174 173rd Statement 'Note to this moment'

 Fialaert's fingertips touch the earth with a slight twitch. The air against his cheeks is strangely cold.

 His lungs are still beating wildly inside his body, and his throat is still bringing his breath to his lips. It's hard to say that it's calm, that it's normal. Her dark hair bounces in the air as if it were shaking her.

 That's not surprising.

 After all, the enormous amount of magic power that was pumped up from the ground is still being spat out into the world through this body. Even if you try to calm down, every time the magic power mixes with your bloodstream, your mood will be uplifted, and just as time passes, your body will be exhausted little by little. Yes, of course.

 Even though you are only using it as a passageway, you are still possessing magic power in your body, even if only temporarily. Just by doing so, your body will be drained of its vitality and your soul will be worn out in the blink of an eye.

 There is no one who can remain calm under such circumstances. Elation or despair. Certain mental swings are inevitable.

 Fialat takes two deep breaths, letting the cool air into his lungs. Then he let out a small, slow exhale.

 But still. For once in his life, he must regain his composure, his mind enough to use magic. Fialaert bit his lip with his teeth unconsciously. Thoughts raced through his head. The words whispered in his chest, "Why does this Lugis person keep saying reckless things like this?

 --I need to borrow magic power to kill that beastly creature. I want to use my magic to kill that beastly creature.

 Lugis said casually that he would only change the destination, the endpoint of the magic power to him, just like changing the flow of water. When he heard those words, Fialaat's eyebrows naturally twisted wide. Words choked him.

 He spat once in his throat, carefully choosing his words, and told Lugis that it was too much to ask. I'm not sure what to say.

 In a way, magic is like wine. In the right amount, it can make a person very happy and even give them power beyond their body. However, if the amount is too much, it can quickly turn on a person. Of course, there is a certain amount of difference between individuals, but the magical power that is poured beyond a certain threshold becomes a poison that eats away at a person from the inside out.

 There is a disease commonly called "adventurer's disease" or "demon disease.

 The name "hexenbiest's disease" comes from the fact that the symptoms often appear in adventurers who come into contact with hexenbiests, beasts that possess an abundance of magical power, and especially those who prefer to eat their flesh.

 The symptoms begin with the gradual erosion of the body, the loss of strength, and the natural prolongation of sleep. As the body is squeezed to the limit, the fangs begin to sink into the soul, and the body becomes emaciated and unable to sleep.

 In the end, they become addicted to the magic inherent in them, their hearts stop beating, and they die quietly. Rumor has it that when the corpses of patients with the adventurer's disease were autopsied, their blood vessels and every inch of their organs were blackened, as if they had been carbonized.

 There is still no effective treatment for this adventurer's disease. Fialat took another deep breath and gently touched his hands to the earth.

 Fialaat thinks that maybe Lugis knew this and that's why he made this plan. You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.

 That's why he thought that he could stop his body's activity by pouring more magic power than he could tolerate into it rapidly. Like a drunkard who makes a fool of himself and gets acutely addicted.

 Yes, it makes sense. Theoretically, it might be possible. But whether it can be done is another story. It's too much to ask.

 Magic can only be manifested in the world in a strong form if it is bound by magic or law. If you just let it flow out into the world in the form of magic power alone, it will quickly fade away and become scattered in the world, becoming an existence just like air.

 Therefore, if you want to infuse magic power into someone, you have to touch them directly or make a special contract with them. That's exactly the kind of contract that would connect soul to soul.

 It's almost impossible for me to stay in contact with that monster, that mass of flesh, for a long time. Besides, making a contract is even more impossible. If I made a contract with such a soul-distorting being, my soul would be torn to pieces.

 Therefore, it is no longer reasonable to pour magic power into that monster and defeat it. It's impossible, Fialaert told Lugis.

 And yet... Really, that man...

 The lips of Fialat tightened, and the breath that had been escaping loudly from earlier stopped. Then the breathing itself gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.

 At the same time, the black eyes that had been wavering narrowed and stopped moving. At the same time, the black eyes that had been wavering stopped moving and narrowed. The sound of Caria's sword fights that had been beating repeatedly around Fialaat disappeared from the back of his ears.

 --But if Lugis says that it is the best plan, and that someone will die if he takes any other plan, then he will make it happen. I'll do my best to make it happen.

 Then we need to adjust the magic precisely. Precise calculations are required. No deviation is allowed, not even a blink of an eye, no hesitation.

 In any case, it is not that monster into which you pour the magic power that is stirring and overflowing like a muddy stream inside you.

 Never hurt it, never destroy it. In order to do so, you have to repeat the imitation of passing through the hole of a needle endlessly.

 If you're going to do that, breathing is just a distraction. The raging of the lungs, the palpitations of the heart, I would stop if I could.

 Every phialert movement, every gesture, is unnaturally lost. His dark eyes lose focus and vision. The ears lose hearing and the nostrils no longer carry smell. Let's erase what we don't need, let's erase what we do need. Then put everything into what you really need.

 Slowly and carefully, Fialaert stretched out a thread of magic toward the pledge that was bound to his soul. Even thought would be lost now.

 And then, finally. Just before all of Fialaert's thoughts were lost, a word was muttered in his chest.

 --If that's what Lugis wants, then so be it. It's a bit of a shame, really. Yes, really.

 This is the only thing he muttered, and his thoughts buried themselves in the rough and tumble that he had to endure. The intent of his muttering may not have been grasped by Lugis, Kalia, or even Fialaat himself. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to say.

 --There is a ritual that used to be performed between the parents and children of sorcerers and wizards, and is still performed by some of the most famous families.

 In the past, this ritual was performed between parents and children of magicians and wizards. From the time the child is a child until the day he or she becomes an independent magician.

 In this way, the child can increase the limit of the amount of magic it can store in its body from an early age. Also, parents can adjust the amount of magic they pour into their children, and avoid contracting the adventurer's disease.

 In this way, the families of sorcerers and wizards continue to increase the amount of magic power they can store in their bodies with each passing generation.

 The only problem that seems to be a problem is that if the parents are not careful for even a moment, their children can easily be devoured by the poison of magic.

 And until the day when the child learns how to handle magic on its own, it will never be far from the parent who infuses it, that's all.