487 486 "Very strong, so strong"

 A house far from the center of the capital. A dimly lit room.

 In the midst of the demonic chaos, there were many empty houses in the capital, so there were plenty of places for such a secret meeting to take place.

 The Borvatian sorcerer Oirlandt had arrived at this venue somewhat early, after having placed surveillance and scouts all around the area.

 Because the person he was meeting with was probably someone that the demons were paying some attention to. There is no need to be too careful. There was a possibility that he would be noticed when the messenger was sent out.

 Her name is Karia Vadnick. She is revered as a warrior maiden or warrior princess in the heraldry.

 In all honesty, as she was about to make her appearance, Olerant had an unconcealed anticipation in the back of his eyes. His expression was tightened as befits a soldier, but even so, he couldn't hide the emotions he was feeling.

 Although Olerant was a sorcerer and a soldier, he had never actually worked on the front lines of battle. This is partly due to the prestige of his family and partly due to his luck, but it is hardly an honorable career for a soldier.

 But the woman you are about to see is different. She is one of the heroes with an unparalleled war record who has led the troops.

 It is common on the battlefield for a general to fall in love with a hero. This is true even for those from other countries. Oilant was no exception to this rule, and even had a certain respect for the existence of Caria Vadnick.

 Although they had exchanged a few times through messengers, this was the first time they had met face to face.

 A few moments later, in the dimly lit secret meeting room, his silver hair shone slightly. The woman sat down on a chair, accompanied by a few soldiers as well.

It's ...... Kalia. I didn't expect you to call me by messenger. Time is always at a premium. Let's get down to business.

 His features and language were no different from those of Karia-Bardnick, as he had been told beforehand. However, when Olerant saw her, he felt a bit sniffy.

 She appeared, her skin strangely pale and her eyes powerless. There was no sign of the supremacy or brilliance that he had thought was inherent in the concept of a hero.

 In a moment, it looked as if a small girl was simply leading an army. The woman with reddish bronze eyes standing beside her seemed more appropriate for the battlefield.

 Otranto tightened the edges of his lips once to hide his agitation, and then spoke firmly.

I'm sorry, sir. I apologize for my rudeness, but given the information leaking out, this is a better place.

 Otranto's manner of speaking was very much that of a soldier. He just said what he needed to say, quickly and surely. If anything, it was closer to the way people in the Garleist Kingdom army spoke. This is probably because he is a soldier rather than a sorcerer.

"Let me be frank. We would like you to work with us in the capital.

 Kalia's silver eyes narrowed slightly as she raised her eyelashes. She seemed to be listening, but she didn't seem to be interested. Her gaze is not on the oil-runner, but on something else.

"What exactly? What is this activity you speak of?

 Otranto nodded and said, observing Caria's reaction closely.

Two points. The first is to retrieve General Mastighios, who was taken prisoner on the last battlefield. This must be done.

 The news came to the capital a few days after Junerva, the Poison Demon, returned from the battlefield. It was a few days after the demon Junerva had returned from the battlefield, and it had turned the capital into a dark place.

 That is to say, the rebel army led by the mage general Mastighios-La-Borgograd was destroyed, and Mastighios and the other major mages were taken prisoner.

 This was the worst news for the people who were still sitting in the capital city without succumbing to the demonic nature.

 Even though he had once succumbed to the demons, he was still a symbol of the Borvat dynasty. Because of his existence, there are still many who have not given up hope. The fact that the soldiers under the Oilerant are barely under control now is due to the hope that Mastighios is there. Many believe that no matter how much hardship they may face, they will be able to recover with the General.

 That's why the demonic side will undoubtedly move to execute Mastighios now that he has rebelled and become a prisoner, Olerlant said.

In this hellish situation, those who can still cry out against the demonic nature are mostly those who were in your lap. Without you, they will have nothing to support them.

 People who lose their support are more fragile than anything else. The soldiers gathered in the name of the Mastighios will easily replace the army with a crowd of men.

...... I understand what you're saying. So what's the second point?

 As expected, Kalia's response was shallow. It's not that I'm unhappy with the way he's acting, but the fact that he doesn't seem to be responding makes me uneasy. The Oil Rant had expected some sort of response at this point, whether it be affirmation or denial.

 But now, rather than pretending to be unresponsive as a bargaining tactic, she seems to be truly uninterested.

The second point is that we need your help in evacuating the capital ......, that is, evacuating citizens from the capital and nearby villages.

 The second point is that we would like your help in evacuating the capital and nearby villages.

 Otranto did not miss the twitch of her fingertips and the movement of her eyelids a few times. Continuing his observation, Otranto said.

"I'm sorry to inform you that your reinforcements have arrived. With the main army under your leadership destroyed and the kingdom in the hands of the demons, we do not have the strength to resist the demons and the demon army, let alone the great demon Vriligant.

 The Oirant said plainly, stating only the facts. Otranto does not think that this is a decision of cowardice. In fact, it would be even more cowardly not to choose retreat at this point.

 The reason he hadn't chosen to retreat before was because Mastighios was out there leading the main army.

 While attracting the attention of the mages, he would accumulate power in the capital, and when the time was right, he would turn against them. Because of this hope and vision, I was able to endure the submission.

 But now that the main army has been crushed, the best thing to do is to leave the capital as soon as possible. Of course, if we evacuate the people of the surrounding villages together, there will be more defections and more damage, but that is unavoidable. That is the role of the military.

 In fact, the fact that the Oil Rant, who is only a lowly sorcerer and a captain at best in the military, has to make this decision is already abnormal and speaks to the devastation of the Borvat dynasty.

 Of course, among the rebellious forces that stayed in the capital, there were those who were initially called round table magicians, and there were also many high-ranking members of the military.

 --They were all either executed, turned into magical toys, or brought to their knees.

 Olerant bit his lip, wondering if being executed and being used as a magical toy meant much the same thing.

 At first, there were collaborators among the citizens as well as the sorcerers, with tens of thousands of rebels in the capital alone. There were many who could not fight, but resisted the demonic nature in the form of supporters.

 Until Kiel-Bazarov was assigned as the supreme human commander.

 He knew the humans well. He knew what they thought, how they moved, how they feared. Within months, many had lost their lives, many had gone from supporters to informers.

 With each passing day, more and more of the top ranks were killed, and finally a captain became the leader of the rebellion. And so, when word came that the main army led by Mastighios had been crushed, Otranto made a decision.

 There was no longer any point in staying in the capital and rebelling. What could a force whittled down from tens of thousands to a few hundred do? The answer is, nothing.

 If all you want to do is build a mountain of dead people and watch them die, it is better to retreat. After that, the only thing to do is to cooperate with other nations to reclaim the motherland from the demons.

 I don't know how many years or decades that will take.

 I'm sure this isn't just Otranto's perception. The soldiers and sorcerers who follow him and those who have revered the demonic are aware of this as well.

 The Bolvaat dynasty is dead.

"Please tell Lord Lugis that. I understand that you are currently on a separate mission.

 Kalia listened to these words while staring straight into Olerant's eyes. Otranto felt a slight surge of excitement returning to his silver eyes.

 He didn't know what kind of emotion it was. But he was sure it was not a good feeling.

 After taking his time for a few seconds, Caria finally opened her lips.

"What's the matter with you? You want him to clean up after your loss?

 The Oilerant could see that Caria's silver eyes were trembling with clear annoyance. He could even feel the hostility on his skin.

 Otranto takes a small breath. I really thought I'd gotten the short end of the stick. I should have been executed first or escaped earlier.

 But now that he was left behind, he had to do his duty. That's the kind of man Otranto was.

"If there's nothing else you can do. "If there's no other way, I think it's a soldier's duty to take the worst one. In this situation, no matter what you do--

 Kalia said as she bit down on her words. I'm not sure what to say.

"I don't understand all of this, Oilant. He came here to win. Not to be defeated.

 Yes, that's right. He came here to win, not to lose.

"And even if he can't do it alone. I'll make him glorious. That's what I'm here for.

 Staring squarely at Otranto, a fierce smile flickered across Kalia's cheeks.