379 In 378 words, 'Wang has infiltrated.'

 Inside the Royal City of Arche.

 Due to the demonic's repeated control and suppression, not a single person can be seen in the once thriving main streets or even the small alleys. It is safe to say that the majority of those who call themselves the human species are under the control of the demons.

 Some are raised as livestock, some are kept as food. Some of them were used for sorcery.

 There was no life in the houses that lined the streets, and the only sound was that of those who had escaped and were still struggling to breathe.

 As in the past, freedom has been taken away from man, and the joy of life has been lost.

 In the midst of a royal city where even breathing has been forgotten. There was a girl alone in a back alley.

 Shiro hair, pale red eyes. She might be a child of the villages around the capital, judging by her shabby clothes. The poorly made shoes covering his feet were also covered with dirt and wood chips from outside.

 Her appearance was somewhat unusual, but her clothes were no different from those worn by an ordinary child.

 What is noteworthy, therefore, is their appearance.

 There was blood on her cheeks, shoulders, clothes, and even her shins. There was blood. Not thin, but so thick that it drowned out the underlying color.

 If it was all bleeding from her trauma, then she was definitely already dead. Hence, it's blood poisoning.

 Surrounding her were the corpses of several humans and the flesh of a hexenbiest. The girl was in that back alley, where death lay clear with the enormous amount of blood. All that was left was the girl and a single Kobold.

 The Kobold grabbed her tiny head in the palm of his hand. It grabbed her head with the palm of its hand and grabbed it with such force that it could have cracked her skull.

 The girl sobs and drops her limbs helplessly, as if she doesn't even have the strength to resist.

"Hey, human. Am I asking too hard a thing? Just tell me one thing, tell me what happened.

 It was a Kobold with a face like a mix between a dog and a cat. The muscular hexenbiest's fingertips lightly shook the girl's skull, causing a sound similar to a creak.

 It was not the arrogant way of speaking that was characteristic of hexenbiests. This was probably due in part to the character of the Kobold, but it was also probably due to the fact that he was wary of the current situation.

 When the Kobold came here, the situation was already like this. A girl without a scratch on her, and her people cut down. There are human corpses, but the fact that they were killed by each other is too puzzling.

 So there was something. Something out of the ordinary. We have to report this to Drigman, the controller.

"...... I don't know. I don't know anything. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ......

 The girl says with a sob. Her voice is not frightened, it's more like she's throwing her emotions away.

 I don't think I can talk to you. Kobold decided.

"It's messy. It's a pain in the ass when all that survives is a goofy human. It would have been better if someone better had lived.

 No reaction from the girl. Her arms and legs are thrown up as if she doesn't even have the will to live.

 I don't know why, but her lifeless attitude and red eyes strangely disturbed Kobold.

 Humans are meant to struggle and yet die. That's how it should be. Kobold tightened his grip on his hand. A moment later, the girl's skull would be crushed to death like a boxwood.

 That's when it happened. The neck, burning hot. The kobold's eyes widened.

 Kobold couldn't understand that it was a cry of pain. Because before he could, the blade in his neck had chopped off his thick head.

 At the same time as the purple lightning, the demonic marrow was exposed and the blood wet the girl's cheek again. A voice licked the alleyway slightly.

"It's common knowledge in back alleys that chatterboxes who talk too much and feel too good will die young. Didn't you know that?

 The girl's eyes, devoid of life, reflected a green military uniform. On top of it, multiple people can be seen. There was no uniformity in their clothing, and they did not look like people from King's Landing. Judging from their appearance, many of them might have been members of the dead.

 A young man in a military uniform looked at the girl curiously. It was the color of the girl's eyes that he often saw. A color that was both strange and suspicious. The girl's spine jumped.

Are you alone? Do you have any relatives? Or are you from an orphanage?

 I think the voice was gentle. The way she bent down and met my gaze was not malicious in the least.

 Still, the girl felt something close to her throat, and agitation was running down her spine. After a few moments of pause, she finally managed to twist her voice.

"...... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, sir.

 Would he be angry or disgusted? Her voice was filled with such trepidation.

 The girl knew that her timid voice was something that people did not like. But there was nothing she could do to fix it.

 This is the only way I've ever been taught to speak. And I've never been allowed to do so.

 There was no great reaction from the young man. He nodded slowly and looked at the dark-haired woman who was standing beside him. This time the dark-haired woman says to the girl.

"It's not okay, is it? It's okay, just breathe slowly.

 Fear Alert. The dark-haired woman, as she is called, makes eye contact with the girl and lightly squeezes her hand. It was a warmth she hadn't felt in a long time.

 But even that was an object of fear to the girl now. A shiver runs down her spine and her eyes widen. The dark-haired woman let out a few words to the girl, as if she was slowly chewing them. The words were soft and tailored to her.

I'm sorry, but... I'm sorry, but I don't have time to take you back to where I live right now. I'm sorry. ...... I'm sorry if this is confusing to you all of a sudden. But right now, I need you to trust us and follow us.

 It's the only way I can protect you. The dark-haired woman then grasps the girl's hand in both of hers. Her hands were gentle, as if she were touching a broken object.

 But the girl was still afraid of her words. She was afraid of continuing the conversation, of being the center of someone's attention, and her impatience was building up in her hands in the form of sweat.

 So, in order to get out of this situation as quickly as the other person wanted, the girl nodded. She was barely listening to the woman.

"Thank you. What's your name?

"............ Leung. It's just Leu.

 Leu said, hoping the conversation would end soon.

 The sun was setting as we entered the sewer.

 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can contact us at the web site.

 Of course, the capital is large, but the demons are strangely vigilant. Are they looking for the remaining soldiers? The shadows of the demons are hidden everywhere in the city.

 Even though it's been a long time since I've been back, you don't have to give me such a big welcome. It was just too much.

"Is this Drigman still in the palace?

 Richard's grandfather said in a dimly lit room, illuminated only by candlelight. The remnants of the army were sitting in a corner of the back street, where there was no sunlight.

 The soldiers nodded with slight trepidation, probably due to the old man's firm words.

 According to him, the demons are forming an army around the royal palace. Then, small groups of troops will patrol the royal city and surrounding villages. You don't need to ask what they mean by patrolling the surrounding villages.

 There is no other way but to kidnap people and things.

 The old man's brow wrinkled, and he said in disgust.

The only people who can get into the palace are the nobility. The hexenbiests have gotten better.

 His voice was mocking and pained at the same time. It's the kind of voice not many old men make.

 In the face of the devastation in the capital, even the old man could not go on as usual. Whatever it is, he must have something on his mind. Well, that goes for me too.

 The very authority of the royal court, which was once so glorious that I wasn't even allowed to pay attention to it, is now being defiled under the feet of a demon. It was a complicated feeling, like having my stomach churned.

 The main street, where people had to be pushed aside to walk, now belonged to the demonic, and people could not even walk freely outside, which was disgusting. In fact, except for a child I picked up earlier, I haven't seen a single person, not even in the back alleys.

We need to use the outside forces to separate the hexenbiest from the hexenbiest. We'll have to use the outside forces to separate the monsters from the demons, just enough to keep them on their toes and lure them away.

 Kalia said, her silver eyes shining. Although she was returning to the familiar city, there was no hint of slackness or harshness in her voice. I was expecting to see a rage or two from Kalia, but...

 After all, although I had taken her out, she was originally a knight of the Garleist class. There must be some kind of loyalty or respect there that I've never had. Maybe he was just biting back his emotions at the moment.

 The old man responded to Kalia, clearing his throat for a moment.

Don't rush, girl, it's not enough. You're dealing with an unknown demoness. ...... I want to reduce her strength as much as possible.

 And you don't even need to know what his mysterious power is, Richard's old man squinted, his wrinkles deepening and his mouth moving.

 This old man seems to really enjoy playing tricks.

 But it's true. That's the kind of discretion you need when dealing with a demon.

 Drigman the controller. The leader of the demonic army of hexenbiests and demons. I don't know everything about him, but I do know his threats and how they kill.

 A hexenbiest the hero Helt Stanley killed once upon a time.

 Since mythical times, he's used his two arms to grab and control everything, and as long as he has two feet on the ground, he's never been defeated. That's a terrible story. How could you let such bullshit pass? I envy you so much.

 That's why in mythology and in the past. He was killed the same way.

 I say some of those things to the myths. It wasn't all that much, but it was better than nothing.

 After a beat, the old man said.

"All right, all right. As for the hexenbiests, let's use fire. That's my specialty. Rougis...

 The old man spat the words while looking me straight in the eye. He twisted his lips and lowered his gaze.

 This is insane. Shrugging his shoulders, he said.

"Fine. I'll look into the demoness separately. In the meantime, make sure you do everything you can, old man.