527 Article 526, "What if the post-war disposal is dif...

 The Battle for the Capital of Borvat. Two weeks have passed since the war between mankind and the demon army.

 The capital city, once lost due to the awakening of the great demon Vriliganth and the domination of the poisonous Junerva and the cogwheel Labur, is now back in the hands of mankind.

 However, that doesn't mean that everything is back to normal.

 Most of the capital was damaged in the war and needs to be rebuilt, and with the execution of many noble sorcerers and officials, the capital no longer functions as an executive branch.

 The capital is no longer functioning as a government, as many noble sorcerers and officials have been executed.

 On top of that, the sovereign has been executed by a demon. The succession ceremony to the young prince has not even been completed.

 The Borvat dynasty was already struggling to keep up appearances as a nation. There is much work to be done.

"Is Lord Lugis still not awake?

 Even under such circumstances, the Magus General Mastighios asked this question several times a day, as if it were a habit. He has large dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he has not been sleeping well.

 Eileen Ray Rachidore, like her superior, had dark circles under her eyes.

"...... Yes. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

 Eileen, who was also asked, was momentarily unconscious. She stroked her eyelids lightly with one hand and tried to breathe.

I see. If anything happens to me, please contact me immediately.

 By "please", she meant that this was not an order, but a personal request from Mastighios.

 Eirene nodded, for the umpteenth time, and looked at the parchment. A moment later, a drop of ink fell and her vision blurred. She had reached her limit. I haven't slept for days.

 We don't have as many administrators as we should. I wondered if the demons had targeted this for repeated executions.

 Because of this situation, even Mastighios and Eirene, who are soldiers by nature, are involved in political affairs.

 At times like this, Eirene envied Hind for not having any knowledge of politics.

"Sir. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the date for the succession ceremony will remain unchanged.

"...... is fine. It would be nice to have Lord Lugis show up as well, but it can't be helped. Let's hope he wakes up.

 Succession ceremony. It is a ceremony to declare and celebrate the defeat of the demon and also the succession to the throne.

 In the past, the hero who slew the evil dragon Vriligant was also supposed to show his face at the ceremony, but if he remains asleep, there is no choice.

 The citizens want closure.

 They want a break from the demonic fall of the capital, and a break from the power vacuum of tomorrow. If we delay that date, the chaos will accelerate.

 We must tell them that it is all over and new, brighter days are ahead.

 But it was also clear that the people wanted the hero who killed the dragon. It would be a bit of a hassle if there were no heroes there.

 This is not about appearances, it's about politics.

 --Which nation does the hero Lugis belong to?

 It is said that he is a hero of the heraldry, but even so, there is no record that he served a nation. If that is the case, let him be involved in the ceremony of succession to the throne and make him a person related to Borvat. If possible, I wanted to marry him.

 This is not something that a member of the Mastighios faction such as Eirene would have thought up on her own. Many of those who belonged to the Borvat dynasty thought so as well.

 He defeated the Great Demon in Borvat. Then it should be possible to enshrine him as the savior of Borvat.

 Eirene rubbed her eyes sleepily and called out to her men with one hand. And she included, telling them to check the situation in Lugis once again.

If there is any change, you and I ...... will contact Hind only. That's fine.

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 In bed, her lips twisted sadly as she felt the warmth of the bed. I searched the pillow and chest with my fingers, but could not find a chewed tobacco.

 Give me a break. I hope you didn't throw it away somewhere. I was so dumb that I didn't realize it until hours after I woke up.

 However, from what I've heard, you've been working as a demon for a while, so it's not surprising that your memory is clouded. I'm trying to remember little by little, but my memory is still incomplete.

 In the midst of this, one thing suddenly came to mind.

"...... Hey, Kalia. I just remembered something.

"What, you. Is there something I should be remembering?

 She sat up and looked at me.

I'm sorry if I'm misremembering, but you're setting me up again, aren't you?

"Hmm ......, yes. You're remembering wrong. Try to remember.

 He told me to put my finger between my eyes and let my thoughts roam.

 When I did that, the timeline was sometimes back and forth, sometimes jumping around, but the memories of the time when Lovell made me a demon came back to me.

 All of my behaviors were terrible. However, if you say that this is an aspect of myself, then so be it. I don't want to think so.

 There was one memory that still stuck with me.

"No, Kalia, when did you become my woman?

"You think not? What do you think, Phialert?

 Kalia raised her sharp eyes and said that to shut me up. I'm not sure if it's the confidence and nobility of her demeanor, but it's definitely her.

 At least I don't remember cajoling her. Absolutely not.

 With Kalia, I shifted my gaze to Fialaat, who was sitting on the bed. Her beautiful black hair swayed as she spread out on the bed.

 She looked sleepy, but opened her mouth with a sigh.

"Oh, Lugis. You don't even remember me?

 Wait a minute.

 I quickly cover my mouth with my hands and close my eyelids tightly. I felt an intense thirst in my throat and a squeezing pain in my lungs.

 --What the hell have I done? Did I really do something? Stupid.

 But to be honest, I don't have a complete memory of the time when I was turned into a demon. Rather, it would be more accurate to say that only a part of it remains.

 And at that time, I was not me.

 I would have forgotten the respect and admiration I had for Kalia, Fialaat, and Erdis, and I would have let go of the memories of the past.

 Would it not be strange if I, who was not me, had done something?

 A large cold sweat ran down my spine. I noticed that my breath was getting hot. This is very bad, isn't it? What do you say to Alueno?

What are you two talking about? What did you say about my Lugis?

 It was Erdis's voice spilling out from his chest that kept me from thinking about it. To be precise, it was the voice spilling out of the bag around my chest.

 The first time I saw him, I saw his eyes flash. The first corner of the eye is raised, and the blue eyes glare at Caria and Fialat.

 Of course, it's not like Erdis flew the vision from Garaist to the Borvat dynasty in the east by himself.

 It is said that this bag that I wear around my neck contains a piece of the Elven race that Elddis created herself.

 To be honest, I don't know much about it. I left the technical part to Fialaat.

 The only reason I can speak from a distance is because I have this bag.

 Well, no matter what kind of magic or mystery it is, it's good to be able to contact Erdis remotely, even though she's supposed to be in the capital of Garlist.

Erdis, since when did Lugis become yours, huh?

"Not exactly, Caria. It's disgusting. Humans are so quick to do evil under someone else's nose. Oh, don't worry, Lugis. I'll make sure you have a place to go. You can come back any time, right now.

 Erdis says this with his usual dignified smile, but his eyes are strangely stern.

 I wonder. I wonder if they've ever been on such bad terms. What was I really doing?

 It was about that time that I lightly drank some water on my tongue while pondering my own memories of the time when I was a demon.

 The voice came with a rush.

"Kalia-sama, Fialaat-sama. Are you here?

 It was probably the voice of one of the chambermaids. She sounded frightened for a moment, but then quickly formed words.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. Please come at once!

 In the back of my eyelids, the images of Saint Mattia and Princess Philos quickly appeared. My cheeks twisted involuntarily.

 What are they doing, what are they doing? What the hell are they doing? I muttered in my heart.