41 Forty words, "Golden Triangle Road"

 Garou Amalia, the academy's training grounds.

 This place, where wooden dolls and light magical aids are set up, is always unpopular.

 It's no surprise that the only people who attend this academy are those of good family or wealth. What most of them are looking for is not magic or swordsmanship, but the prestige of being from the academy and connections to the higher classes. Therefore, it is rare for them to practice sword and sorcery.

 The only people who frequent this place are a girl who craves the gift of magic and one other person.

 The double-edged sword shines white in the sunlight. Wiping away a little dirt from it, Heldt Stanley closed his eyelids lightly.


 It was a breathtaking flash. Shiro light sliced through the sunlight, and for a moment, the still space was cut off. The wind around them gushed, and after a frightened rush of swordplay, the air flowed back to normal.

 Heldt's brow furrowed slightly. He gritted his teeth lightly and gave up lightly on the idea that today was not going to be a good day.

 To the casual observer, it was a flash of genius. I had nothing to say about it. But for myself, I can't hide my discomfort. No matter how cleverly you try to deceive yourself, you will find it out easily. Especially, Heldt was not a person who could overlook it.

 The slightest hint of murkiness in the sword line, the body is perfect, but the reason is in the mind.

 He thinks that what is wrapped around his spirit is probably him. The question and the thought of it have been running through his mind for a while now. As he sheathed his sword, the tips of his golden hair shook.

What's with the sour look on your face, Heldt?

 Just when the thoughts in your head are about to start circling, a human body unexpectedly jumps behind you. But it's not as if it's trying to jostle him.

...... Uncle, it's been a long time. It's rare to see you at the academy.

 When Held turned around as if nothing had happened, the person twisted his neck as if to say that he was unfriendly.

I'm here to see you. Otherwise, who would want to come here when all you see is a bunch of dimwits who can't see the future?

 Herdt couldn't help but smile at the insult.

 Buckingham Stanley. Buckingham Stanley, Heldt's uncle, was a man with a reputation for living his life with pranks and drinks in hand. He has been involved in the Stanley family's diplomacy, thanks to his wide range of contacts and social skills.

 Although he was somewhat unpredictable and aloof, more people liked his unique air than disliked him for his unseriousness.

 In fact, Heldt did not dislike Buckingham. Although he is always joking, he is very caring and compassionate. It is understandable that he is admired by many people.

"Uncle, I have a silly question. "Uncle, I have a silly question: can a man do true good while harboring true evil in his heart?

 Therefore, Herdt's advice was often directed to his uncle rather than to his strict and unapproachable father.

 Since this morning, or to be more precise, right after he escaped from that underground temple, a whirling snake has been lurking in his mind. The identity of which Herdt understood. The green-clad adventurer, the one who could not be described as either vicious or righteous, Lugis.

 I wonder if Buckingham expected that call. He sits down on a chair in the training hall and rests his cheek on it. Then, without much thought, he said.

You can do it, of course. That's human nature. We always carry contradictions in our hearts, and we give birth to them and then give birth to them again. That's human nature, isn't it, Held?

 Herdt bites his lip, a little bewildered by these convincing words.

 Is that what it is? No, indeed, he seemed to be the embodiment of it. Heldt stroked his bitten lip and narrowed his eyes.

 He made an outrageous offer to Fialaert, an act that could be called self-defense. But then he threw his own life into the flames to protect Fialaat, an act of self-sacrifice. Viciousness and goodness. The contradictory behavior made Heldt shake his head.

 If self-preservation was his first priority, he would not have sacrificed himself to save Fialat. If self-sacrifice is the first priority, then there is no reason to impose exorbitant conditions on Fialat.

 I don't understand. It was as if Heldt couldn't understand him, Lugis.

"You're even more incomprehensible to me, Heldt. There is nothing human about you. People anguish, vomit, get lost in their own stupidity, and sometimes make judgments that are completely opposite to the ones they've made all their lives. But look at you... you're a foolish reminder of justice and good intentions. I laugh at you.

 But it's good that you're troubled, Buckingham said, showing his canines in a strangely amused manner.    

 Trouble. Now that you mention it, it's not often that I've been so troubled by a single thing. Most things are either good or bad. That's how I've lived my life. I didn't doubt it.

 But him. I can't put my finger on it.

"Well, a man only grows when he's troubled. God made us to be troubled. Now, God bless you! Thank you for bringing us into this crucible of malice. For plaguing us endlessly. Oh, thank you!

"...... Uncle, you're doing that again. It's no wonder you're being pointed at as a heretic.

 You speak like a heretic. It looks like a joke, but the tone of his voice and the color of his eyes tell things as if they were true.

 Which of Buckingham's words were a joke, and which were his true intentions? I'm sure even his wife can't tell.

 But that's part of what makes him so good at diplomacy.

A joke. It's a joke. Now, Herdt. My uncle must now go to the kingdom of Garliest. That's why I'm here. I thought I'd come with you if that's all right with you.

 Herdt's eyes narrowed involuntarily at those words. Herd's eyes narrowed involuntarily at the words, which were so abrupt that his words faltered. Buckingham said that he would not force him to go, but continued to speak.

He continued, "Lately it's been smelly around here. I can't blame you for being the head of the family, but I think that you, the next head of the family, should stay away for a while. I'm not a heretic, but those heraldic people who fled to the east have been making strange appearances.

 Buckingham looked into Heldt's eyes, "You haven't heard anything about them, have you?

 I'm not doubting you. In fact, I think it is more likely that you don't know. But in Heldt's mind, the true nature of the stench is clear. A group of armed heraldists, a strange degree of caution, and a woman called the Saint.

 You should tell him this right here and now. Then my uncle will definitely take me to the Garlist and the danger will be over. All I can feel is the stink of it, but it's never a bad idea to be prepared.

 But if I tell them, I won't be able to stay here. Then there is the option of not saying anything, isn't there? Herdt Stanley was astonished at the thought that came from within him. It was the first thought he had ever had.

 Goodness and justice. He had walked the path of life based on these two principles, and there had been no crossroads. All he had to do was do the right thing.

 But now, for the first time, there is a crossroads. Tell him everything and leave. Or stay here in silence.

 Maybe you should talk. That's who Helt Stanley is. That's how you've been living your life. You're right. Even if it means leaving behind the questions that have been brewing inside of him.

 Inside Heldt, two wills seemed to be clashing repeatedly. The will that came from within Heldt and the will that was born of justice and goodness were struggling with each other.

 Oh, what can I do? Is this anguish? Is this what anguish looks like? After a moment of hesitation, the winner of the struggle crawled out of Held's mouth.

...... No, it was nothing, Uncle. Yes, nothing of note, nothing.

 That's the way it should be. I'm not sure I would have made this decision if I were you, Heldt muttered to himself. I would have just done what I thought was right.

 But it would be a shameful act of deception to cover up the impulse that was born in his heart with the cloth of justice.

 Hence, Held Stanley's decision. He decided to leave the choice to the will that came from within him, not to justice and goodness, and to stay in Garou Amalia.