528 Article 527 "Historical Personality Review"

If they're driving away the demon army, aren't they our friends?

But they're driving our messenger back. They haven't received a single document. It's possible that they're taking advantage of this opportunity to invade. Make a decision on our defense.

 At the report of his second-in-command, Eirene, Maj. Gen. Mastighios tapped his fingers hard on his desk, his mouth agape.

 The capital city is approached by 20,000 Garleist and heraldic allied forces. The country must have settled down and they must be well equipped and well supplied. And their skill level must be high.

 After the fierce battle with the Demon Army, the Borvat Army is not a force to be reckoned with. Many of the elite magic armored troops that had boasted of their majesty had been destroyed, and most of the magic beasts had been lost.

 There was no longer any semblance of an army, and the only thing they could do was to send out scouts against the allied forces that were crossing their territory.

 So you could say it was the perfect time to invade. If the Garleist were aiming for that, there was no way to prevent it.

 The people in the council chamber looked reluctant and stiff, their lips twisted, and occasionally words escaped them.

 They were either former high-ranking officials or people who had lived through the time of the demon army's rule. They were not so foolish as to not understand the situation they were in.

There was no way they could win in a head-on fight. Even weakened, the Garleist are still the champions of the continent. And we're even weaker.

 It was the voice of an old woman. It must be a habit of hers to speak with a smile even under such circumstances. The rest of the group was of the same opinion.

 If the Allied forces really wanted to start a war, the choices would be surrender by opening the castle or a siege with no end in sight. But Borvat no longer had the strength for a siege. Many of the citizens are too exhausted.

 Mastighios said, swallowing the heavy air.

We have no choice but to ask Master Caria to stand as our emissary. I have heard that she has been an influential figure in the Garleanists and in the heraldry. If not war, then at least peace on good terms.

 It's a shame that we have to rely on people from other countries. That is why Mastighios took the initiative and said.

 If we take a hard line in this kind of situation and end up fighting for nothing, it will be the road to exile. For the sake of loyalty to the previous sovereign, I cannot do that. We cannot let the Borvat dynasty be destroyed.

 However, Mastighios was not a weak man. If he had to fight, he would go to the battlefield with both his arms. That's who he was.

 But then I think...

 We're no longer in a situation where humans are fighting each other. In the meantime, the demonic is building up its power. The war between humans and demons has already begun in many countries.

 And yet, Borvat has turned the war on the city-states. So, it is inevitable that other countries will invade us, Mastighios thought honestly.

 For now, he had to avoid all-out confrontation at all costs.

 Suddenly, he heard several footsteps walking down the hallway. The maidservant, Kalia, and maybe Fialat. No, I heard one more.

 A light, toe-kicking gait. Footsteps I've heard before.

"Are you awake?

 Suddenly, Mastighios looked at the large front door, and everyone turned to look at him.

 The maidservant said a few words of refusal, and the door opened. There was a creaking sound.

 There he was. The council room was filled with a secret buzz.

"You're looking pale, Mastighios. You look like an invalid.

 With a magic sword and a white sword at his waist, he shrugged his shoulders in an aloof and impassive manner. It's the same behavior I've seen in the past.

 The Mastighios responded with an upturned lip.

I've been in bed for weeks. We've waited long enough.

"I guess Mattia and Philos are coming. I should have slept a little longer.

 With that, he took a seat in the council chamber with ease.

 --The Great Slayer. Lugis, the dragon slayer.

 I'm not sure what to do. I'm not going to be able to do it. It was a kind of fear.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.

 But the background of having waged war against and killed the great demon Vriligant easily overshadowed that reality.

 Everyone was silently asking what kind of person he was. Instead of trying to guess, they seemed to be conscientiously trying to figure out how to avoid offending him.

 The Mastighios, smiling bitterly to himself, opened his mouth.

You've heard the story, but let's tell it again. The combined forces of the Garristo and the Monstrance are closing in on our capital. And we have no power to resist, not even a sovereign. If we are to fight, it will be only by destruction or surrender.

 I saw several people's eyes widen in amazement at Mastighios' words.

 After all, both Lugis and Kalia are from other countries. There is a feeling in my heart that I should not be so frank with them about their internal affairs. However, only the old woman raised the corner of her mouth in amusement.

"Lord Lugis, I want to hear your opinion. From your point of view, what kind of people are Saint Matia and Princess Philos?

"What kind?

 Taking Mastighios' words, Rougis repeated them once. Taking Mastighios' words, Lugis repeated them once more, thrusting his cheekbones and closing his lips with his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

 Everyone was trying to listen to his words. Suddenly, even the air seemed to strive for silence.

 A characterization of the hero who was closest to the saint and princess. It must be more accurate than anything else. Kalia and Fialaat were also staring at Lugis' profile.

 Lugis responded with a momentary twist of his lips.

I'm sure you're right. ...... Mattia is emotional, but he's also much more calculating and intelligent. She's a wolfish woman, willing to wage war and compromise when necessary. But, well, I get the point. On the other hand, you never know what Philos will do.

 Mastighios gulped at those words.

 What kind of person could make Lugis, who was far more uninhibited than most people, say that he did not know what he would do?

 But perhaps that is how it must be for a person to sit on the throne.

The one who sits on the throne must be like that. "The one who seems to have common sense is insane, the one who seems to live only by faith stands up even when he is kidnapped. Well, just take my word for it. They're both good women. That's for sure.

 Hearing such words from Lugis, those present knew the relationship between him and the saint and princess.

 There is no one in the world who would describe a saint or a champion as a woman. They are the ones to whom one owes allegiance, respect, or hostility, not the opposite s*x.

 If there is such a thing, it is only for those who are in a male-female relationship.

 That is, that is what Lugis and they are.

 Even a child can understand what it means not to be open about it. Everyone in the room was silent, refusing to touch that point. Not even Mastighios.

"Yes, sir. Very helpful. So, in light of that, Lord Lugis--

 Just as Mastighios was about to open his mouth again. The first to do so was Kalia, her silver hair shining as she pursed her lips.

I want you to wait. I can't hear the rest of it. He will not be a messenger.

 Kalia's words were the same concise wording of a knight of the Garleist. Her voice was like a silver sword as she crunched out the essentials.

 The council room itself was vibrating with tension. Only Mastighios was looking into Kalia's eyes.

"I would like to know what you mean, Lord Kalia.

"It means exactly what it means. You know what I mean.

 The silver and black gazes intertwined on the spot.