538 537th word: "Quick spot without scale"

 Altius, the one and only-- Althea, the human hero.

 She is great.

 She's the reason mankind vanquished the demonic. She is the hero who rescued mankind from the depths of despair with both her arms.

 No doubt she created a nation to protect the dignity of mankind.

 --But now you're uglier than all the ugliness in the world.

 Keep your finger on the magic sword and unfold the parchment.

 A precise map from the Garlist Kingdom. It was made by the state, and it was far more detailed than those crude maps.

 The route to the cathedral is also clearly recorded.

 It is not just a road. There are many hidden roads, including those used by the royal family when they visit the cathedral.

 After all, the area under the direct control of the cathedral is originally the territory of the Kingdom of Garleist. If I'm not careful, I'll probably know it better than those in the cathedral.

 If he rode alone, he could reach it in a few days. This would be light enough. I raised both eyebrows, letting the moonlight catch my cheeks.

 Suddenly, a voice comes from behind him.

"Hey! Hey! Why don't you at least answer?

 The door is still closed. There's no one in the room. The voice comes from outside the window. We're on the second floor.

 Quickly, he turned around, drawing his magic sword.

 I thrust the point of the sword into the window and saw Shad upside down, shaking his hair.

 What the hell is he doing?

You've already had your dinner. Get some sleep.

"Rude. You're not here to ask for food, are you? But if there is, you'll take it!

 When I opened the window, Shad came in without hesitation.

 There's Leu at his side, holding him. His face is the most emotional I've ever seen.

 In a negative way, of course. I guess that's what a frown is all about.

I've come to tell you something. Treat me with respect!

"......, eat your dinner and go home.

 He rang the doorbell and asked the maid to come. I asked for a simple evening meal, but she brought me a strangely elaborate meat and salad sandwich on bread.

 Leu ate only one slice, and Shad ate about five pieces, looking satisfied.

 It was the first time I'd ever seen Leu look so disdainful towards someone.

"...... Lugis, sir. The truth is, I didn't come here for the food.

 No, you didn't.

 I was seriously considering this possibility because Shad kept eating the bread with such gusto.

 I'm not here to eat bread," he said, shaking off the red hair sticking to his cheeks and puffing out his chest.

You're right! You will be facing Zebraelis next! You will face Zebraelis next!

"No, I don't care about Zebraeliris.

 Shad instantly rolls his eyes and tilts his head.

 The sharp eyes turned.

"What about ......? The Spirit God is an anomaly that is different from the Giant King and the Heavenly Dragon. It's a god that neither destroys nor takes, but blesses and conceives. As long as he's around, the demonic nature will never be lost.

 Shad spoke of Zebraeliris' name and body. It was as if he had seen Zebraeliris herself with his eyes.

"Shad. I know you want me to kill Zebraeliris. But I told you. I don't care about that.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

 I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not, but I have.

"I'm going to the cathedral to kill Althea. That's all I want.

 Even at this moment, just the fact that he's alive doesn't make me feel alive.

 For a moment, the words of the hexenbiest Dohasura come back to my mind. Althea is trying to achieve justice, he said.

 Maybe Althea is the true messiah.

 Maybe his way is the best and the least costly.

 Maybe I am a great evil that disturbs the peace of the world.

 But I don't care about that.

 Little sacrifice is the logic of those who have never sacrificed.

 The victim has the right to grit his teeth and resist, and the victim has the obligation to accept revenge.

"He not only took my childhood friend's body. "He not only took my childhood friend's body, but he also trampled on the dignity of my comrades-in-arms. I have to kill him. If I don't, I'll never be able to face them again.

 My childhood friend, Alueno, and the hero like the sun, Held Stanley.

 How dare you touch me where no one else will?

 The moment I gripped the magic sword so tightly that it creaked, I noticed a clattering sound.

 Suddenly... I look up.

 Right in front of you, Shad is shaking, shaking his knees and shoulders.

"I mean... A ...... Artia is back, too, right?

I don't know if it's back or not. I don't know if it's a resurrection or not, but there was a guy who called himself that. He likes salvation and happiness.

 The moment he heard that, Shad put his leg over the window he had come in through. A very dashing move.

"So you're going to hide until it's all over! Good luck with that! I'll be right behind you!

Wait, please. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You idiot! You won't have time to feel shame when you're dead!

 Surprisingly, it was Leung who stopped Shad with both hands as he tried to fly away. Shad walked back into the room, clutching his stomach.

 It was a very strange sight to see a woman sobbing while being dragged by a child.

"Master Lugis ......, are you going alone?

"Yes, this is my problem. Don't tell Philos or Mattia about it.

 You can't involve anyone in a situation where you're jumping into the middle of enemy lines. Besides, it would be less conspicuous and more likely to succeed if you were alone.

 You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

"...... Master Lugis is a coward, isn't he?

That's right! If Althea is here, why didn't you tell me earlier? I never would have come!

 No, sir," said Leung, twisting Shad's ear. You can hear the screams. It's starting to look like a little discipline.

 But what does that mean, cowardly? I'm not angry, but Leung is not a child who says things that don't make sense.

 He's a quiet kid, but he's got something to say.

"You don't like it, Leu. But this is the best way. It's a much, much better way.

"...... I don't know anything about the country or the war, but... I don't know anything about countries or warfare, but I do know that it's going to be hard when Master Lugis is gone.

"...... I don't know. I don't think they're all that soft.

No, they won't.

 I'm not sure what to make of this.

 Maybe it's because he's a demon. His words were filled with a strange power. His eyes glittered like jewels.

"At least, that's what Agathos thought. When Lord Lugis is gone... I think we'd all be abandoned. We can't fight demons anymore. Many people will be sacrificed.

 Poor words from a young girl.  

 And yet her words were strangely true. Every word she used was as if she were actually seeing it.

 So, Agathos and Leu shared some of their thoughts and memories. Agathos's experience over the years gives power to Leu's words.

 Leu said in a horrified voice.

"Master Lugis... Are you abandoning us at the expense of everyone else?

 He was speechless in his chair.

 He was silent for a few seconds. Silence reigned in the room. For the life of me, I could not find the words.

 I closed my eyelids and held my mouth, then finally muttered.

"............ worked wonderfully, Leu.

 I feel so pathetic I wish I had a hole to climb into.

 I've been made to care and even be told off by a kid like Leu. She's the one who's supposed to be cared for and protected.

 Oh, shit. It's on my crown.

 Leung's right. What's the difference between you and Althea if you're willing to sacrifice others for your cause no matter how you try to reason with them. It's no longer a matter of me dying alone.

 I tucked the magic sword into my hilt.

I'm sorry. That's the truth. If there's anything you want to eat, just let me know.

"Then yes... You want to eat a cow!

 Shad, who was still being held in his stomach by Leu, said while slumping his arms and legs.

 Leu is looking at him with disdain. I thought he should be a little more gentle with his emotions. I think it would be hard for me too if he stared at me like this.

 As I watched him, I sat back in my chair and narrowed my eyes.

 Leung's point is valid.

 If we move around too much in our current state, we'll only widen the wound. We're still weak. It would be foolish to think that you could easily kill Althea by attacking her.

 If you're weak, fight like a weak.  

 --We need a way to choke the cathedral with a single blow.

 Then Althea would have no choice but to come out.

 I snapped my fingers.

 This is going to be a battle to see who's meaner, me or Althea.

 I wasn't going to let anyone beat me in that regard.