451 450 words "Magic Archer"

 Hind-Butse, the second-in-command of Borvat's army, opened his ever-squinting eyes. There was a blinding sight before him.

 The thunderbolt of his master, the essence of magic. And now it's being swallowed by a demonic light unlike anything he's ever seen.

 This was something Hind had never imagined.

 No, it would not be Hind's fault alone. The soldiers, the captains, and the other second-in-command, Eileen Ray Rachidore, had not even thought about it.

 Whether it was the Kingdom of Garleist or the city-states, they were far less developed in terms of magic than the Borvat Dynasty. It would be a long time before they could even be compared.

 How could he have imagined that it would shine so brightly as to crush the essence of a magic general?

 Hind closed his eyelids and stroked them with his fingers, leaving his heart in turmoil and the soldiers around him behind. It was his habit to do so when confronted with an untenable situation.

"Vice Admiral Busse, what is that? What is that?

 Something cold fell on his forehead. Hearing his men's voices finally brought Hind back to reality.

I don't know, I really don't. But it's war. Impossible things can happen.

 Hind said to the voice of his man who seemed to be asking for help. That's what I keep telling myself.

 Yes, it's war. No matter what happens, it's not crazy. Reason fades in the face of absurdity, good virtue is smeared with vice.

 But that doesn't mean that if the general gets upset, the soldiers will get even more upset. After a second's thought, Hind said.

"-Prepare to advance close. Let's assume the vanguard has collapsed. We'll scatter the enemy.

 Hind said in a voice as hard and cold as stone. The men were momentarily at a loss for words, but responded to their superior's voice.

"All hands! Prepare for rapid advance!

 Compared to the soldiers in the vanguard, the elite magic armored soldiers under Hind were still less confused. If that's the case, we have no choice but to take some risks and attack the vanguard. Otherwise, Hind judged that the soldiers in the vanguard would be nothing but good fodder for the enemy.

 Closing the distance between him and the vanguard that had begun the assault, Hind's voice rang out. The clatter of horseshoes sounded rather hectic.

 Even as he collected the vanguard soldiers back to his unit, Hind still felt an unsettled feeling in his heart. It wasn't agitation or frustration.

 It was pure rage.

 We don't know who he is, and we don't know what that demon light is. There is only one thing I know for sure. Only one thing was certain: its owner had humiliated his own lord.

 That was the only thing Hind could not forgive.

 If you ask Hind-Butse about his loyalty and integrity to his country, he probably can't give you a quick answer. He may be able to say what he wants to say, but he will never say what he really thinks.

 That is why his sense of belonging to the nation was so fragile.

 As a child, he was born into a commoner's family, scorned as lowly, and was not even given a chance to learn.

 Was it because of the state's help that he was able to rise to the rank of vice admiral in the army? Was it because of the state's charity to him?

 Not at all, Hind declares. The position and honor he now wears on his chest is entirely due to his talent and tireless efforts. And it is because of Mastighios-la-Bolgograd who raised him from the common people.

 For Hind, the state of the Borovart dynasty and its ruler were not something to which he belonged, even if he felt abhorrent about them. He is trapped in the framework of Borvat only for the sake of the overlord.

 That is why what burns in Hind's heart now is too much rage against the enemy.

 He bared his teeth and led his troops with an angry voice. The soldiers on the front line were finally coming into view.

 Then Hind opened his eyes once more. His mouth, which Eirene had called sarcastic, twisted into a grimace.

 There it was, in the midst of the enemy soldiers, crumbling snow and splattering blood against the cold.

 A different green uniform, a purplish blade that sent a chill down his spine, a man who was on the front lines, destroying the enemy more than the soldiers.

 I had heard that the blade was a little longer than a one-handed sword, but it was longer and sharper. It looks more like a greatsword. For a moment, it even seemed to be pulsating.

 I'm sure of it. That's the great evil--Rugis.

 Reflexively, Hind drew back his elbow and raised his arm.

 If I can kill that thing here, my loss will be cleared up in an instant. Even if he loses his own life, if the great evil that is the pivot of the enemy army dies, the word "defeat" should not be attached to his general in this war.

 And in any case, the man was not something to be discarded.

 A magic armored soldier is said to be worth ten men. It spat out its blood in front of the man as if it were a lamb. It was an unbelievable sight. Hind felt that he had seen part of the reason why his men were referred to as demons and witches.

 Hind's raised arm suddenly became hot. It was a sign that the magic tools in his fingers were converging their magic power and transforming their nature more sharply.

 Hind does not have the dexterity of a master sorcerer to handle a multitude of magic. Nor does his body have the capabilities to perform complex magical rituals.

 It can only be used for one thing.

 In the past, when demons were still primitive. It was rumored that those who wielded magic could kill people without touching them. Rumors became doubts, doubts became facts, and those who used magic were persecuted. Even if the sorcerers at that time were only imitating fortune telling at best.

 Therefore, in order to counter the persecution, sorcerers put curses on people. To curse and kill. The first primitive magic to accomplish murder. Hind swung his arm and shot it from his finger.

 --The first magic bullet.

 A magic bullet runs through the battlefield. To kill the great evil, stitch the shadows and aim at its blind spot.

 Normally, this would be an inevitable blow. It's too much of a threat to someone who can't use magic. It shouldn't even be visible.

 The great evil is not normal. He swings his sword as if it were a matter of course and outruns the speed of a magic bullet. No, that's not all. He took some of it on his body and still didn't spit out a single drop of blood.

"d*mn you, you monster!

 muttered Hind, and then he saw it.

 A gaze that stared straight at Hind. It was no longer necessary to ask whose gaze it was.

 A definite premonition passed through Hind's mind. It's coming here. It's coming to kill you. Always.

 The great evil is coming with far fewer men than Borvat's army. To the casual observer, it's suicide. That of a dead soldier ready to die.

 But not that one, Hind thought. The great evil, as they say, knows no defeat.

 After joining the heraldic cult, he fell the walled city of Galuamaria, swallowed the mercenary city of Belle Fain, and even forced the Garleist army to retreat. And now he has the royal capital in his hands.

 The very definition of a hero. That's why he knows no fear. I've come here only to do as I please, to wield as much power as I can.

 --That's why I'm here to take it.

 I'll take it here. It doesn't even look at its guards, it flies in a single bound and closes in on the Hind.

 Its behavior is no longer that of a man. Is there anything wrong with being called a demon? Because at least a normal human being would not try to slay an enemy general with his horse.

 The next moment the purple light was waved, black fresh blood melted the snow and poured into the surroundings. The thick necks of warhorses were being chopped off like toys.

 The horseman, Hind, was in the air. His instincts and reflexes were grasping for life in a split second decision.

 But the predicament was not over. As if he had anticipated this, the great evil flipped his wrist and took a step forward to slay the Hind that was still in the air.

 In the middle of a moment that seemed far too long, Hind raised his arm. The aim was to fire a magic bullet at very close range. The most deadly firepower Hind could pour into his right arm was now working its magic.

 One of them will lose his life, and one of them will come back alive.

 At the moment of their intersection, the heavens shook. A glittering light flashed through the air, and then - an avalanche of extreme magic roared between them.

 A sparkle like a jewel was flying high in the air.