230 Article 229. The Recorder of Manzai

 The purple light turned into sparks and danced across the battlefield. Every time the treasure sword was wielded, its glittering majesty swept away the enemy soldiers. The silver blade with a rich purple line on it - the blade inscribed "Hero Killer" - made a sound as if smiling.

 Wonderful. Now that's a hero! That must be my wielder. No, perhaps it's not right to call me a wielder, since I am now a mixed entity, but no matter.

 Like a beast crushing its prey, Lord Lugis slays his soldiers. Every time a flash of my purple lightning is drawn in the air, blood, organs, and bones are exposed to the wind.

 Oh, how happy I am. This time must be bliss. I writhe as the owner wishes, and the owner strives to become the hero I desire.

 If that path is shrouded in peril, I will break it with my own body. I will sweep away even the pebbles beneath my Lord's feet.

 That's what I should do, the sword thinks. If the Lord lacks experience, pour into him the knowledge you have stored within you. If he lacks strength, he can be a new finger to fill his fingertips. The sword's purple light shone like a neigh of neighbors. A breathtaking trajectory emerged on the battlefield.

 The sword has been the hand of countless heroes in the past. Some have shattered the stars, some have been called Victory Itself, some have left glory behind. There have been those with various talents, and the sword has been with many heroes. And many heroes have paved their way with the sword in their hands.

 In a sense, I am the recorder of all geniuses. It is a thing that has been with the heroes of history and has their talents engraved on it. The trajectories of those who were once revered as heroes, their abilities, and their ways of being gifted, are all within this body.

 If it is necessary, I will teach you the trajectory and the flash of the sword that the heroes once followed. I will force it into your body while you are still weak.

 You are now with your wielder, Lugis. Our bodies are melded together. I am him and he is me.

 Then give me my full power and who can complain? Not even the Lord can do that. Because he is also you. There is no such thing as stifling your will.

 There are still many enemies, and no matter how many dead soldiers there are, it is too difficult for a few to cut through them all. The Lord's intentions are too narrow and too narrow a path. Ordinarily, I would not choose it as a means to an end. If you reach out, your fingers will be torn off and your feet will be bloody with thorns.

 But if that is the path Lord Lugis chooses...

 --I don't mind at all. I'll take that as a supreme pleasure.

 After all, you are a tool used to create a path. Now, I am the Lord himself, but my true nature is merely a tool that the gods and the great demons created with their own bodies. Therefore, it is a joy to devote oneself to the Lord.

 It is ecstatic to see the Lord, who never relied on his own strength, now relying on his own. The inscription, "Hero Killer," scattered purple light as if it were a bolt of lightning.

 The body of Lugis took another step, and then another, chewing and tearing through the enemy lines. It was as if he was simply wielding a vicious fang that he had just learned to handle.

 In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, you'll be able to find a lot more information here.

 I'm sorry.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of that. He didn't need to ask why. Anyone who saw this ridiculous performance would understand at a glance.

 In the midst of the multitude of troops, a small group of soldiers bite into his stomach. When they charged, several lives were lost in an instant. With every step forward, someone's life was flying.

 It was only natural. Even though the front line was crumbling, the soldiers of the Great Church were trained regular soldiers. Even if they look awkward, they can at least thrust their spears back at the boars that keep charging.

 They can take it and still advance. And still it moves forward. Normally, such a foolish rush would lose momentum somewhere, and it would swallow the spear in its stomach, spit out blood, and die. That's all it was supposed to be.

It's not a pretty way to fight. ...... Who taught you that?

 Richard muttered, his lips twisted and his cheeks wrinkled more deeply. Not once did I ever tell you to go ahead and sacrifice your life. After all, there is little to be gained by doing so. There is no point in fighting to the death and gaining fame and applause for a while. In the end, everything will be taken away from you.

 No matter how much power you have, no matter how hard you work for something. The result will still be the same.

 Then it's foolish to risk your life. It's much better to keep your fingers to yourself and let others die while you keep the profits in your heart. Such a way of life is much better.

 I understand that this is a biased view. Nevertheless, Richard believed in it, and he had no intention of changing his mind now. He was too old to change his way of life now, Richard thought.

"Hey, Neymar.

 On the back of his horse, he pulled lightly on the reins and called for his lieutenant. His eyes remained fixed on the battlefield and on Lugis. His white beard wavers slightly in the sky.

 Yes," Neymar replied, his voice becoming much firmer. It seems that he is still uncomfortable with the enemy army advancing in front of him. Even if he knew that Lugis' self-inflicted assault would not easily break through his army, he would still have to catch his breath.

 That's good. The cowardice of seriousness breathes longer on the battlefield than the boldness of bravery. Let them learn as much as they can on this battlefield.

What do you think?

 He pointed to the crowd of soldiers who were coming towards him as dead soldiers, his chin twitching.

 Neymar's eyelids fluttered for a moment, and he swallowed. His eyes rolled back in his head, as if he was desperately searching for words.

 With a waggle of his lips, Neymar said.

...... It's brave at best, but it's nothing more than a reckless rush, if you ask me.

 Richard nodded grandly, his mouth wrinkling deeper. The sword hanging from his waist swayed with a clatter.

"Don't even think about trying to copy that. Putting your life on the line is not a serious tactic.

 In a sense, it is the ultimate rational. Normally, no one would choose to lose his or her life, even if he or she knows that it is the best choice. In fact, such a choice would not even come to mind.

 And yet, that student thought of it, and did it as a matter of course. That's no way for a human being to fight.


 Richard lowered his weighted eyelids and narrowed his eyes. He felt his student's savage voice strike his ear.

 Lugis may have a talent for evil, but he's an ordinary man. Despite all his efforts and studies, he is not gifted. On the contrary, he was just a slightly twisted child who could barely go about his daily life while trying desperately to scar his body and mind.

 He could never expand the world to suit himself, and had to bend his body to fit the world to survive. I was just a common human being.

 And now he is fighting in a way that is not human at all.

 What will happen if an ordinary person continues to fight in an inhuman way? I'm sure he knows that. Just as a person who imitates the behavior of a madman becomes a madman as well. If you continue to behave like an outsider, you will eventually cease to be human.

 Of course, if you think about it, before that happens, everything inside you, your body, will break down. It's bound to break.

 So far as I know, Lugis was a normal person. I don't remember his body being strong either. Richard raised his eyelids slowly and stared at the battlefield.

I don't know if it's my job... but my second-in-command, Neymar, orders me. Take command of the troops until I return. Ambushes may only be used to breach the flank of the enemy's main army or to rescue troops when your own army has been breached.

 What? Feel free to try it, I'll take the blame. With that, Richard pulled hard on the reins of his warhorse.