's a hostage, ...... you devil!

I said I'll do anything!

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who can't stand the sound of your voice. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.