304 Art. 303 "Virtue

 The silver blade draws a beautiful line and approaches the gold in a straight line. In front of the blade, the air screams and rips itself apart, the wind neighs and blows.

 The flash that Kalia wielded was no longer human in nature. The unrivaled strength of the giant species and the demonic pressure it exudes are not something that a human can unleash or even catch.

 If you were to try to catch it with your sword, it would twist you to the ground. The imagination given by just looking at it is undoubtedly true.

 In other words, this one is a demonic swing. The titanic factor that surrounds the body let out a brilliant howl.

 The golden one who intercepted Caria lifted his hand at the same time as he cast off the black curse that bound him. Her slender arms, conspicuous for their whiteness, unexpectedly caught the blow on the skin, a blow that could never be caught.

 The moment ahead was predictable to the world. Normally, the arm would have been torn to pieces and blood would have stained the hollow.

 But in reality, nothing would happen. Alueno's body did not fall to the ground or spit out a great deal of fresh blood. It was just there.

 Kalia took this scene, which seemed so strange, for granted. After all, she had seen it once before. That's why I'm not going to put down my blade just once.

 Two strikes, three strikes, and if that doesn't work, then another strike, and then another.

 Without giving him time to catch his breath, a barrage of flashes bites into Alueno's body, targeting his skull, neck, and heart one after another.

 Each one of them was an unmistakable lethal blow. Each strike must have been intended to kill the enemy. A series of blows so violent.

 But... But still... or should I say bizarre.

 Each one stifles the momentum before it touches Alueno's skin. I don't know why. Maybe it's a miracle of the saints, maybe it's something unseen.

 The only thing I know is that no matter what, she cannot be pierced by Kalia's sword. A breath escaped from Kalia's small lips. Her eyes narrowed.

 --How is this possible?

 To be honest, something akin to a complaint was spilling out of Kalia's chest.

 By nature, human skin is not designed to be pierced with iron and remain unconcerned. A person who does not spit out blood when a blade is inserted is no longer a human being.

 No, even a hexenbiest has the decency to react a little when confronted with a flash of his or her full power.

 But what about this woman? In addition to not showing any reaction, she doesn't even feel the recoil of her own hand as she fires the blade. It would be better if she was just pretending.

 Even with this thought in mind, Kalia does not stop her hand from wielding the silver blade. After all, her role right now is not to defeat this woman, but to buy as much time as possible. Even if you can only buy a few grains of sand, it will be worth a lot of time.

 For Fialat, for Erdis, and most of all, for him to get out of this. Kalia bit her back teeth as hard as she could and drew her blade back for a moment.

 Kalia's throat let out a giant's roar. At the same time, the silver blade swung with all its might at Alueno's eyes. Even if it didn't mean anything, it was a flash wielded with all his might.

 Just as it touched Alueno's skin, her lips opened lazily.

Could it be, could it not? It's a trivial matter. Even if it's not physically possible, it's possible if it's not physical.

 Almost as soon as the words were finished, the silver blade stopped. No matter how much force you put into it, you can never push it in.

 As if to symbolize the words that had been spoken, the silver blade wielded by Kalia was held back by the white fingers of Alueno. Kalia heard the sound of her own throat swallowing spit echoing in her ears.

 I understand. The woman in front of her has some kind of magic or demonic power attached to her, and that's what's supporting this anomaly.

 Therefore, no matter how abnormal or impossible it is, it is possible in front of this woman. I know that.

 But understanding that is one thing, and being able to process what is actually happening in front of you is another.

 The silver sword that I wielded with all my might was received by a slender finger that I don't even know if it has ever held a sword before.

 It was an undue shock to Caria, who had devoted her life to the sword. Her silver eyes reflexively widened, and a cool liquid licked her neck.

 No, that's ridiculous.

 Kalia's thoughts and body stopped all movement for a moment. And that moment is fatal in the presence of this gold.

 There was a strange creaking sound of steel. The sword made a deafening sound, and then, after a blink.

 --In Alueno's hand, the long sword shattered itself. The silver flew through the air, emitting its final glimmer.

 The sword was crushed and Kalia was flung away at the same time. Before she had time to take in the shock of losing her beloved sword, her body licked the stone floor. Kalia let out a single breath.

 So, this is the end.

 Such a word slipped through her chest in a whisper. Of course. None of his blows could penetrate the enemy, and his beloved sword was finally taken from him.

 And now there is no way in my hands that I can resist him. Hence, the end.

 But it's not so bad. Kalia purses her lips.

 They couldn't create that much time, but they still had enough time for Fialaat and the others to roll out of the Great Temple. From there, it was just a matter of luck.

 Then fine. It even sounds good.

 Kalia smiled, an emotion that could not be described as self-mockery or resignation in her cheeks.

 A miserable death. Licking the ground after defeating the enemy is too much to bear. For Caria, a believer in power, the humiliation was enough to twist her insides.

 His back teeth creaked as he bit into them, and his fingertips trembled as if they were numb. However, Kalia also felt a sense of satisfaction.

 At least now, she could keep Lugis alive. You've succeeded in pulling him away from this anomaly itself.

 That was the best thing that could happen to Karia as Rougis' shield. She felt that there were feelings in her heart now that she would never have had in the past.

 Oh, and... She narrowed her eyes as she managed to sit up, her body still wobbly.

 And then there's Lugis. He's surprisingly not the kind of guy who's willing to put his whole past behind him. He is not the kind of person who can easily forget about those who died for him and accept happiness.

 Kalia knew that very well. So I'm sure he'll never forget the scars of me. Well, that's not so bad.

 Kalia smiled, a thin line etched across her face.

 I saw the gold brushing his hands in front of him. I can't see any emotion in her eyes. There was only a hue that seemed almost cruel.

 Alueno's lips carved something. Although she couldn't understand the meaning of the words, she knew that something like magic was going to happen to her.

 And that the magic would be devastating to her body and soul.

 Kalia stared at Alueno until the end. Even if she knew she was going to die, she wasn't going to be so foolish as to turn away from the cause of it.

 Otherwise, how could I act as his shield?

 Before he could even pause for a breath, his golden fingertips waved. The silver eyes saw something like a silken thread approaching his neck.

 Kalia no longer had the means to hold it back. There was no way to resist.

 That's why - it wasn't Karia who sliced away the golden thread, but the blade of the purple light. Gold and silver. The two eyes widened.

 A voice rang out that seemed to echo in the earth.

You're doing a lot of good while people are asleep, aren't you?

 It was a voice that seemed to be somewhat aloof, yet with an unconcealed rage attached to it.

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.

 She leaned forward to protect Kalia, pretending not to care about the blood dripping from her shoulder. The vice whispered.