452 第四百五十一话'美しいもの丑いもの'

 A glimmer of magic raged freely across the battlefield. It was like a fickle rain, like a solemn judgment.

 As far as I know, there is only one being that can pull off such a feat. The moment I took my stance with my treasured sword, I caught a glimpse of the gleam of the jewel.

 Randomly and endlessly, the jewel Ba-Agathos continues to shine down on the battlefield. No, for her, this is not a battlefield, but a playground.

 A brilliant demoness descended to show her back to me. In the midst of this, numerous jewels are flying through the air, dominating the view of the battlefield. Everyone could not help but stop at the threat.

 The battlefield, where tens of thousands of people were fighting each other, was now forced to stand still in front of a single Fiend. It's a strange sight.

 From behind her, I could see her figure, the red hair I had once seen hanging down. For a moment, I catch a glimpse of her in her prime. She was so close to regaining her true form.

 And for some reason, she's carrying a phialert in her arms. Why, indeed.

"Well, well, well, the human hero is looking rather rugged. No, it's not beautiful. You should be more carefree, graceful, glamorous. First of all, this place is not beautiful. A battlefield is what you make it. I don't want to be in a battlefield made by someone else.

 The jewel Agathos said as he caught a glimpse of me for a moment. I'm not sure what he was referring to, but his pompous mouth and well-spun tongue seemed to be intact.

 Please don't let it pop out of Leung's face.

"You can ask the royalty and the aristocracy for elegance. I have my own way of doing things, va-agathos.

 He deepens his stance and raises the tip of his sword. Agathos shows no signs of hostility, nor does he seem to be harming those around him.

 But somehow... The treasured sword reacts, and a purple light runs through it, making my skin go all hairy.

 I felt it. Agathos is in an unbearable rage right now. He doesn't know what it's about.

 But the enemies and allies around him sense it too. It's as if this place itself has become a burlap sack that's bursting at the seams.

"...... are you a demon? You're a demon, a demon, and a demon again.

 The only one who reacted to Agathos' rage was the commander. The demon he had stored in his right arm looked hazy in front of Agathos.

 The fact that he could still stand and face him was proof that he was bold enough to be a general. His gaze catches Agathos' and then Fialat's figure.

 Agathos shakes his hair with emotion, so much so that you can see it even from his back.

Agathos shakes his hair with such emotion that you can see it from his back and says, "You must leave today, human. This is not a warning, it's an order. All human life belongs to me. I don't care if there's a fight in it, it's not my aesthetic to see something so unbeautiful. There's a cogwheel anyway. I can see through them, they're only good for repeating themselves.

 The enemy commander raised his eyebrows at the sound of the voice and the word "Lovell".

 I knew it, but it seems that the demons are deeply involved with the other side. This is troubling. If only the existence of demons could be taken away from the world, the world would turn a little more easily, I think.

 Agathos continued his voice as if singing.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.

 What the hell?

"...... What's going on, Bhau-Agatha? Did the gods tell you to intervene in the war?

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

 There was a strange flurry of activity, a sense of urgency, but also a sense of relief. The battlefield that had been ravaged by the flashes of the jeweled Vah Agathos had calmed down, and the two armies were preparing their forces for another attack.

No way. I told you. I hate ugliness. If you want to fight and die by your own choice, be my guest, but I don't want to see you killing each other on a haphazardly constructed battlefield. It's especially disgusting to be at the mercy of the gears.

 Agathos suddenly leaned back against Fialaat as he said this. I don't think there's anything to say about that, since you haven't heard the whole story yet. A mage is too self-indulgent.

But if Agathos hadn't done anything, I would have done it myself. He's ...... known for the magic bullets of Vice Admiral Hind-Butse, even in Borvat.

 I don't know if you would have survived either, Fialaert said, his dark eyes wide. It was a habit of hers to let her emotions show. Apparently, she hadn't been missed.

 She replies with a chew of tobacco pressed to her lips, her eyes narrowing.

 I'm sure Fialaat is right. If I had just stepped forward to bite the enemy's head off and taken a direct hit from the magic bullet, I would have died easily.

 I wasn't going to take it that well, but I still couldn't be satisfied with my five bodies.

 If I hadn't done so well, I would have ended up in Caria again... no, let's not do that.

 After Agathos had caused confusion in both armies, the commander of the Borvat army withdrew his troops to follow the orders from the main army. He didn't show any hesitation or regret, either because he had an idea or because something happened to the main army.

 I'd like to hope for the latter, but my hopes usually go in the opposite direction, so I'm not holding my breath.

 At any rate, the first round between the two armies was strangely easy, with both sides pulling their punches. The damage may have been greater for Borvat's army, but even so, it was not a very good result.

 The front was dominated by Kalia's swing and Agathos's rampage. Looking at that one aspect alone, we would have won.

 However, from the reports, we have not been able to respond to the enemy offensive from the other side. Not only were the walls not breached, but many soldiers were killed.

 There is no telling what will happen if the same kind of offensive continues several more times.

 --No, actually, I already know. In fact, I already know.

 We saw the damage and we understood. The walled city of Galuamaria is ironclad. Even a small number of soldiers can defend it against the elite Borvat army.

 However, what is inexcusable is the difference in strength. No matter how many local victories they achieve with forces like Caria's, in the end they will be crushed to death.

 That's why I wanted to kill one of the commanders in today's swing. In order for a small force like ours to win, we needed to recreate the Battle of Sarnio.

 In other words, we needed to destroy the enemy's key positions quickly in localized battles aimed at the commanders, not the entire battlefield.

 But what about this time? Partial victories have been won, but in the big picture, it's close to a draw. If this keeps up, we'll definitely be the ones who can't stand the wear and tear.

 That's really bad. We had to get a clear win in the first game.

 My fingers tap my knee. I know I shouldn't be in a hurry, but I can't help but feel rushed. I have to think about the future.

 With that feeling in my heart, I've used up a whole pack of chewing tobacco when Kalia walks into the office. She didn't even knock today.

 With a slight trace of sweat on her forehead, she says.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. What do you want at this busy time? Do you miss my blood?

 With silver eyes glittering, Kalia looked straight at me, and her voice rang out. Her eyes flickered to Fialaat for a moment, but she only smiled triumphantly.

 Fialaat says, blackness growing.

"Hey, Lugis. I wonder if there was anything in the war that made you miss blood?

"There was, wasn't there?

 Your cheeks twitch. You've got great friends. I never thought I'd be able to forget the frustration of war like this.

 I let out a big sigh as if to turn my gaze away from reality.