257 Article 256 "The Boundary of Day and Night"

 --This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.

 It's not that I'm not a good person, but I'm a good person. Looking directly into Elddis' face, Mattia inhaled.

 Erdis's skull would be in a rage right now, still with those blazing blue eyes. Her full lips are about to spit fire. But no matter how much emotion is in her heart, she is the Queen of Gazalia.

 Then there was no way she could break her alliance with the heraldry at this point. Mattia's eyes trembled slightly as he stared straight back into Erdis' blue eyes.

 At the Battle of Sarnio, the Elves of Gazaria drew their bows to the Great Sacred Church together with the Monstrance Church, albeit in the form of an alliance. With us, they turned their swords against the Daishonin.

 Then those Daishonim will never forget that grudge. Intolerance where possible is their greatest trait. They persecute pagans and ethnics, they trample down and eradicate other cultures. That's how they've grown.

 The same goes for the elves. They were never treated as equal to humans by the Daishonin. And now that they've crossed swords with the Daishonin, there's no way they can be tolerated. The Daishonin will not stop persecuting the elves until they are reduced to slaves.

 The Hanging Gardens of Ghazaria is now an enemy of the Daishonin's God. Then, heraldry and Ghazalia are destined to share the same fate.

 Of course, Erdis understands this. It's not that Gazalia is in a position where it can't leave the heraldry now, but rather that it's existence as a nation is being questioned.

 In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. Elddis did the same. The content was simply to declare to which side Lugis belonged.

 Of course, even if Gazalia has no choice but to take the hand of the heraldry, it is not good to have a disagreement with them. A temporary grievance can be swallowed and it will end, but if it accumulates, it will surely open the eyes of bankruptcy at some point. Therefore, Mattia thinks it will be necessary to make concessions whenever possible.

 However, this is not the case with the existence of Lugis. Mattia made an expression as if he were sticking up his high nose.

 Of course, it's not because she was moved by her own emotions or some other ridiculous reason. It is because Lugis is a hero, a sword that is unique to heraldry.

 A hero is a potion that stirs the depths of one's heart, blows away the inertia of one's spirit, and sends a torrent of blood rushing through one's veins. The current heraldry must have that medicine. A man cannot live without the dream of hope, even if only a fragment. He's showing me what that dream looks like. Whether he wants it or not.

 In addition, the presence of Caria-Bardnick and Fialaert-La-Borgograd, who accompany him like wings, is also a good stimulus for the soldiers. You can find a lot of people who are interested in this kind of thing. The two of them would follow him around, whether in the heraldry or in Gazalia.

 Mattia was a little envious of that. They had no responsibility as rulers, they could just do as they wished. It wasn't that she abhorred the role of saint, but she still found herself thinking about it from time to time.

 Well, that and. He, Lugis, needs to be in control. Otherwise, he'll just act emotionally and without calculation. He cannot live rationally unless he is controlled by himself. You can't just irresponsibly throw him out now. That's not the way a saint should behave.

 With calculation and the compassion of a saint, Mattia made up her mind and her words. She would not hand Lugis over to Gazalia.

 Mattia, saint of the heraldic order, and Erdis, mistress of the Hanging Gardens of Gazalia. At the same time that the words of both of them were fully recorded on the parchment, the tent shook wildly. The tent, which should not have been opened without the permission of either Mattia or Erdis, opened wide.

 As soon as the guard appeared in the gap, he said in a very bulky voice, his throat completely dry.

 --I have an urgent message from Master An. It concerns Master Lugis.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 The sun was high in the sky.

 The sun, which had been rising high in the sky, slowly dropped its figure into the far reaches of the mountains, painting the sky with an Akaneiro hue. The light was reaching the walls of the autonomous city of Philos. Night would be falling soon.

 Holding their spears on the city walls, the guards blinked their eyes at the glow of the moment when day and night switched. The beauty of the scene seemed to ease the tension that had threatened to break his heart.

 But that relaxation was short-lived. Immediately, a feeling of dread and urgency reached out to me from the pit of my stomach. Needless to say, it was the heraldists.

 It was a good thing those barbarians had quietly returned to their positions. However, they might attack the city of Philos again.

 Thinking of that, the guards had to keep a closer eye than usual. However, since there was usually nothing to see, he had never done much in the way of watching.

"Hey, how's it going? Have the heretics arrived?

 A very tired voice came from the side. For a moment I was spooked, but as soon as I realized it was my colleague, my shoulders relaxed. It's not that there's anything special about having two guards. But it was much more reassuring than being alone.

 Nothing in particular. I replied, and my colleague replied, "Me too.

I hate this. I don't know how this happened. It's always been so peaceful.

 I nodded in response to my colleague's words. I have heard from my parents, and their parents' generation, that the city of Philos was peaceful. They hid from the war and were never frightened.

 But now... Now we're frightened, and the heretics have given us a robe of fear. There are babies crying in the streets.

"Of course it's because of that whore, Philos the Impostor!

 "Of course it's because of that whore!

 Yes, it's all because of that traitor. She foolishly took part in the war and was even defeated. That alone is enough of a crime, but he even made a deal with the demon of heraldry to save himself.

 What a filthy thing. The deed of a whore herself. His blank eyes must be a sign of that. I'm sure she got all her position and wealth by selling her body.

 That's what the guard says, frustrated and angry. He seemed to insist that the cause of all the grumbling was Philos-Treit.

 His colleague agrees, smiles insolently, and says.

"Well then, let's go do some good tonight.

 It was a mocking smile. The guard cleared his throat and laughed.

"Let's go see him cry again. It's another good deed for God.

 The word "good deed" meant that he was going to hurt Philos-Treit. He was an immoral man. No matter how many strokes or violent actions you take, they must all be good actions.

 And Philos-Treit is a beautiful woman. She is too immoral to engage in soul-destroying lewdness, but it is still a kind of pleasure to create painful worm sores on her white skin.

 The sturdy girl did not reply to the abuse, but she moaned and even cried out in pain whenever the skin was struck.

 The sight of Philos-Treit was the greatest amusement for the current soldiers of Philos. They could do whatever they wanted with people they once couldn't touch or even talk to. They can treat them as if they were animals and not be blamed. After all, they must be good deeds.

 Yes, you were scared and terrified today because of that whore. Now he must taste the same. It's time we put a hot iron on his back. I'm sure he'll make a good cry.

 With an insolent smile on his face, the sentry looks at the Akaneiro sky. Can't the time pass quickly enough, so that we can have some fun?

 The sun flashed strongly for the last time, and then disappeared into the mountains. At last, the time has come for day and night to switch places. And then the sky lost even a trace of its brilliance.

 --At that moment, my colleague's head explodes beside me. At the same time, I felt a cold sensation on my neck.

 Reflexively, his eyes widen and the guard grasps his hand tightly. I felt my body stiffen and the scene in front of me shake violently.

 I don't know what's happening, and I don't know what's happening to me. I have no idea. I was beyond upset, my brain was in complete confusion.

 Just then, I heard a voice that seemed to cut my ears off.

"Hey, hey, keep your voice down. Unless you want to part with your familiar neck.

 It was a voice I had heard somewhere before. It was the same horrible voice I heard today at the castle gate.