43 出立と出逢い

"Well, thank you for your help. I'll come back when I've settled down or have some trouble. I'll be back.

Finally, as I was exchanging greetings with Cook and the others who had come to see me off, the knights, the dwarf duo, and the beasts from Portalim, I heard Lancelot's voice from afar.

"Hey, wait for me!

He comes running from the corner of the street with several knights and townspeople, his armor clanging.

"Well...I made it .... I made it.

I'm not sure what to make of this. It's a good idea to take a look at the actual information on the web. In fact, he's the second son of a noble family and a company commander.

He's leaving already... it's early. It's only been a few days since Masaru's arrival, but the city is cleaner than before, and employment has increased somewhat, making it more lively. I'm really embarrassed to think that I've been representing the city so far without knowing anything about it. I'm embarrassed to think that I used to represent the city without knowing anything about it.

I've put together a rough draft of the plan for the next five years or so for your consideration. I told Mr. Wade to hold a thorough meeting with the council and let them think it over before implementing it, so please do your best. "Hey!

"Hey! I'm not sure what to do. I know you're not good at that kind of thing, but that's terrible!

I've prepared a few weapons as a reward, so please do your best. I've nailed down that you should never give them away unless you've done the allotted amount, so don't worry. "Where is the peace of mind?

"Where's the peace of mind in that?

The only way to get a man to work for you is to give him a toy as a reward. If you give him a reward first, he will work harder to play with it, so you have to manage him well.

There's a guy I want to introduce to Masaru. There's someone I want to introduce you to Masaru. I want to introduce you to someone.

An introduction at the parting? It smells like trouble.

"This is my niece, Adelina. "This is my niece, Adelina, she's 17, she's a rebellious little b*tc*, she doesn't have a wife...

"You have the nerve to introduce a woman of your age and then start talking about her age as if she's unattractive, Uncle.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at our own web site.

I'm Adelina, by way of introduction. My name is Adelina and I am a bit of a bow and sword wielder. I'm a little bit of an archer and a little bit of a swordsman, so I'll try to be as helpful as I can. I will try to be as helpful as possible.

"Will you let me join you? ...I've never heard of .... ...

In the event that you've got a lot of time and energy, you'll be able to take advantage of it.

What do you mean? I'm not sure what to make of this. I'll kick you.

You've already kicked it! I think it's better not to say that I already kicked him... In this kind of situation, righteous criticism is somehow annoying.

"I kicked you!

"Miss Adelina, I'm afraid we're not going to get anywhere. "Miss Adelina, I'm afraid we're not going to get anywhere.

Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

See, the beastmen are pulling away.

So, what's the story, Lancelot?

Actually, Adelina has always wanted to expand her horizons, but in this day and age, a woman's journey is fraught with great danger. Even trained knights and adventurers can die at any moment. "And me?

"And you want me? I'm not sure that's the best environment to take a woman. Maybe it's better than staying in the wild? I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. .... I'm not sure.

I'll be fine! I like to stay in the wild. And if you don't, you'll never have the chance to travel again!

"You say that so openly, but I don't even know if the other beasts will accept me.

There are no bathrooms or lavatories.

Bathrooms can only be found in the castles of King's Landing or in large noble houses. It's hard to fetch water and the cost of firewood is ridiculous, so why don't you try your best to build a bathroom as soon as possible? You can make the bathroom as soon as you can.

This young lady is definitely going to come with me... If her guardian approves, she won't be able to do what she did with the rabbit people, and she'll come with me without any risk if I leave her behind. If it's just you, but with the beasts, you can't just leave them behind.

"Well, okay. I don't know what exactly will happen, but if you don't mind not coming back for a few years, go ahead. Wait!

Wait a minute! A few years? I thought you said it was close! You can come back in a few days, right?

Now we're getting a surprise.

It'll take years to build a city, right? It'll take two years to build a city the size of this one with this many people. How many years would it take to do it with far fewer people? Do you think you could spend two or three weeks going back and forth, sending one person to bring the other back? If you're buying something and you're on your way, there's no problem, but considering the danger of demons and bandits, it's unlikely. "Adelina...

"Adelina...it's still .... I'm not going to stop you.

I'm not going to stop you. I'm not going to stop you, because if you do, I'm going to cut you off. I can't help it.

"Ugh... it's no use... Masaru you take care of Adelina. Please don't touch her... no, is that okay? ...No!

Adelina's uppercut, with its wonderful trajectory, struck Lancelot in the jaw.

So, let's leave the uncle-niece comedy at that. Good luck, everyone! See you later!

It was noon, eight days later, when the group left Portarym and arrived at the settlement of the Rabbit People, after going around the fishing village to get shells and seawater.