388 387 'The Monster with the Root of the Roots'

 Largd-Anne's defection to the anti-Rugis faction. This has caused a wave of unrest among the seniors and their factions around Salainio.

 It is no longer a secret that she has become the right-hand woman of Saint Mattia. The fact that she has been given the right to rule the puppet city of Philos is also an indication of this.

 Moreover, Anne was a valuable substitute for the saint, even if only temporarily. Without her presence, even the saint herself would not have gone to the front.

 Even if we consider the benefits of having the saint herself lead the expedition in order to raise morale and control the situation on the front lines at all times, there is no way she could have done it without someone who could control the affairs of government inside. The saint believes that Anne can do it.

 That's why Largd-Anne's words will resonate more heavily with the saint than anyone else's words. If she tells the saint the truth about what the old men are up to and what they are doing. She'll understand it's the truth.

 I don't know what she'll do then. Until now, she had been working to suppress the movement of the seniors, but there was a good chance that she would take the final decision.

 At any rate, it is easy to imagine that Ann's defection will make the factional conflict within the heraldry even clearer and even threaten to split the organization. If this were to happen, the power base of the seniors could be weakened.

 Therefore, the discussion among the seniors immediately after the letter arrived was like a fever blowing. The wrinkles on their faces deepened, and they spat from the corners of their mouths as they repeated their words.

There must be someone on the inside. It's only natural to retreat once your position has been compromised.

The situation has changed, but it hasn't given him any excuse. Largd-Anne is in no position to do anything about it.

 There are two opposing views. Do we continue our reluctant sabotage of the great expedition? Or do we show cooperation in order to prepare ourselves for the future? This course of action had to be decided as soon as possible. If the time passed without a definite course of action, it could lead to more defections.

 At the very least, we don't want to give the saints or Anne any excuse. That's what the majority of the seniors thought.

 --Except for one man, Sarainio.

 As soon as the majority of the people in the room were in agreement, Salainio slowly moved his dry lips.

...... Garou Amalia is easy to defend and hard to attack. It's not like the little girl is thinking about overpowering you with soldiers. If you're not sure what to do, you can always ask for help. So the best she can do is to try to keep us on our toes and get us off our feet.

 I'm sure the letter was part of his goal," Salainio said, smiling and speaking plainly. That rational tone was his usual way of speaking.

 There was a hint of emotion in his voice, but it was not as intense as that of the other seniors. It slightly calmed the people around him.

 So what should we do, the old woman sitting next to Salainio asked. The wrinkles on her face were deeply etched. Salainio nodded lightly and said. He nodded lightly and said, as if it were obvious.

It's a long game of looking for an opening when you can't move, that's what little girls do. Then it's simple--we'll attack from here. Prepare your men.

 Salainio said with a fervor he hadn't felt in a long time. He smiled, his wrinkles deepening as he wondered when the last time had been. He even acted as if he was relaxed.

 On the other hand, several of the seniors looked at each other in agitation and frustration. Some even looked as if they still did not understand what Salainio was talking about.

 What do you mean, "attack"? Does he mean to lead his troops to attack the puppet city of Philos? Such thoughts crawled through their brains in an instant, and so the old men's hearts began to race.

"Nonsense, all we have here now are the guards. Besides, it's snowing death. A siege is not a serious matter. Besides, if the saint's soldiers come back, that's the end of it!

 Salainio said to the old man with a strained look on his face. His eyes are wide open, and his tongue moves with a certain vivacity.

"Foolish, not foolish. That's what the girl thinks. We're at too great a disadvantage to make a serious attack.

 He paused for a moment, glaring at his surroundings, and then opened his mouth again.

So we will.

 We'll finish everything before the saint returns, Salainio says.

 The Philos protectorate has less than a thousand men, less than Garou Amalia's army. And they have very little in the way of food reserves. Most of them will have been released to the front lines. That's where our advantage lies. There was certainly a chance that we could win a short war.

 But there are plenty of disadvantages as well.

 If the saints return before the end of the war, there's no choice but to surrender due to the overwhelming difference in numbers. Then, of course, the majority of the seniors would be executed. In addition, there was a good chance that Garou Amalia's protection would be weakened and she would be spotted by the demons. Moreover, the saint might say that they were apostates when they grasped victory in their hands.

 To the old man's objection, Salainio said mockingly.

The saint is smart. The saint is a smart woman. She is not the kind of person who would choose to lose her daughter and then have us take control of the city of Philos.

 If we do that, the heraldry will definitely split and we will lose most of its functions. The wise saint would understand that, of course.

 And besides... Salainio said as he continued. His eyes were unusually fierce, like those of a hawk.

"There is nothing to be gained by an act that leaves wounds and blood on your hands. No glory comes to those who do not swallow their toil. Do you think that I have raised a heraldic order without ever having to get my hands dirty, gentlemen?

 The air itself became tense as Salainio spoke. The air itself had a tense feel to it.

 It's not that I don't like it. That man is Salainio.

 A feat of that magnitude could not have been accomplished through niceties alone.

 He has shed blood and he has made others shed blood. At times he's endorsed violence as well as knowledge. That's why the old men knew that this man was terrible.

 He was a martyr to the principles and doctrines of the heraldry, but he did not choose the means to achieve them. He respects reason, but he affirms violence.

 Salainio. The monster with roots in heraldry is still showing glimpses of it in his old age.

 If you're looking for the best of the best, you're going to have to go with the best.

 As soon as Salainio finished his words, the old men around him opened their mouths, taking advantage of the moment.

Let's agree with ....... "If you say so, Lord Salainio.

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing. Originally, they were followers of Salainio, and naturally their roots had been turned before the debate.

 And so, in the end. There was no one who would argue with Salainio. Rather, the only person who could speak openly against Salainio was the saint.

 He nodded in satisfaction and shook his beard. He nodded in satisfaction and shook his beard, telling me to prepare my men immediately.

 --The heraldry is my child. He wants to take it. Don't think it's easy, girl.

 His eyes showed a piercing light as he looked in the direction of the city.