503 Episode 502. "Here is the true intention of the ma...

 Mastighios' thick fingertips grasp Junerva's neck. It was the first time I'd ever seen one of these.

 The most striking difference between a demon and a human is the physique. It's a fundamental difference as a living thing. No matter how well trained human adventurers and soldiers are, they are no match for the physical abilities of demonic beings.

 What makes up for this difference? Armor is one answer, but it is not perfect. It was created by humans to resist the demonic, but they did not win.

 Mankind has won only one victory.

 --Dignity for the weak. Happiness for the hungry.

 The magic that Althea, the human hero, proclaimed is the root of humanity's supremacy. Then sorcery is for killing demons.

 Mastighios believed that the reason he was born as a sorcerer was to kill the demons right here and now.

 Mastighios dug his fingers into Junerva's neck and opened his mouth. If the magic was interrupted even for a moment, the poison would eat away at Mastighios.

 But the magic is still inexhaustible. After all, there was the magic of hundreds of sorcerers here.

 They were broken by the demons and could not fight alive. Their magic is now with Mastigios as heroes.

 Entrusting one's magic power to another is like spitting out blood to the limit. Take it all in and pour it all out.

"Let me show you the essence of what we've built up. Junerva the Demon.

 The end of it all was in this man's hands.

 A surprisingly gentle pause compared to the thunderous storm. A strange silence and void passed between them.

 A long, dizzying moment passed before Junerva spread her wings to intercept again, and Mastighios exhaled.

 The sound faded, and strangely, both man and demon forgot to breathe. There was only one voice that spilled out.


 A rush of magical power and the sound of something popping.

 The next moment, a great deal of blood stained the space.

 The blood in my body spilled out and scattered as if it were flowing backwards.

 The white turned to red and was exposed to the sunlight for the first time in a long time. The beautiful blood turned black and disappeared as soon as it spilled onto the soil.

 The sight of blood being spat out continuously. It was so bizarre. Only the color of the blood let you know that this was real.

 Junerva thought as she looked at Mastighios, who was spitting out red from his mouth. He had reached his limit, after all.

 That much magic was obviously not from a single human, but from the magic of many people. Just being able to accept the magic power of several people is out of this world, but if you release it from your body, your body is bound to be shocked and injured by it.

 Even if there is a large amount of water, the tube used to expel it is constant.

 Even so, Junerva opened her eyelids to see what this Mastighios man had done. The sunlight was strangely bright.

 In his heart was a respect he had not felt in a long time. With all her heart, Junerva respected him. So she thought.

"Haha, I see. You're good.

 --Truly, man has grown strong. That's what Junerva felt in her blood-red vision.

 Once again, red spewed from her body. His eyes, his mouth, every vein seemed to be working against his will.

 Mastighios looked at Junerva as he wiped the blood off his face, wobbling on the spot. The red-painted body of the viper told him what had happened.

 With a weary smile on his cheeks, Mastighios let the lightning flare in his arms again.

 Mastighios had done only one thing. The essence of La Volgograd.

 Transformation of the body.

 One of the abominations of reshaping another's body. A realm no sorcerer would touch even if he knew about it. At any rate, not only your opponent's body but also your own could be caught up in it and collapse.

 However, I already knew from the last war that the demons would not be so easily hurt. The iron of the sword and the fire of magic are meaningless to them.

 So he didn't want to make the same mistake. So Mastighios stopped trying to hurt him. He just needed to be rebuilt as he saw fit. Even if it kills him.

 As a result, Mastighios used his blood-painting magic to turn some of Junerva's organs into something that was neither iron nor charcoal.

 That's all there is to it, but as a living being, organs must always be a source of life.

 The great demon Vriligant lost his heart and went to sleep. The demon Vriligant lost his heart and went to sleep. The demon cannot easily stand without his organs.

 Sand sprinkled at Junerva's feet.

"Oh, ......, you've become really strong. The human. I can't believe it. But I have to believe.

 The moment Mastighios raised his arm to unleash a thunderbolt, Junerva sat there on her knees. She didn't fall down in agony, nor did she distract herself.

 Junerva is still alive, as she should be, even though she has undoubtedly suffered some sort of fatality.

"-I admit it, human. You're strong. I'll be honest, I'm desperate. I'm desperate to kill you.

 Junerva says in a whisper, and a voice echoes in response.

"Get down, sir.

 At that moment, Mastighios' vision was filled with a burst of poison and a storm of sand. The sand ate up the poison, and then the poison fiercely smashed down on the sand. It was like a scene from a fairy tale, a prison of the earth.

 As Mastighios took a few steps back, blown away by the sandstorm, Junerva's fierce voice crawled up his spine.

I'm sure you've seen some of these guys before. You're still a human dog, you demon eye! I'm not sure what to make of that.

 Junerva's vision. The poison and sand gradually began to clear, revealing him. Dohasura, the beast with the evil eye, who had probably been looking for an opening, was looking down on the poisonous bird from the top of the almost decaying roof.

 He still looked like a child, but his strange eyes and the bicorn on his skull indicated that he was a demon of sorts.

I'm humanity's dog, you're Vriligant's dog. I want to be on the better side. That's what life is all about, isn't it, General?

 Without looking away from Junerva, Doherty said to Mastighios. There was a certain respect in his voice.

 Doherty himself had never imagined that humanity would allow a demon to kneel before him, let alone go so far as to kill him.

 Perhaps even Althea, the founder of magic, did not intend to raise humans to this level. That's why Dohasura looked at Mastighios for a moment.

 If Althea's "rule" extended to this entire world. He would not be allowed to just live. He'll be forced to do something or die.

 It will happen. That's why Doherty wanted to see Mastighios as he is now, just a human being.

"Don't stop me, kid. One more step and we can kill it. Just a piece of skin.

 Mastighios' voice was a sign of bravery. His mouth was bleeding, and his body was creaking from the enormous rush of magic.

 And yet, he still wanted to be more than a demon-killing machine. It's wonderfully human.

...... Yes, let's kill it. Just be careful with it.

 But that's why it was so bad. The poison Junerva is too toxic for humans. It looks like it's about to die, and then it's still devouring everything around it. It had to have a hidden trick up its sleeve.

 There's little reason for the current Doha Sura to join the human race, though. Even so, I don't like the idea of the demons doing whatever they want to me, as it reminds me of the old days. And I couldn't let Vriligant wake up.

 So I had to kill all of Geneva's plans. Right here, right now, once and for all.

 If Lugis won't move, I have to go out and move the field myself. If we can stir him up so much that he is forced to move, he will be more willing to do so.

 Suddenly, Dohasura looks around. Originally, Shadrapto would have used his powers to take advantage of the sandstorm that Dohasura had created. However, it seems as if he missed his chance and is nowhere to be seen.

 No, not even a hint of Shadrapto's magic can be felt when looking around with the magic eye. Squinting his eyes, Dohasura looks behind him.

 Shadrapto's red hair was bouncing as if he was hiding behind Lugis' back.

 --Don't trust that thing.

 Doherty wrinkled his brow and turned his gaze away from Shadrapto.