302 31st Statement of "The Will and the Spirit"

 The Great Temple of Fearalert's intense magical power. The extreme light of magic power poured into the black sphere, making the surrounding space creak. Everyone was staring at the scene with clenched teeth.

 As the magical light clears the darkness, the shadows change shape as they weave in and out of the darkness. The figure, flung away by the light and scattered, finally formed an outline of a body.

 In front of his gaze, he saw her and them, their limbs shattered and still emitting a torrent of magic power. It was a wonderful thing for a shadow to be.

 Fyarat the Transformer. In the past, with that name, she had started the first magic revolution since Altius. She's thrown away the framework of magic.

 And now they are trying hard to carve out the dominion of the great demon Altius, just as they wanted to. Literally, they are risking their wills and lives.

 That will must have been given to them by Lugis.

 The shadows contort their bodies as if to mock themselves. How could I compare to the work of my family?

"Shame on me, I can't help you in any way. I can't help you. It brings tears to my eyes, yes.

 Maybe it was a voice, maybe it was a sound. Whatever it was, the shadow's self-mockery faded into the darkness without reaching anyone.

 The shadow turned its gaze not to the fiery torrent of magic, but to Altius, who was being engulfed by it.

 It's not that I don't like it, but it's not that I don't like it.

 Though manifested, that body still belonged to Alueno, the human. Then there is no reason why he should not be trapped by the curse of the elves.

 And so he did. Just as he said, Altius is receiving the full force of Fialat-La-Borgograd.

 The tyranny of magic will devour the temple if the point of attack is even slightly off. It has the power to do just that.

 Not to mention humans, even a huge magical beast could be swallowed up by it.

 But the shadow trembles as its lips quiver. Its body was bathed in light, and it was cut down slightly.

 --Still, it's not enough to push him.

 The heroes and heroic heroes are all here, unleashing swords, curses, and demons, but it's still not enough. My own family is still down on the ground fighting the heroes.

 That's what demons are in the first place. They are created in the world as beings that humans should not win. Just as giants, dragons, and demons once were.

 Artius was unique among them all. The lord of the demons, not the king, who has made all kinds of demons bow down, sometimes crushing their skulls and glaring at them. That's her.

 That hasn't changed since he was a mere mortal. It may seem like a contradiction, but I'm sure the only person who can kill him is him.

 So, in order to make Artius go away, I need to do one more thing for him. The shadow smiles as it tilts its body and lifts its lips in a smile.

"Artius. My old friend, my old companion. Isn't it wonderful? Aren't they so noble now, even without you?

 The shadow lets it fall from his mouth and disappears. No one knew the shadow was there, nor that it had made the sound.

 I'm sorry.

 In the black sphere composed of spells. In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

 I'm not sure what that means.

 Her golden hair wriggled as she swayed.

 The question that had risen in his mind earlier was still unanswered.

 --Why is everyone trying to find meaning and value in that Lugis? What is there in it?

 Altius could not help but wonder. The heroes, even the great heroes.

 For better or worse, the soul of a Lugis is ordinary. He is not a hero, nor is he destined to be a hero.

 Since ancient times, those who are heroes and heroes can be born with a suitable soul. You can call it talent, but Altius understood that the soul was the root of it.

 If the soul is not worthy, efforts will be meaningless, results will not be given, and the sun will not shine on one's body.

 The will of those who do not have a noble soul is worth no more than a sheet of paper. Their righteousness is easily crushed by evil. The good intentions of the mundane were meant to be trampled upon, and sincerity was always meant to be torn down.

 This is the way of the world, and I'm sure everyone understands it deep down. And so we live with our heads hung low, as if we have no choice.

 In such a world, who can say, "Don't despair, walk forward. It would be cruel to tell people not to despair and to step through the world with hope.

 That's why Altius allows despair. Allow all to be shattered and hang their heads, and I will give them happiness and salvation. Allow the helpless to sleep.

 Altius believes that this is the best thing that can happen to man. And he's convinced he's the one to lead it.

 That's why I don't understand. Why would anyone value a man with an ordinary soul, respect his will, and wave his hand away?

 Kalia Vadnick, Fialat-La-Borgograd, Erdis. They all once desired to take the hand of the divine spirit Altius. And accepted his salvation wholeheartedly.

 They believed that the salvation of Altius was right and that it was supreme to follow his will. They closed their eyes quietly, accepting a little sleep.

 But what about now? They've placed themselves in the exact opposite position. And they don't mind dripping their own blood.

 I just can't understand it. I could understand if it was a great hero who led them. Because his soul is worth believing in.

 But what does that Lugis have? All he has is an irreverent ego. Ego, if you will.

 What is there to value in such a trivial man?

 --No, it's possible that Oufru is the one who planted the idea.

 That's a big possibility. He has always been the only one to fall out of Altius' plans. It's no exaggeration to say that he was the only one who opposed Altius when they were both human.

 It's not surprising, then, that he's not only giving Lugis an opportunity, but that he's also including some sort of trick in it.

 An intense demonic light licked Altius' entire body. It is no longer something that gives pain to the opponent. It is a rampaging magic that shakes existence itself and erases concepts. At least in the past, Fialaert was not capable of this kind of magic.

 Altius' cheeks contorted and his golden eyes widened. The reflection in his eyes even had a hint of admiration for his opponent.

 If this is also the effect of that thing, then it is not good. Altius said with a sigh in the midst of the torrent of magic power.

 It seems as if for the first time in a long time, human language has returned.

If something unwanted has entered, let's paint over it. That's better.

 With that thought in mind, Altius lightly twitched his fingers. And just as he was about to brush his hand away.

 There was a ripping pain at the tip of his finger. Red blood dripped down, as if rejecting Altius' actions.

 Her golden eyes narrowed, as if in self-mockery.

 --The golden eyes narrowed in self-mockery.