274 Article 273, "Steel Talks About Thought"

 The tent prepared for Belle Fain's mercenaries at the Monstrance camp was much larger than its size. It seemed too large for the current number of people.

 Perhaps they were expecting more people to come, or perhaps they were just being careful. Since Largd-Anne was the one who prepared it, it was probably the latter. Not many people would be offended by a spacious place that was prepared for them.

 Not that there was anything wrong with that, but this was a good place to have a drink. After all, if you make a bit of noise, your voice won't echo in the other tents, and above all, it's good to drink in a big place.

 I poured a glass of ale, which was rather cold due to the temperature, down my throat. After a moment, a pleasant sensation filled my guts.

 Dead snow is a bad thing, but it's a good thing that I can drink cold ale to my heart's content. The only people who can usually drink cold ale are sorcerers and nobles.

Is this what you do all the time, Lord Lugis?

 I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

 He nodded, wetting his tongue and numbing his lips with a slightly pungent sensation from the special Belfain ale the mercenaries had given him.

Not really. It's just that some people seem to be upset with our behavior in Philos this time. I'm just waiting for the drug of time to calm them down.

 I'm sure he didn't have time to do that when he was busy cleaning up after the city of Philos and dealing with the hexenbiests that Roseau had set up. When the end was finally in sight, the situation became a bit dicey.

 I don't know if I should say "air" or "gaze. I've been getting more and more of a feeling that such things are slowly being replaced by something solid.

 The cause of this is Kalia, Fialaat, and Elddis. I'm sure it's the same for Mattia and Anne. Everyone had the look in their eyes that said, "If only it weren't an emergency, I'd give you a word.

 The biggest problem was probably Kalia. She's always been unpredictable, but this time she's especially unpredictable.

 After all, when I was on my way to Philos, I had shaken off Kalia's offer to accompany me, saying that it was nothing for you to bother with.

 The result was burns all over my body, and if I was not careful, I could have one of my arms cut off. At least, that's what the old guy I knew would have done. That's for sure.

 I guess I'll have to let the cold wind of the dead snow cool down the heat a bit.

 I let out a breath. My throat, numbed by the liquor, was giving me a slight feeling of pain. Right in front of me, money was being wagered in what looked like a duel between mercenaries. What a nostalgic, soothing scene.

 How is Bruder?" he asked Vestalines, offering her a cup of ale. She looked puzzled for a moment, but took the cup and drank it in one gulp. She looked puzzled for a moment, then took the cup and drank it in one gulp. She was Bruder's sister, or perhaps the head of the Belle Fain Mercenaries.

I can't say it's a good thing, but according to Master Anne, you've avoided going back to heaven. There will be a few scars, though.

 I nodded and poured myself a cup of ale and slurped it down. My throat was hot. But at the same time, something close to relief leaked from deep in his chest. So, he was safe.

 The end of a person who has been touched by a demon, the natural enemy and predator of humans, is usually death. So, if he was able to get over it, then maybe Bruder is lucky.

 But the scars remain, huh? I'm sure Bruder knows that's a given when he's on the battlefield. Maybe I should've hit Roseau's guy one more time.

 A cheer went up from the crowd. Apparently, the duel had been settled. One of the mercenaries was on his knees with blood pouring from his arm. This kind of gambling duel usually ends when one side bleeds.

 Vestaline, sitting next to him, narrowed her eyes and said.

I'd like to thank you first for your help with my sister. Next, there is something I would like to discuss with you.

 I looked across at her face as she said this. She looked very serious and sincere. No, she was so serious that she probably couldn't even think of a joke.

 As I dipped my lips into my new ale, I asked her to continue. I somehow knew where this was going. So I didn't dare interrupt him.

I'm sure you're aware of that. If it were not for that, she would have been punished.

 Vestalinu said, trying to blend in with the noise of the surrounding mercenaries. Everyone is happy and sad about the outcome of the bet. I'm probably the only one who can hear Vestalinu. I give a small shake of my head in agreement.

 It's dangerous enough to go inside a hostile city and gather information, but to go and harvest the heart of the leader is hardly normal behavior.

 Of course, it's not that I don't trust Bruder, and there are times when such an action is necessary. In this case, the danger was too high. The result itself turned out to be good, but one wrong move could have resulted in the worst possible outcome.

 So why did Bruder take such an option by himself? It was true that he was a bit of a pushover, but he was not one to stick his neck out for anything crazy, that was for sure.

 Vestalinu's strong eyes pierced me. Her gaze split my cheeks, as if it had mass. I can see her thin lips tightening.

"My ...... sister said it was a souvenir for you," she said. Of course, this is my fault for not being able to stop her. And you're responsible for that too. Lord Lugis, you are not to blame in any way.

 I'm impressed by his sincerity. She's sincere and loves fairness. I guess that's the nature of this steel princess. In essence, she's like Bruder.

 She puts down her cup, which has lost all its ale, and bites her lip. Vestalines bites her lip and says.

But I understand now. Your influence is too great for my sister. Do me a favor, Lord Lugis. I ask you to make a choice between two things.

 His brow furrowed slightly. I wasn't really expecting to be asked to choose.

 Given Vestalinu's personality, I thought she would probably tell me to stay away from Bruder or to watch my language. Apparently, my predictions were not that reliable.

 Vestalinu's eyes widened.

Vestaline's eyes widened and she said, "I want you to either never speak to your sister again, or I want you to take her hand and leave the battlefield. In that case, I will also take responsibility and quit being a mercenary.

 Okay, so half of it was right. The other half was going in a very different direction.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it.

 I'm not going to lie.

 In all honesty, Vestalinu-Gerua did not like Lugis as a person. I'm not sure I've ever had a good impression of him, at least not one that I can remember.

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 Of course, on the rational side, I understand and appreciate that he helped my sister a lot, but... Emotional coils are not always easy to unwind.

 In addition to that, one of the reasons why Vesterine frowned upon Lugis was because his sister talked about him strangely.

 While she was healing her injuries in Garou Amalia, her sister's lips would often talk about Rougis. She probably doesn't realize it, but she's been talking about the same thing almost every day.

 --I don't like it.

 That's the impression that Vestalines intuitively has of Lugis. How could her beloved sister be so fond of a man?

 If she stays in the countryside and doesn't meet someone like Rougis, she will hold this man in her heart forever. That would be very unpleasant for Vestalines.

 At last, the sisters could be together, the only family in the world without each other. It's unacceptable to think that someone who doesn't even know where she came from could take her heart.

 This is not the only reason, of course. This is one of the reasons why Vesterine decided to join up with the heraldry army.

 And so he made up his mind.

 She exchanged words with Lugis, and if he was as insightful, sincere, and heroic as her sister said, then so be it.

 But if he is not, if he is an insolent person, if he is not worthy of my sister, then God will forgive me for waving my hand a little, even though he is my benefactor. What? Accidents happen on the battlefield.

 In that sense, the incident in Philos was a good opportunity to assess Lugis, but...

 I'm not sure what to make of the results, Vestalynne said.

 I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea. This recklessness seems to be the nature of this man, and it also seems to be an act of love for his sister.

 I don't know what to make of it. If they're all reckless, that's a problem too.

 But, well... It seems that Lugis is not the villain that people say he is. That's all I know. Vestalinu wasn't bold enough to say it outright, though.

 So she turned to Lugis and asked him for a choice. Leave her, or take her hand.

 If you withdraw from your sister, so be it. If you take your sister's hand, that's fine too. Then I'll stay with you and watch this man for a while longer. Then she'll be satisfied. It must be the best option, since I can see the man's true nature to the end.

 Besides, if I may say so, this man is too fond of colors to be called a hero. Regardless of what happened this time, that point is also unacceptable to Vesterine, who loves honesty and fairness. That too must be settled at some point.

 That is why I sent a message to the saints and Anne, who were looking for him diligently. He has abandoned his other duties and is busy drinking in his own tent.

 I'm sure the others will hear about this soon. When that happens, what kind of expression will the hero sitting beside him have? Vestalinu was a little bit looking forward to that.