364 363 words "replicated tongue"

 Largd-Anne licked her lips a little and turned a few thoughts around in her head. I'm not sure how I'm going to take control of this situation.

 In front of him, the old man Salainio and some other old men were talking about the future of Lugis.

 They said that he was going to act alone again, that he must force the army to move. That sort of thing.

 Hearing these things, Anne could not help the bitter smile that appeared on her face. The expressionless mask on her face shook slightly.

 I used to do something like that, she thought. I used to make a lot of assumptions about how the heroes would behave and what they were thinking.

 When I see the old men interacting with each other, I can't help but think of myself in the past.

 As a result of many similar thoughts, Anne had come to an understanding of Lugis. It was very unpleasant, but...

 The act of trying to somehow read his movements from the outside. All of that was pointless.

 Anne's cheeks twitch involuntarily. Things she didn't want to remember were flooding into her thoughts. Like in the walled city of Garouamaria. It was the same at Belle Fain, and at the joint meeting with Gazalia.

 She doesn't care about our feelings at all. Sometimes he even acts in a way that makes me wonder if he's really a rational human being. And yet, he always looks like he deserves it.

 --Oh, that time. It was a terrible humiliation.

 You can't help but feel a burning sensation in your corner of your eye when you think about it. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

 The first thing you need to do is to look at your eyes. He is not a rational person, not by a long shot.

 That's why it's pointless to try to predict his behavior from beginning to end, Anne declares. All you need to do is to steer him towards your intentions at the end.

 Just when the field is rolling and no one can stop. All you need is one last push from your hand. This time I'll get him to do what I want.

 This was the expression of Anne's dark pride in being the coordinator. You could say she was determined.

 In any case, the current me is nothing more than a messenger for Lugis. In addition to that, while he prides himself on being a coordinator, all he does is get pushed around by him.

 What if...? If it comes to the conclusion that I have been like this until the very end, I will surely be nothing more than a civil servant to him. You will be nothing more than a weed growing around him.

 Anne's white teeth clicked together, making a small sound. I don't want that. I don't want to be bothered to this extent and then later not remember a single thing. I can't accept that.

 So the last thing he thinks. I'll make sure that one of them is in the hands of heraldry, and by extension, me. So he'll never be forgotten.

 No, I'm not trying to do him a disservice. I'm just trying to correct some of his rashness. That would satisfy the hero and the saint Mattia.

 They can be used for that purpose as well.

 Anne raised her head slightly and stroked her gaze over the faces of Salainio and the rest of the anti-Lugis. They were all people with wrinkles in their cheeks.

 Their thoughts are very easy to read. Their goals are clear and their thoughts are pure. And they have ears to hear what others have to say. Much better than the chaotic deeds of Lugis.

 Give them words and lead the way, and they will go well. That's your business. I'm not going to give it up, even to Saint Mattia.

 That's why Anne will take the lead here. She'll take the initiative, she'll get opinions, she'll intervene in the direction. Sometimes I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt.

 All that matters is that we win in the end. If their plans are foiled at the last minute, so be it. Until then, I'll stay on your side.

 I will triumph in the end. The end is the crown of all.

 Besides," Anne said, brushing her lips lightly. A hot exhalation leaked slightly into the hollow.

 --This is a good opportunity. This is a good opportunity to make up for my mistake in Philos. I'll make up for the shame I caused in front of the heroes.

 Anne's eyes widened and her gaze intensified. The shame of what Roseau had done to her now burned in her heart.

 That unbearable blunder. The unbearable humiliation. She might have even been scorned by Lugis for that one thing. Thinking of that, An felt a dark and heavy weight in her gut.

 That's why I'll make up for it here. If he crushed the anti-Rugis forces, he would be forced to reevaluate himself. Anne's lips tightened together.

 Perhaps the expression on Anne's face was bothering her. Suddenly, she noticed that Salainio, the chief of the old men, was looking into her face.

 He didn't say a word, but just looked at her with the eyes of an old man that seemed to be empty. He looked at her with the eyes of an old man who seemed to have lost his mind for a moment.

 He opened his mouth involuntarily.

I'm not sure what's wrong, Mr. Salainio. Is there something on your mind?

 When Salainio heard Anne's words, he tilted his wrinkles and said. His voice, even heavy, echoed in her ears.

No, nothing at all. I was just praying to the sigil. Largd-an.

 He raises his eyebrows. I was just praying to the sigil. But it couldn't be nothing, could it?

 Anne raises her shoulders only slightly. After all, it's him we should be wary of. Only him.

 Anne has been to a few of these gatherings, and there are two main attitudes toward her among the participants.

 Some express trust, others outright distrust. The former, and even the latter, are easily influenced. If you can see these feelings, you can either nip them in the bud or crush them. Neither is too difficult to do.

 But none of them had eyes like Salainio's. Not a trusting or wary eye, but an eye that seemed to be cranially turning to see how to use him.

 Perhaps it didn't matter to him whether Anne was in fact against Lugis or not. In conclusion, as long as it is in his best interest.

 Salainio's eyes did not change color as he continued.

I expect you to live up to the name of Largud. No, it's not something I'm going to say to you.

 Living up to the name of Largud.

 Is this a nail in the coffin? Or is it really just a pep talk? It's hard to read this old man. Anne smiled and nodded, but let out a breath in her chest.

 Largud. The name Ann gave herself was not a family name or a blood name. It is not a family name or a blood name, nor does it reveal where you were born. It is like a title in heraldry.

 Within a generation, the child who is deemed worthy of it from generation to generation is given the letter Largud in his name. It is not a title, but it is still an honor. They all bear the letters Largud in front of their names.

 It comes from the name of a divine beast that once settled in the west. As the Great Sacred Church grew in power, its name was degraded and it became a hexenbiest, but it is still revered as a beast that served the Lord God Ohuru.

 Beast of Wisdom. A beast of wisdom. Its name means "wise one," and it is indeed an honor. All heraldic children are raised to believe that their goal is to eventually become Largud himself.

 The shape of the figure changes greatly with the generations and myths, but there are two things that are always mentioned. One is that they are always spoken of as children, whether in human or beast form.

 And the other is that Largud is a being with multiple tongues.

 Anne says, moving her tongue smoothly.

"Yes, of course. For heraldry. I'll put all my soul into it.

 There was a deep smile on her face.