447 Four hundred and forty-six words: "Magic and myste...

"Lovell ......, Majin Lovell. No, I can't think of any.

 It's not like I can't think of one.

 The demon Lovell. There have been several stories from other cities and scouts that the Borvat army is with them. The frequency of these stories was so high that it was as if the Borovart army was spreading the word.

 I don't know if the Bolvart dynasty is in league with these witches or if they're collared, but they're definitely our enemies.

 And yet, we can't even grasp a shred of its origin or how it is.

 I cluck my tongue and hold my head. Of all the memories of the past that still lurked in his skull, the only thing that seemed to be useful was his knowledge of the demons and monsters. I don't want you to go on a selfish vacation.

 I put my chewing tobacco back in my mouth and look around the office inside the walls of Garou Amalia - the room that Mattia used to use. On the desk in front of me was a huge pile of rolled up parchment.

 They were all from the past, from a time even older than the time of the Unified Empire. Some of them seemed to have been transcribed from documents of some kind, and some of them were from unknown times.

 According to Mattia, some of the great demons, demons, or demons, as they are called, have etched their names into the myths and lore of the past.

 They are the great demons and their servants. They have a power that no human body, not even a demon's, can match. In the Kami era, they have the power to distort the logic of things and even the flow of time.

 Therefore, depending on the time period, they were revered as gods, and at other times they were disparaged as evil. There may have been a time in ancient times when even the evil dragon Vriligant was revered as a god.

 --However, many of these ancient myths and records were destroyed during the time of the Unified Empire.

 Therefore, the only way to rely on records was to rely on the few documents stored by the heraldic religion.

 But even among the piles of parchment, there was not a single word about Lovell. The reason I say "apparently" is because there is no way I could read something with such ancient script, and I had to have a heraldic officer teach me one by one as I read.

 In the end, the only knowledge I gained was about the great demon, the evil dragon Vriligant. As for this one, the myth that Altius the Divine Spirit had personally ripped out its heart was still fresh in the records.

 Vrilliganth the Great. The root of all evil in this world, the evil that brings pain and death. The poison it spits out dissolves all the earth, and its vibrations distort even the fates of men.

 I don't know whether to believe it or not. If everything in the literature is true, then what kind of a monster was Altius when he shattered this guy's heart?

 I look up at the ceiling, and find nothing. That's right. If I could save a city with one foot in the grave by trawling through a sea of literature, all the heroes of the ages would be swinging their swords at literature instead of the battlefield.

 You've wasted your time. I'm sure you're not the only one who's trying to find out what's going on here.

 As I let out a sigh, a sharp voice struck my ear.

"Come on in, how could you say no?

 At the same time, the door to the office opened unceremoniously. The door to the office opened unceremoniously. Since she entered before I could even nod, it would have been the same whether I had said no or not. Perhaps that is the line that she should draw.

 I have no reason to refuse her, of course, but I am not satisfied.

 I looked directly into her silver eyes, which were bathed in sunlight and shone with a more dignified glow than usual.

'Would you be satisfied if I said "please, miss"? I hope that's good news.

 Kalia brushed her hair back from her shoulders and stared at me with the corners of her mouth turned up. I could tell by the expression on her face that there was at least a hint of bad news in it.

 I've always thought of her as having a stern expression, but looking at her like this, I think she might be more expressive than I thought.

 After a beat, Kalia said, "There is good news and bad news.

"There is one good news. The guards of Garouamalia are reasonably well trained. They handle their weapons and materials with care. In terms of food, they are well stocked, as only a trading city can be. It's perfect for a siege.

 Hearing this, my eyebrows furrowed as much as they could. Kalia's flowing words passed through her ears, but did not enter her mind.

 The news itself was wonderful. We have no food, no men, and the walls are useless, so we will have no choice but to turn on our heels and flee.

 But what is bad news when you have all these good materials? The ears themselves quivered as if refusing the function of hearing.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea." "Our reinforcements, the mercenaries we've brought in from Belle Fain, and our reserve forces are all included in ....... We can estimate our strength at around three or four thousand. It would be an unexpected result.

 Then Kalia's voice became heavier. I think he's trying to say that this is bad news. But for some reason, Kalia's smile deepened.

So, what's the bad news? Wood didn't catch a cold, did he?

 I couldn't stand to listen to him, so I opened my mouth. Kalia lets out a sigh.

"Fool--Bolvat's marching speed is insane. He must be intoxicated by his first act of conquest in a long time. They'll be biting down on our walls in two days at the latest.

 Reflexively, my cheeks harden. No, twitching would have been more accurate. I chewed harder on my tobacco. The smell in his nostrils was unreal.

 According to the information I had gathered from various sources, it would still take at least seven days, and hopefully more than ten, for the Borvat army to see the great walls of Galuamaria. This was not an optimistic estimate, but a very natural one.

 After all, an invasion by a military force is not something that can be completed by simply beating up a city with overwhelming force.

 There are many things that need to be done, such as controlling people's minds with a view to ruling afterwards, suppressing rebellions, securing food, to name but a few. Even if we postpone many of them, we must allocate enough troops to secure the fallen cities, and we must have time to reorganize our forces for that purpose.

 That's the way it has to be. That's normal. Warfare is not a game on a board.

 No, it's not.

 As my thoughts began to grow cold, I clenched my fists and forced myself back to consciousness. My fingernails dug into my flesh, oblivious to the pain. My back muscles tensed unconsciously.

 My cold head was now burning hot with shame and anger. It was an unbearable rage at myself, no one else.

 Unworthy. I wanted to choke myself for being so stupid. After all, I was thinking what was best for me in the face of a mighty enemy army.

 This is what I must do. It has to be this way. It has to be.

 How can such common sense apply when they have a demon in their midst?

 It's funny that I said something like "have a little faith" to Ann and now I'm like this. Biting down on his own mockery, he urged Kalia to say the following.

One more thing. The reaction of the other city-states is as bad as ever. Is this the only place you're right?

"Don't tell me. Don't tell me. I'm still hurting. My heart is as fragile as glass.

 Even before arriving in Garou Amalia, I had sent several messages to Portus and the other ironworks cities that were still safe, requesting their help. But, as expected, they had no effect.

 No matter how much we consider the Borvat army a threat, no matter how much we show our willingness to cooperate, they will not bend their will.

 Wonderful, as befits those of us who, once upon a time, refused to lay a finger on a nation until it had almost lost its outline.

 I felt as if I had come full circle. No matter how much we cry and scream, the enemy will come. They'll come like a disaster with their sorcerous armored soldiers and sorcerous beasts.

 If you want to survive, you must bare your fangs, even if it costs you blood. I stood up and stroked the sword. Then he grasped the hilt.

"Caria. I need you to guard the front gate. I'll need two days to make it as massive as possible.

 And as I say this, I suddenly realize. Kalia was staring right at me. I think it had been happening since the moment I walked into this room.

 With a small smile on her face and a bird of prey look in her eyes, she says.

I'm sure you'll agree with me, but you'll join me in defending the front gate, right?

 Suddenly, my fingers creaked. My throat tingles like it's burning. My throat burned, and I felt a slight but significant discomfort. I couldn't understand why Kalia would suddenly say something like this.

 Even Kalia must have understood that we lacked a serious commander. People like Kalia, who was raised as a knight, and Vestalinu, who is skilled in leading mercenaries, are extremely rare.

 You have no idea how helpful they are to soldiers on the battlefield. Of course it would be better to have them leading at key points, rather than someone like me whose only function is to charge with the troops.

 Of course, I understand what Caria is trying to say. But I can't drag around the biggest force in the world like Kalia in this predicament. That's what I told Kalia.

 She shakes her silver hair and responds as she should. No, I'm sure Kalia knew this was coming before she even entered the room.

 That's why the words came out so quickly, and that's how they grabbed my heart.

"Well, then, no. Lugis. You've got it all wrong, haven't you?

 A chill went down my spine. Misunderstanding. That word sounded familiar. And it was right here in the land of Galuamaria. Kalia was smiling happily.

"It's been a long time, huh? You've changed a lot, but you're still the same in some ways. So have I.

 I can't help but notice that Kalia's footsteps are approaching me. It was like a lioness baring her fangs and barking ferociously.

 Kalia's long fingers slowly stroke my neck. Her claws were slightly raised.

"Answer me, Lugis. What am I to you? Am I a useful actor, or a servant, or something else?

 My throat rumbled. The words crawled through my brain, "What are you doing at a time like this to get away with this?

 But my instincts told me not to say anything else.

 A silver eye is staring straight at me. There's not a hint of doubt, not a hint of stagnation. It doesn't matter what time it is, Kalia is genuinely asking a question that is non-negotiable.

 It was as if everything else was completely unimportant.

 Her lips tightened as she spoke.

"...... I know, I know, Karia. You're my only shield. It's too good to be true. But--

No, you don't understand a thing.

 With all the dignity and dignity of a primordial demon, Kalia smiled lustily.