331 330. "The one with the evil eye" is the one with t...

 My vision flickered. The pain shot through my whole body, and my throat started to regurgitate what I couldn't tell if it was blood or gastric juice. A sickening sensation spread across my tongue.

 The blood-sucking demonic bloodline that had once been staked to death. The vampires, I thought, must have felt like this. I was told that they are now extinct.

 The disgust of having a foreign object in the flesh that should not be there. The foreign object stifled the flow of blood and made it flow back maliciously. It also assaulted my body with intense pain. It felt like a rough rag being wiped across a wound.

 The disgusting feeling of having my flesh gouged out, the sense of release of spitting out blood, and the intense pain in my limbs that made me feel as if my body had been torn to pieces. All these things came together to remind my brain of one thing.

 In short, death. Simple death. Loss of body. A tangle of consciousness. I felt it in my instincts for sure.

 Oh, I'm going to die here. I thought that for a moment.

 I reflexively bite my lip hard. Viciously, regretfully. I let out a breath laced with blood. My heart thumped hotly.

 Who's going to die? This me?

 I muttered in my heart, as if asking myself the question. A kind of twisted smile naturally appeared on his cheeks.

 This is ridiculous. I can't die. There's no way I can live with death.

 The white blade stopped in the middle of swinging down, and I put my strength into it again. The bone or stake in his arm twisted and twisted into his flesh.

 I don't even know if I can feel my arm anymore.

 But that didn't stop him. I'm not saying this out of some ridiculous impulse. These are words of calm reason.

 With blood spewing out of his body, he still said it with all the arrogance and arrogance he could muster.

"...... Look, hexenbiest. It's the wrong actor.

 The voice seemed to have gone down. Apparently, there was blood in his mouth. But he didn't let up and continued.

"If you want to kill me, bring me Artius himself.

 Think about it. Who's going to kill me? You're right. Even Held Stanley. He couldn't kill me with a real blade. For some reason I couldn't die in the temple.

 --Then no one can kill me anymore. My end is already set. I wrote it into the script.

 I put all the strength I had into the muscles of my left arm, my teeth chattering as I bit down. I see the diagonal demonic skull in front of me.

 I understand. This bone pile must be one of his magic tools. Otherwise, things wouldn't just suddenly grow out of the floor or ceiling.

 If that's the case, he must be using some kind of magic to call out his tools. Then, of course, in order to keep me attached, it's necessary to keep the magic going.

 --That means he can't move now. Then it's easy to kill him. It's easier than catching a rat.

 His whole body creaking, he digs the stake into his own flesh and swings the white blade with renewed vigor.

 There's nothing to it. His skull is right in front of me. If you keep it up and swing the blade along with gravity, you can crush the beast's skull with it.

 Now that things are this way, if you tear my limbs off before the skull is crushed, the Hexenbiest wins. Otherwise, I win. Simple and brilliant.

 It's no longer soaked in my black blood, and the blade dully tears through the air, showing its not-quite-white majesty. I hear a piece of flesh shred. In my hand, I could feel that I had sliced a part of the demonic skull. My cheek twisted.

 Instantly, a strong shock struck my abdomen. It wasn't a hostile attack, just a shock to knock the enemy away.

 But it was still a good blow. When I opened my eyes, my body was flung to the edge of the corridor. Unbeknownst to me, the bone stake that had pierced my entire body was gone.

 No thanks. Apparently, I'd won the endurance contest. My eyebrows unconsciously raised and a smile appeared on my cheeks. I'd been a fool, but a worthy fool.

 He looked up and saw the twin-horned demon. He said with clear disgust in his corner of the eye. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I knew what to expect from ....... Yeah, yeah. So you're one of Oufru's people. My name is Lugis.

 The words were laced with hostility. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. Blood spurted from his forehead, indicating that part of his skull had been lost.

 Eyes shaking. I've heard similar words a few times before. That was in the mercenary city of Belle Fain, and in the Great Temple. From the mouth of that d*mned Artius.

 He said it in the mouth of Alueno. He called me the man Oufru held in his hand.

You hear that sometimes. I don't know about that. If I am, what's the harm, huh?

 Uhuru. I believe that's the name of the supreme deity of heraldry. I remember hearing the saint Mattia spout it from time to time.

 I don't know what kind of relationship I had with it, but there was one thing that came to mind.

 It's just a wild guess, but still, if I've encountered people who claim to be gods, there's only one thing I can think of.

 --I'm going to give you an opportunity. I'll give you a chance to paint over everything and repaint the picture of your life!

 That black, that shadow that can't be friend or foe. That's him.

 I held his hand, that's a fact. If you want to call it a dependency, then so be it.

 I don't know how he ended up shaking my hand, or why he did it on a whim. If that's the being who calls himself Oufru, then the words Altius and Demonic are understandable.

 The two-horned demon waggles its chin and leans its small frame forward as it says. There was a hint of genuine hostility in his eyes.

'You're right, he's a lot like the one I knew. His fierce eyes, the way he fears for his life. It was as if Oufru had been born again.

 I could feel the excess power being poured into his demonic body. The way he said it was very polite. But he, like me, has no intention of stopping now.

 Now, think. Think. Don't stop thinking.

 That was a stupid thing to do. Daring to strike a straight shot at the enemy like a herd. It was worth it, but it's still a little early for me.

 Then I must think. Thinking is my weapon, no matter how clever or hapless. It's how I've survived. No, thank goodness. Apparently, draining my blood has cooled me down nicely. It's all the rage.

So it's Oufru's idea to confront Artius. It's a pity. That's the only difference between him and Oufru. He was a fool, but he wasn't one to just swallow what others said. He didn't listen to my words or Altius' words.

 His ears perked up at the demonic words, and his eyes narrowed.

 You can't have a bone stake thrust into your body once again. The opponent is already more than alert enough. He won't let you take a swing from there, no matter what.

 Then we'll have to smash his skull in before we do. I've seen what ripping his head off does.

 So what do we do? What's best? Open your mouth, bend your ankles.

"Pity"? Don't make me laugh, hexenbiest. I'll always be the only one who judges my life. I'm the one who spins both the wheels of life, pain and pleasure. Not Owful.

 Tilt the white at an angle and thrust it forward. Then a line appeared in his eyes. It's the same as always, it's like the jeweled sword is with me.

 Now let's kill it. I've already got a plan. It's not much of a plan, it's a poor one. But it's good enough for me.

 The demon said in an abhorrent tone, with twin horns and a light green glow in each eye.

I don't have a name like that.

 A white haze emanated from his body. There was a white mist that seemed to emanate from his entire body.

"-Dohasura, the Demon Eye. Even though I've fallen, I'm not weak enough to kneel to anyone but Altius.

 He said this while exposing his demonic nature.