377 376 Speech "Exchange of Spirit"

 --We will use our forces to intimidate the royal city of Arche, and while the tension is high, we will make a small incursion into the city.

 When I said this, Mattia opened her mouth with such force that it sounded like she was going to scream. It was probably the loudest voice I've ever heard from her. It was probably the loudest voice I've ever heard.

 For the first time in a long time, with all the emotion on her face, Mattia says.

"Even a madman would be a bit more gentle, wouldn't he? You are even more incapable of hearing the words of others.

 The voice that pierced the depths of my ears was strangely heavy and powerful. It was as if the emotions that Mattia had put into his words were directly on top of him.

 You don't have to go that far, but even I get hurt when I'm hurt. I know it's not the most sensible thing to do. I'm sane enough.

 But even if it means going off the rails, if it's necessary, we have to do it. If it's the only way, even if it's a thorny one, we have to stomp on it.

 As I lay a thin layer of steel netting under my military uniform, I formulated my words.

"Calculation and rationality are the heraldry's forte, aren't they? Mattia, this is the least harmful. Isn't that the most reasonable thing to do?

 That's an indisputable fact. If you believe the words of Richard's grandfather and that second-in-command, even if you confront the royal city of Arche with a large army, you will be dancing in the palm of the demon's hand.

 Even if we can swallow everything and crush the capital, countless humans and elves will die. They'll die like pieces of paper. There's no doubt about that. I don't know of any instance where a demon and an army went head to head and the army won handily.

 That's why it's best to take out the mages with a few. In the past, that was probably the most successful example.

 It may work or it may not. That's the best way.

 I told her with a smile on my face, but Mattia still seemed unconvinced. Her piercing gaze pierced my cheek.

If I'm being honest, I do have my reservations about the idea. Especially the fact that you're going to break in.

 Her eyes were staring straight at me. Her eyes stared straight at me, as if to say, "You can't miss it.

 I didn't expect Mattia to be so stubborn.

 It's true that it's somewhat strange for me to be part of something that is considered elite, but I was the one who first proposed this intrusion. I don't think that person is going to just show his back and run away. Of course, I'm sure the old man was thinking something similar.


 If we were to attack King's Landing with a large army, it would take a certain number of days. A plan would have to be devised, and there was no way Mattia would take the foolish step of just charging in. If we're not careful, waiting for internal exhaustion will be an option.

 My throat is slightly hot. I couldn't ask for luxury, but I wanted a little drink. A spicy, strong drink from Belle Fain. Narrowing his eyes, he opened his mouth.

"If, Matia. How many of them will die by then if we try to attack them with an army? How many times do we have to hear that scream?

 By "they" I mean the soldiers who were killed at the gate. The screams are their despair. I smeared frostbite oil on my cheeks and looked Mattia in the eye. Her breath was hot to the point of incomprehensibility.

Or send a small army to King's Landing and I'll just sit back and relax. What would I look like if they all got their heads chopped off by a demon?

 Hey, Mattia," he continued. I couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

 Is there a difference in the value of my life and theirs? Soldiers who fought to the last to protect King's Landing. The heroes who are about to invade King's Landing and settle everything. I can't imagine I have a better life than them.

 I know that. I'm sure these are not the words of a man who leads an army. People who lead troops have to be willing to cut their lives short at some point.

 That's what Mattia is talking about. I understand that's the position I'm being asked to take.

 Yeah, but. But if I do that... If I let life get in the way.

 I'm just doing the same thing as the people who once despised and underestimated me.

 I don't respect them because they are not talented. They do not respect life because they are replaceable. The life of an ordinary man is much lighter than that of an extraordinary one.

 That's the cold, hard reality. It's a huge barrier that no one can ignore.

 But how can I pretend to be something I'm not when I've experienced it so much? How can I say the same thing? I can't.

 It's contempt of the soul. You want me to kill the man I once was with my own hands.

 I crunch it, and I say it in a way that makes it impossible for you to know what I used to do. And then I looked into Mattia's eyes, deep into them.

Don't worry. He's come back before. He'll come back this time. Have a little faith in your sword, saint.

 Mattia's brow furrowed for a moment, his expression tense with emotion. It was as if she was unsure of what to say.

 But then she straightens up, thrusts a thin finger into my chest and says.

"...... Okay. Yes, that's good. I knew it. I knew it. You're really not a man who listens. But you should at least give me one.

 Give it up. I asked back. I couldn't quite understand what Mattia was referring to.

 Before Mattia could respond to my words, she pulled out the ring on her finger. She placed it in front of me and said.

"This is my sigil. It was given to me when I became a saint. I've never taken it off my body.

 Holy Maiden. I see a ring with a coat of arms engraved on it that might point to it. Many heralds have these rings or items engraved with heraldry, but not all have been given a unique coat of arms.

 In the event that you have any kind of questions concerning where and how to use the site, you can call us at the web site. I had a bad feeling about this. I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Exchange it for the golden sigil you carry. And swear to bring it back. Of course, you'll bring it back alive - with the recorder here.

 I see. So it's a heraldic contract. By the way, I also have a handkerchief from Alueno to return at some point. Maybe it's something like that.

 The promises and oaths seemed too entangled in my limbs, but I didn't want to refuse them here. He said he was leaving. Then of course I'll do what I swear to do.

 In front of the recorder, who looked agitated at being summoned, he pulled the ring with the golden emblem from his finger and slipped it onto Mattia's thin finger. The ring seemed a little large, but it still fit well enough. Then Mattia's coat of arms was placed on my finger as well.

 Mattia paused for a moment, and then said.

"This is our vow. I swear I will never betray you in my life.

 You swear it, too. So says Mattia. I don't know, I'm too shy to do this kind of thing. I'm even embarrassed.

 I nodded a little, cowered and answered.

I swear. I'll never betray you in my life.

 Mattia, who had kept a hard face for so long, finally smiled. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea.

 I'm not sure what to say.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. I'm not sure if you've heard of this, but I'm sure you've heard of it. As she did so, she shifted her gaze to the golden sigil on her finger.

 It had been placed on her finger by his hand. The more you bend your fingers, the more you can feel it. Mattia felt his cheeks relax naturally. The ecstatic feeling he had felt when the ring was presented to him still clung to his spine.

 Of course, he didn't understand the meaning of it. He only agreed to the exchange of rings as a pledge to himself.

 Yes, that's a concession in itself. But for heralds, the exchange of heraldry has a deeper meaning.

 To a herald, a coat of arms is more than a soul. It contains the essence of who you are and shows you more than you are. So you and he have exchanged souls.

 For heraldry, it means only one thing: the marriage of souls.

 A sign that he will never betray you again and that he will never let your soul leave you. That's what he swore in front of the recorder, albeit unofficially. That remains an indisputable fact.

 Now he won't be handed over to Gazalia so easily.

 Looking at his relationship with Nines and Richard, Mattia had come to an understanding. Lugis is a person who places a higher value on relationships. It could be the name of a nurturing parent, or the relationship between a teacher and a student.

 Thus, Lugis is too lenient on such relationships. Because it separates the inside from the outside, it shows a weakness to those who have once taken it inside.

 To be honest, it's not good. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you need to do to get it.

 Therefore, Mattia thinks. Then you should go inside yourself. That's the best way to control him. If you create a fact, even if it's only a formality at first, people will be moved by it.

 In addition, if you have married yourself, there is no way that the Seniors will be able to touch him so easily. Mattia declares that this is the best thing for him and for the heraldry.

 --Oh, and so... For your own good.

 Mattia lovingly caresses the ring, then adjusts his expression. I can't tell you everything yet. But when all is said and done, this contract will surely make sense.

 For now, we should give him full logistical support. We must mobilize the army in an orderly fashion and put together a plan for after the demons are reaped.

 Mattia no longer thinks that Lugis will not return. I can't imagine that we can't destroy the demon. That's a much more likely scenario.

 After all, he made a contract. That he would never betray you. Then I'll believe it.

 Mattia's eyes deepened in color, but she only wore the expression of a saint on her face. Her eyes were filled with a mysterious atmosphere that she could not hide.