375 374 Sayings of Three Heads of State

 To the south of the royal capital, Arche, a fortress has been built that can hold the royal capital below.

 This fort is a spear bedding to ward off the danger of the nation, and has been used as a training ground and garrison for the national army in times of peace. His rock-built body is thick, and the way he behaves as if he were the embodiment of the Iron Wall of Kinjo is breathtaking.

 Even if you are an amateur, you will be able to tell at a glance that a great deal of money and manpower has been poured into this place. It must be a structure that shows the dignity of the Garlist Kingdom in a different sense from the Royal Capital.

 However, no one would have imagined that this fort would become the front line.

 Everyone thought that the Kingdom of Garleist would never be pushed to such an extent. In fact, since the building of the fort, it has never been used to defend against an enemy.

 It is ironic that its first military use was to prepare for the march on King's Landing, which it was supposed to protect.

 Gazing into the distance through the latticed window, Saint Mattia's voice echoed through the fort. The stone interior walls, which had cooled completely, reflected the voice dully. Her slender fingers clutched the air.

"Fine. If we both agree to the terms. I have no objection to joining the ranks of war. In the name of the heraldic saints, I swear it.

 The serene words of the vow spilled into the room. The temperature in the room seemed to change slightly as it slowly soaked into the rock walls. A small gasping sound was heard.

 There was now a strange atmosphere in the room.

 Heraldry, Hanging Gardens Gazalia, and the Garristo Corps. The heads of the three parties and their equivalents are looking at each other and exchanging words.

 They should have met on the battlefield, not indoors, but they did. Every time they echoed their voices, the air was slightly disturbed. The air was so uncomfortable that it seemed to hate the very idea of being here.

 In response to Mattia's words, the old general in front of me blinked his eyes lightly and shook his beard. His expression was strangely difficult to read. Is he pleased with the increase in strength, or is he biting his tongue at the thought of working with a supposedly hostile entity?

 Mattia's eyes reflect this, and he turns his gaze to Elddis beside him. The three of them are engaged in a joint front here. In any case, the situation will not end until she nods.

 I'm not sure what to make of that. Mattia's heart leapt unconsciously.

 Elddis is an elf with a tendency to say outlandish things at times. The reason for this is mostly due to Lugis, but whatever the reason, it is true that she is a difficult person to deal with.

 Perhaps she'll say something unexpected here as well. Mattia squinted at Erdis' beautiful lips with wide eyes.

 After a moment's pause, Erdis said. A little sigh.

"Fine. I don't mind either. As the Queen of Gazalia, I will cooperate with you in the joint front - as long as Lugis agrees, I can't say no.

 Even as she said this, Erdis's words showed an emotional lump that would not go away. This also made the air around us creak.

 It's not that I'm not a good person, but I'm not a good person.

 The Kingdom of Garleist, and by extension the Great Sacred Church, is the distant cause of Elddis's father's death. She probably hasn't forgotten a single bit of it. There is no such thing as "weathering" in elven emotion.

 Even under Elddis's curse-filled gaze, old General Richard Permiris showed his teeth and said. He claps his hands lightly.

"Very well. Of course I'll accept. It's a situation where demons are running rampant with demons, let's not look at them like that and get along, Your Majesty.

 With a cunning smile, Richard said to Elddis. Erdis also smiled, her cheeks lifted and her blue eyes glittering with piercing light.

Don't worry about it. Human friendships last ten or twenty years at best. From our point of view, it's a blink of an eye.

 They smiled at each other, but the air seemed to be cracking.

 The only reason we are joining forces here is for our own good. Deep in their hearts, none of them trust the other. In a way, this is a good example of what a multi-power alliance is.

 The furnace of hatred is not easily extinguished just because of a crisis. It will always lodge in the depths of your heart and never leave. Whether you are a human or an elf, it is the same.

 However, it is almost a miracle that we were able to form a common front despite our condition. At least in normal times, it would have been impossible no matter what happened.

 Mattia let out a quiet exhale as he listened to his chest still palpitating.

...... I'm hoping things will go a little easier on you. It's not like you're going to be pulling out your sword just to exchange a few words.

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it. He seems to be saying that he doesn't like the stifling air too much.

 Lugis and Richard. If you listen to their words together, they are very similar, although there are some differences. You can almost feel it without being aware of it.

 It must be true that they were mentors and students when they were children. Mattia sensed something similar to Lugis' behavior from Richard. He was the one who had created the foundation of Lugis.

 Suddenly, something stirred in her chest. Mattia felt as if he had swallowed a hard thorn.

 In response to Lugis, Richard said in a hushed voice.

I told you to use your words well, didn't I? Have you forgotten that already?

 Once again, Mattia's eyes twitched in response. Although she didn't express it, she felt an emotion crawling in her chest. And so the weight of it gradually increases.

 Neither Lugis nor Richard seemed to be in the mood to talk to an enemy general or a person on the enemy side.

 As for the old general, he seemed to be acting in such a manner in order to prevent him from taking the initiative. Even so, there is a hint of ease in his exchange of words with Lugis.

 The fact that the second-in-command of the Garlist side is looking at Richard with a slightly swarthy expression is proof of this.

 He should have admonished Lugis a little bit for such an attitude, and it might be necessary to check the Garleist side.

 However, that was not what was on Mattia's mind at the moment. She saw Lugis and Richard exchanging a few words, and her brow furrowed. What she felt was not disgust or outrage. It was not hatred.

 Just envy, Mattia thinks to himself. Even though she understood that this was not the place for it, these feelings were hitting her hard in her heart.

 How many other Lugis showed this kind of ease? At least, Mattia only knows of two people, including Richard.

 The other was Nines, the man who had raised him. At first, she twisted her cheeks and bit her teeth at the sight of Lugis speaking to her in a different tone than he did to himself. No, maybe not even now.

 Seeing this, Mattia thought. I'm sure that Lugis has never truly forgiven himself.

 Whether consciously or unconsciously, he is always on the lookout for people around him. He is always on the lookout for people around him, whether consciously or unconsciously, as if he might be stabbed in the back at any moment.

 This is not the case with Richard and Nines. He goes on with his words with a comforting ease. But not to me. How sad. How miserable. Mattia looked up at the ceiling, feeling a slight moisture in his eyes.

 Oh, and... Mattia felt his heart jump once more. She felt her heart leap once more, and her cheeks flushed slightly with emotion.

 --How I envy you! How comfortable and wonderful it would be to be able to educate him.

 How pleasant and wonderful it would be to be able to educate him, to form his thoughts, to correct his behavior, to regulate his mind. To color others in one's own colors. That is what education means, to a greater or lesser extent.

 If I could have educated him when he was only an innocent. If I had been able to take him by the hand and teach him every word. Nothing would be more exciting than that.

 Oh, how I envy you.

 Mattia's eyes widened as she looked at Richard. For that brief moment, Mattia had a thought in her mind, not as a saint, but as something else.

 Then she blinked and said. It was as if nothing had happened. As if to say, "I've already thought of something else.

Then, let's set up a front to capture the royal city of Arche and cut off the heads of the demons that sit there. Battalion Chief Richard, can you provide us with the current information?

 Richard gave a small nod to Mattia's words and pointed out the barred window.

Just in time. I can see it from a distance, but it looks good from here. No, you're doing it so you can see better.

 Outside the window, you can see the great gate of the royal city of Arche. The gates were about to open with an unpleasant noise.