16 I'd like to say "honor."

I shall appreciate your loyalty.

 Burbage Bardnick's eyes widened as he shook the silver hair that Kalia Bardnick would have given away. He was very choosy with his words. He opened his mouth politely, not unlike the way he had addressed his daughter.

"I resent the insult to my master. It's beautiful loyalty. But do you understand that ....... That act is the price of life.

 Without the permission of the higher-ups, he rises and speaks. There is no need for such a question and answer. He has the right to slit my throat just for what he just did. The right of the ruler.

I'll let you off the hook for once if you don't understand. Get on your knees. If you know everything you're doing, I'll forgive you for your loyalty and allow you to say a few words.

 I wondered if his polite words and thoughtfulness were due to the fact that he was truly offering respect to others, and was struck by their healthy loyalty as he said. Or was it just a way to suppress the frustration and resentment that was pouring out of his heart? Burbage stroked his chin and tightened his mouth. The truth is, I can't see it.

 All I can tell is that he's at least trying to make himself look tolerant.

 But it's a huge misunderstanding. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty...

I'm not a follower of Caria Vadnick. There's no such thing as loyalty. I hate this guy. You're very much mistaken, Lord Vrdnick. And besides. No man works for anyone else. Never.

 Kalia Vardnick turns around with a pale face. Her body is rigid, unable to move, and she's unusually agitated.

 But it's too late, Kalia Vadnick. The words have already slipped out of her mouth.

I'm standing up for me. Not for Lord Vardnick, not for Miss Kalia Vardnick. I'm standing now for me.

 Yes, one does not move for someone else. In the end, it's about one's own life, one's own pride, one's own interests. So this is nothing. It's just words, just for me.

"My heart is now in deep, dark despair. Because of you, you know, Lord Burbage Vardonick. You trampled on my respect. With your feet! With impunity!

 A final, chewing tobacco. The distinct aroma in your nostrils. It's really, really refreshing. Determination. This is nothing but determination. Right now, my heart is definitely ready to die. That's why I'm spinning the words. That's why it's so refreshing.

"So, you're a fool like the Lord.

 Don't worry, says the man arrogantly. "So you're a fool like your lord. You don't need to defend the Lord.

I'm telling you, you're wrong. I'm an arrogant, uncaring man who only cares about trampling on the weak. Yeah, there's no way we're gonna get along, and I hate women like that. But, but...

 --The sword was unmistakably real.

 I grit my teeth and spit out the words before the guards could hear my shout and come running.

 It's not enough. Would I be able to express in words even a shred of the resentment that occupied my heart? That's all I was worried about.

"A man like you wouldn't understand. "You don't understand the humiliation of being mocked for the sword you wield. The indignation of having your efforts trampled upon.

 Oh, the humiliation. What indignation. How many times have you licked your chops to get that sword. How many times have you crawled through the mud to get that sword? This is respect. I have the utmost respect only for that aspect of Kalia Vadnick. I know that that sword is built not on glittering talent alone, but on efforts beyond humanity.

 But this man, of all people. He insulted the sword. He trampled on the feat. Oh, by the way.

"Even more so than ...... a real father to his daughter! It makes me sick to my stomach. ...... You trampled on my respect!

 Every word is spat out like it's hot in the back of my throat. It won't stop. It can't stop. The truth is, I'm angry now, burning in my chest. I don't know. If a woman you don't like is being abused, you should be happy in your heart no matter what. So why...

"So that's it. I'll keep your monologue in mind. Guards.

 A few guards rush in, breathing hard, having heard the loud voice. Their faces were filled with frustration.

 But it doesn't matter. That's not important to me right now. Not yet. Not enough. My anger, my resentment, is not like this. My hostility towards Lord Burbage Vadnick cannot be like this.

"Look, you can't just-- ......!

 A foreign object lodged in his neck. Kalia Vadnick narrowed her eyes, bit her teeth, and shook her sheath. Strangely enough, her eyes seemed to be moistening.

 Her breathing was momentarily cut off, and her vision collapsed into a blank. What are you doing, Kalia Vadnick? Get out of my way. Oh, I hate you. I still hate women like you.

 My body slammed into the floor and my consciousness vanished as if it were sucked into the cold cobblestones.


"Guards. Take this ruffian to jail.

 Kalia Vadnick's cold voice echoed in the room.

 The guards, who had just rushed to the scene, did not understand the situation. The two of them picked up the man in the old green clothes, thinking that he must be the one who was responsible for the violence.

"Then ...... behead him right here.

 It was the voice of Burbage Vardnick, Governor of Fort Coryden, that stopped them.

"Caria. That is the will of this man. It would be an insult to him to show him mercy here.

"I understand. Then please, my lord.

 Again, deeply, Kalia Vadnick served. Again, deeply, Kalia Vadnick served, her forehead almost touching the cobblestones. At first glance, she appears weak and pleading. But there was a certain strength in her posture, a mysterious strength.

"In theory, he is indeed a great criminal who has disrespected you. But this one is my follower. Then I think it is my duty to atone for his sins.

 It is also reasonable, says Kalia Vadnick.

"...... You are still incomprehensible to me. So what do you have to offer? You know that there is nothing between you and me that can be passed off as affection or parent-child relationship.

 It was an unmistakable deal. Not between father and son, father and daughter. A definite transaction between two parties with interests at stake.

"Yes, sir. I'll--as you've always said.

 He says, in a voice that tries to be calm, with his chin down. It is, in a sense, a farewell to myself. It is an act of giving up one's alter ego.

 Kalia Vadnick's heart was extremely complicated. Why do I have to do this? What must I do to protect such a man? He's rude, really rude. He abuses people so much and then treats them as if they don't exist. Rude, lousy husband.

 But even so... surely I don't want him to die, I hope. You won't regret this decision years or decades from now. I believe that.

"I understand your intentions. Guards. Whip him and throw him out. Just enough to keep him alive, but not too much.

 The guards, confused by the brief but fierce exchange between father and son, were finally given normal command and began to act immediately. With the green man still in his arms, he hurried away from the visiting room.

"And you, Kalia. And you--

 Kalia Vadnick knew what he was going to say. Because that's what her father had wanted for a long time. Until now, he had only used his own will and the protective powers of the Order as a shield against it.

"Resign from the Order immediately and return to your lands.