112 ポータリィム防衛戦2

In the midst of the tense atmosphere caused by the bee monsters that fly into the city of Portarym every day, Masaru is alone observing the bees.

[Madara Guntai Bee
A huge yellow and black mottled carnivorous bee. It has a habit of capturing its prey alive and bringing them back to the hive by injecting paralytic venom through its tail stinger. When conditions are right, it increases explosively and expands its distribution area.

I'm sure it's the type of bee that collects honey... but it's an aggressive bee with paralyzing venom that collects as much food as possible while it's still alive... and there are a lot of them. There's a lot of them.

Once I saw a donkey stung by a bee and carried alive through the air by a swarm of about 10 donkeys, I was stunned. The bees flew in swarms, threatening their surroundings with the sound of their wings like the rotors of a helicopter.

"Strong jaws, strong and supple wings...paralyzing venom and sharp stingers....... It's not a bad material to work with, and I think I'll take a serious shot at the queen that came out of the beehive. I'm not sure.

And so it disappeared into the crowded streets of Portarym.

"Hey! Here comes the next one! Nine in number... interceptors, prepare to fire! Keep your eyes open!

That way! They're crawling up the wall! Surveillance, what the f*ck are you doing?

Who stabbed me in the butt? Who stabbed me in the ass? You don't have to spear me, I'm bleeding!

There's a hole in my shield! There's a hole in my shield!

I got an arrow in me, why isn't it falling out?

Everybody calm down! We've still got a few more days to go, so take turns, rest and fight!

And so the furious defensive battle continues. Of course, here's another one: ....

"Hey, where's Masaru?

"Don't worry about it. "Don't worry about it. He left in the morning with his paints, saying he was going to observe bees. He's probably on the island right now, painting in the hive.

"Isn't there anyone who is his boss or subordinate? Isn't he supposed to be representing the new city?

There's no point in worrying about it. It would only be a pity if he were, and unlike our commander, he can do most things by himself. "Don't compare me to that!

"Don't compare him to that! He's too special... I heard he even hunted a hexenbiest by himself, so you should call him a full-fledged hero. It's too special.

In the command center, they were issuing instructions to various parts of the room, weaving in and out of the hectic atmosphere and making light-hearted remarks.

...The war has only just begun.