392 Article 391. "The Worst Compatibility"

 Do you want to live or do you want to die?

 Fialaat-la-Volgograd said to the girl in front of him, her dark eyes fixed carefully. It was not the kind of language one would use in everyday life.

 But the fact that she dared to choose such a word, even though she was aware of her rudeness, was undoubtedly out of kindness.

 After all, Fialaert had heard about Léu's upbringing up to the present. All from the mouth of a sleeping woman.

 Fialaert's thought-inducing magic can titillate the consciousness of even the most sane person. So it was easy enough to penetrate the brain of someone who was deeply asleep and extract a few words.

 However, it was not enough to pull out everything. But it was useful enough.

 Knowing this, Fialaert asked Leu frankly.

Now, I can let you die in your sleep with magic. That's what I'm talking about. ...... If you become a demon, we may have to forcibly cut off your head.

 In this moment, Fialat thought, it would be cowardly to mince words. Everything that needs to be said must be said.

 And the truth is, she's smarter than I thought. Not that she's educated. But she's more than capable of understanding things. She seems to be well aware that there is a demon or alien being living inside of her. Then you know what I'm talking about.

 What are you going to do? As soon as he asked this, he felt a cramping pain in his heart. A hard weight was crawling around in Fialaat's stomach.

 Perhaps, Fialaert thought, Lugis had brought Leung back because he wanted to save her. When he found out that the girl was living with a demon, he felt infinite rage and pity. He could see it in her eyes. That's why he asked you to heal her.

 But... I can't.

 The injured right arm itself is fine. It's a demon's unique ability to adapt to magic. There aren't many people who can adapt to magic like that.

 However, when he touched a part of Leu's soul through the wound, Fialaat understood her condition better than anyone else. The demoness known as the Jewel and Leu's soul. They are so intertwined that they are irreplaceable.

 For example, if you mix fresh water with mud, is it possible to turn it back into perfect fresh water?

 It may be possible if you have the time and energy to do it. But Leung's soul is already being invaded by the demon in every corner of it.

 There's no time for her to go back.

 So is it salvation to just let her live in mischief, and even suffer in the end? Isn't letting her rest in peace a form of salvation?

 Fialaat desperately suppressed the gnashing of her own teeth. I'm about to do the worst thing.

 If Leu had been just a demon, if she had been just a threat to him. I wouldn't have these feelings.

 Oh, if there is a God, why did he create this thing called misfortune? It's not as if he's making people unhappy to make everyone cling to him.

 This child has gone through unbearable hardship, trying to live for others without thinking of himself. The result is, of all things, this end, and what a joke it is that it should end this way.

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea. I'm not sure what to say.

...... May I ask you just one question?

 The girl asked, and Fialaat nodded. She felt something unpleasant crawl down her throat. The only thing she asked was if those people had been saved.

You mean the ones who were captured. Yes, not all of them. But some of them did.

 Well, at least some of them were because of you. Fialaat tells him frankly. It was a clear fact. If Leu hadn't stepped in to save them, most of the captives would have been crushed and turned into meat. Even if some of them had survived, more would have died.

 When Leu heard Fialat's words, a smile appeared on his face for the first time. It wasn't a carefree smile, but it was a childlike expression that he finally showed. Fialaat raised the corner of his mouth slightly in response.

 As if in response, Leu said.

If you want to go to ......, that's fine. If I could just save those people, my painful life would have been worth it.

 The moment. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 When Leu said that, Fialaat knew that he had actually been hoping that she would say that she did not want to die.

 There was no way she would say she wanted to die. So he tried to convince himself that he couldn't kill her.

 As a result, endless self-loathing swirled in his chest. I let such a child prepare for and affirm his own death. Fialat wanted to tighten his ugly neck right there and then.

 Isn't that right? He was still a child, even with a demon in his arms. There was no way he would have the determination to endure the unjust fate of the rain of arrows, or the will to take up his sword and face the stormy waves of hardship.

 Those who can do so will be precious. They will shine like gold. But those who can't, what can they do? Oh, haven't I thought the same thing before?

 Leung is just a kid who's been living. Just trying so hard.

 Without realizing it, Fialat squinted his dark eyes and turned his legs toward Leu. And so, step by step, he approached. Close enough that he could reach out and touch her.

 I saw his shoulders jerk up lightly. His thin neck was even shivering. Even as she said it, I could see her fear of death.

 But she didn't try to escape. She raised herself lightly from the bed and did not look away.

 Fialaert lazily moved her fingers closer to Leu. Then he cradled his trembling shoulders in his hands. The landscape shifted at the edge of his vision, but he paid no attention to it.

I said, "...... I'm sorry, really. I said the wrong thing. What is happiness? How can an unworthy god like you, who can't make a single child happy, take care of you in the afterlife?

 Fialat was aware that his voice was trembling. Fialaat was aware of the trembling in his voice. He could see that the emotions that he had been desperately tying up with a rough rope could no longer be contained.

 Fialaert-la-Volgograd was a man of reason and intellect, and yet a man of irrationality.

 What you see in front of you is an unmistakable demon egg. At any moment, an enemy of the human species might roar from within the cracks. If you are thinking about rationality, you should choose the option where many people can be saved in exchange for the life of one girl named Leu.

 But Fialat can't do that. If it was a demon in the form of a child, he would not be able to sacrifice an innocent child to the merciless sea.

If you are still alive ......, one day you will be able to say that there was a day like that. What can you do when you're dead? So-- so put your hands down. Erdis.

 While holding her small shoulders, which were still trembling and even sobbing, Fialaert said in a piercing voice. Her dark eyes cut through the landscape of the bedroom.

 Simultaneously, the landscape shakes. Spirit magic stripped her of her body, letting her blue form spill out as she crumbled. Erdis, Queen of the Elves, stepped out of what should have been an empty space and said, "I'm here. Her blue eyes twisted slightly.

You're making a mistake, Fearalert. You've made a mistake. That kind of sentimentality in you humans is really disgusting.

"Would you say the same thing to your own children? Would you say the same thing to your own children if one of them became a witch's slave? The only one who can sacrifice someone is the one who has never sacrificed before, Erdis.

 Kuro and blue. As the two mesh, the space loses its vitality. On the one hand, he's a caster of battlefield magic, and on the other hand, he's a master of the Great Sorcery.

 They are no longer inferior to being called heroes. Every time their gazes intertwined, something sobbed.

 Magic strokes Fialaert's fingertips, and the spirit's blessing pours over Erdis' skin. The air writhed in its rush.

 A moment later.

"It's disgusting. Humans and elves have become so noisy. I've been called a barbarian, but I'm much more of a pacifist. Can't you at least be a little quieter and more considerate while I'm sleeping?

 It wasn't Fialaert, Elddis, or Leu. Such a voice sounded.