130 スポーツのススメ

"Masaru... what are you doing?

Hmm? Maybe something like golf?

I'm taking a break from playing with my iron, which is a round ball with a very elaborate club, and I'm trying to shoot it straight and far.

I hope no one gets hit by ............!

"Then don't fly that thing... it's dangerous. ....

"Want to try it, Zarg?

He switched clubs and held out the handle to Zerg. I'm sure he was a little curious, but he immediately picked up the club and started swinging it, remembering Masaru's movements.

Then I'll put the ball down and you can try to hit it. Try hitting it.

"Oops! You want it to fly far.

"Well, just do your best to make it fly straight. Straight ahead.

Yeah! Here we go! Here we go! .......... I'll be back.

There's a sharp whirring sound, but the club passes about 6 inches above the ground and strikes out. Everyone erupts in laughter.

"What? ...d*mn it, don't laugh! Next time!

Zerg swings his club with a sharp buzzing sound, and his men laugh at him, making a funny spectacle of it... peaceful.

"Oh... Oh...

Masaru senses the club getting closer and closer to the ball, and moves diagonally behind Zarg, where he will be safe as long as the club doesn't fly.

"d*mn it! Again!

Again! The ball flew in front of Zarg with a crisp sound, and was sucked into the crotch of his laughing subordinate. ....

I'm not sure what to say.


I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what's going on here.

"Get out of the way! I'll fix you up!

"What? What? - Ah, therapy, therapy... take off your pants first. No!

I don't want it! Don't take them off! No, don't take them off! I'm just going to do some healing magic. There's nothing more I can do, so please don't take them off. .......... No!

"Oh, yeah. .......... I can't do anything more than that.

I can't do more than that, so please don't take them off.

Zerg. I'm not sure. Heel! Heel again!

You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

I'm sure you'll have children in the future, Georges. I hope you have children in the future.

For some reason, Masaru's words caused everyone to tuck their thighs in a little and pray. Nanmu....

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one. "Oh.

"Oh, it's surprisingly difficult for a human being to hit a stationary object. Give me back my club. Give me back my club.

"Hey ........., give me the ball .......... Give me back my club.

Zerg picks up the ball that hit Georges... a little red ....

No, that's okay. ......... I'll get you a new one. No, that's okay.

I don't want to get involved with that kind of misfortune magic ball. Take out a new ball and put it on the ground.

I'm not going to get involved with that.

The wooden ball flies cleanly away with a small sound and disappears from sight.

Then try it. Do it.

I hand the club to Zerg, and everyone turns to look at me, shields up and away.

"Let's do this! Let's go!

The ball was struck with the full force of Zarg's swing. In the event that you have any kind of questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

I'm not sure what to say. "What?

It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your vacation.

「「「「「「................... 」」」」」」

I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

This is dangerous and should be confiscated. .... This is dangerous.

I put the club that was lying at Zerg's feet in the item box, heeled them over, and gently put them in the carriage and headed for the gnome settlement. No one opened their mouths for the rest of the ride until they arrived.