207 Episode 206 "The Bad habit of sticking out one's t...

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 As usual, he, Lugis, has no idea how others will look at him when he acts. For Erdis, Lugis's vices, which have not changed since he was in the tower, are both amusing and appalling.

 --Lugis, the hero, has a meeting with Richard, the enemy general, by himself.

 It will undoubtedly plant a seed in the soldiers. A seed that could grow in either a good or a bad way.

 If it grows for the worse, it will at least open the eyes of the soldiers to skepticism, or worse, distrust. On the other hand, if it turns out to be a good thing, it will give rise to undeniable trust and confidence.

 It is heroic to go to the enemy general alone, without regard for danger.

 It is a scene that could be found in any number of knightly poems and heroic tales. The sight of boldness in confronting a powerful enemy army strikes one's heart in any way.

 If this action goes well, the morale of the soldiers will soar like a frenzy. So, Erdis thinks that there is nothing wrong with Lugis' action.

 However, as with anything, if you proceed on the assumption that things will go well, you're bound to get tripped up by thorns at some point.

 It is impossible to make plans based on the assumption that something will work out. A plan, Erdis believes, always includes the possibility of failure.

 If Lugis were to be bitten in the leg by an enemy trap during the meeting and lose his life because of it.

 Then it would be the end of heraldry and Gazalia. Erdis could feel the heat rising to his eyelids.

 In heraldry, he was definitely a hero. In the battlefield, where lives are thrown away, he could be the foundation of the human heart, perhaps even more so than Mattia, the saint.

 If that foundation is lost in the face of war, there is no need to imagine it. The loss of morale would be inevitable, and deserters would begin to appear. The ceremony on the ceremonial platform was feverish and on fire, which made it even more so.

 That's why there was no way he could have put Lugis in harm's way. A meeting with an enemy general, of all people, is beyond ridiculous. Out of the corner of her eye, Erdis saw that Saint Mattia's cheeks were drawn together. Her expression seemed to be searching for something to say.

 Perhaps she couldn't say anything strongly confrontational with Lugis in order not to upset the surrounding generals further. Mattia's expression is still intact, but there is a clear anger in his sharp eyes. If there were no eyes around, her voice would have been roaring inside the tent.

 On the other hand, Lugis seems to be saying what's wrong, cowering lightly in response to the words of Saint Mattia and her aide Largd-Anne.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one. It may not be appropriate for this occasion, but I can't help but suppress my honest emotions.

 In the event you're not sure what to do, you can always ask your doctor. He is too indifferent to such things. For Finn, Erdis, who was born and raised as human royalty, he is incredibly defenseless.

 But, Erdis thinks that this vice of Lugis is not all bad.

 First of all, heroes do not listen to the opinions of the common people. A great man shakes off the gazes of those around him and the fences of history, and moves forward based solely on his own will. In that sense, Lugis's nature may be said to be an aspect of a hero.

 Besides... It's just a matter of time before we get to the point where we'll be able to see what's really going on.

 When the two of us were still holed up together in the imprisonment tower of the Hanging Gardens of Gazalia. From time to time, Erdis would hear about Lugis' past. Whenever he recounted his experiences, he would add.

 --Whatever it was, it wasn't good.  

 Erdis has no idea what a "bad" experience is, or what actually happened. But she knew that the words had a certain tinge of truth to them.

 Something had happened. Something that would make Lugis shut his mouth and yet declare that it was a bad thing.

 That something is fatally twisting Lugis and putting an indelible crack in his soul. Erdis's lips closed slightly and his eyes blinked a few times.

 In the end, that vice of his, the tendency to shake off the gaze of those around him, is probably a defense instinct of Rougis. He has to cut off the gazes that are directed at him and repel all the emotions that are given to him. Such circumstances existed for him in the past.

 Of course, all of this is just Erdis' imagination, and the truth may lie elsewhere. However, Erdis had a strange feeling that this idea was not far from the truth.

 Lugis and the saint Mattia exchanged a few words in front of Elddis's eyes. Elddis's long ears twitched.

There is no profit in holding talks. Are you suggesting that we offer our hearts to the enemy?

 Mattia's voice was calm and reasonable, trying to correct Lugis' thinking. I'm sure you'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the future.

 But... But, Erdis thinks, Lugis will not be swayed even by those words.

No, it won't turn out badly. And I'm just going to have a little chat with an old friend.

 And as long as Lugis wants to do it, it must be desirable for Elddis. After all, she and he were master and servant, and she was the one bound to him.

 If Lugis is right, then I will say that I am right while I am bound to him. Erdis could feel a strange elation swirling in his chest.

 She rose from her seat and said in a voice that tickled her ears, as if to say to Saint Mattia and the generals around her.

Gazalia will be his bodyguard. Even if it's a one-on-one meeting, he should at least have an escort. You can rest assured. I'm not going to let my knight die by force.

 Those are the words of a Gazarian queen. As the leader of the elves. The only person here who could clearly disagree with those words was Saint Mattia.

 The saint Mattia closed her lips for a few moments, taking a glance at Elddis with incredibly hardened eyes. A number of assumptions and calculations must have emerged and disappeared in her skull.

 As she gazed at Mattia's profile, Elddis foresaw the words of approval that would come from her lips. In any case, Lugis is a person who, even if you restrain him, will forcibly break free of the warning and start walking somewhere. The saint would understand that it would be wise not to try to restrain her, but rather to take the reins.

 A brief pause, waiting for Mattia's words. In the meantime, Erdis had turned his attention elsewhere for a moment.

 Lugis's vice was the result of an indelible crack in her soul. There could be no doubt about that. And now, it is no exaggeration to say that Lugis is bound to that crack in his chest.

 Erdis's lips formed a straightforward smile, as if to line his face.

 --Don't worry, Lugis. I'm sure I can get you out of whatever you're tied to.

 And then we'll tie the knot back where it belongs. I'm sure Lugis will tell you it's the right thing to do.

 Erdis's blue eyes took on a deep, gentle yet unfathomable color.