180 [3-37] Darkness

 It is said that an evil god does not create a race from scratch.
 All demons are created by distorting the existence created by the Great God with the power of darkness.
 Among the demons, those that are intelligent and form societies are called demons, but all of them are said to have been created by distorting the human race.

 Dark elves are a type of demon race, and as the name suggests, they are born from elves.
 They have dark skin and golden eyes. They are more muscular and physically stronger than elves, but still have the same aptitude for magic.
 They excel at fighting in rugged terrain such as forests, and in the war between man and demon, they became natural enemies that killed all of the strengths of the elves. In the war between man and demon, they became the natural enemy that killed all the strengths of the elves. For this reason, the elves, including the fact that they are a race based on elves, regarded the dark elves as irreconcilable enemies and held them in disgust and fear.

"You want me to become a ...... Dark Elf?

 Rielamires seemed to be taken aback by the whole thing.
 The idea of becoming a Dark Elf stunned him before he could even feel a sense of repulsion. Becoming a dark elf seemed to be so impossible that she hadn't even thought about it until she was forced to make this decision.

To tell you the truth, I thought it would be best to dye the forest evil if I wanted to protect it. I mean, even if it's just a matter of chance, it's already been dyed.
 In this way, the fortress would be stronger, and it would be harder for the enemy to invade because it would be difficult for the human race to operate in a place that is completely in the hands of the evil gods. On the other hand, our forces will be strengthened with the exception of one man.
 The only problem was that the elves living in this forest would be badly hurt, but it doesn't matter if you become a dark elf. In fact, it will make you stronger.
It's so easy to become a member of the ...... evil gods.
It doesn't mean you'll die. You can become a Dark Elf and live.
 This is the fork in the road. We can die with our ideals and old beliefs or we can fight to live.
No way. ......!

 In contrast to the bewildered Rielamires, Jivarmaguza shouts, literally spitting blood.

You can't do that! You can't do that!
 I'm not sure what to say. No way. ...... Geez, .......
"Elder, this is her choice, you know. It's not an equal position, but the right to choose is hers. We're not forcing her to do anything.
"Riela Mireles ......!!!

 The old elf shouted in a sorrowful tone, almost pleading.
 Lieramires stiffened as if swords were being thrust at him from all directions.

 Seeing the hesitant Lieramires, Rene stepped in front of her on the ground and looked down.

I'm not sure what to say.
 Have you ever thought that ...... this world is wrong?
What ......?
Why do you have to die? What kind of sin is that? Just because you lived here, you were forced to choose between abandoning everything and fleeing or fighting for your life. Because we had a big country next to us with ambition and military might. ......

 Rene felt Lieramires' emotions move with a slight heat.

 There was no room for sympathy for the situation of others, but he could not help it.
 Still, Rene believed that Lieramires was in the same pain as he was.
 That's why Rene's words would surely be a force that would fuel her.

"Have any of your loved ones died in the invasion of the Empire at all? 'The same people'? That's good. Would you rather be destroyed by humans as a human race than be a neighbor to demons?

 I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.
 Rielramirez's gaze swam.
 It was as if he was surprised by his own inclination toward darkness and was trying to cover it up.

"Be a part of the destruction of the world. ......
"I wonder if you know the teachings of the evil gods, Elf.
 Do you know the teachings of the evil gods, elves? The great gods created this world and destroyed it to recreate it.
 Those who follow the evil gods are promised happiness in the new world.
And I'm supposed to believe that?
You don't have to believe it. You don't have to believe me, I'll just collar the evil god and drag him along and make him do it.

 Riela Milles exclaimed, "What are you talking about? But Rene was serious.
 Rene is thinking that one day he will make the Great God regret his actions. Even the evil gods can be moved somehow if they don't agree with him.
 The heights of the heavens may still be sadly far away, but eventually we will reach them.

 Re-creation of the world: ......
 This is too grandiose, but René has set it as his ultimate goal.
 I don't believe that I can create an ideal world. But if all tragedies are triggered by a small misunderstanding, like pressing the wrong button. What if they could have been avoided by some minor "IF"? ......
 Rene was secretly wondering if it would be possible to rebuild such a world.
 Of course, in the process, it is important to destroy the world and take revenge on the cause of all the tragedies that befell Rene.

I am not fighting for destruction," he said, "but for the sake of my own prayer I have decided to fall into evil. To make right that which can only be made right by wickedness.

 That prayer is unfair. Rene is only trying to correct the tragedy that befell him.
 That prayer is unjust. In the process of accomplishing great things, even the uninvolved are trampled upon.

 It would be too selfish and evil to pretend to be a dark hero.
 But at the root of it all was anger at injustice. It is a prayer and a belief that it must be righted.

 Rene had come back to life to bring down on this world the anger that he could not die with.

 Lieramires doubted the authenticity of Rene's words, but he seemed to have made up his mind about something.
 He was not struck by Rene's words, nor was he moved by them. It was simply as if he had found the path he needed to take.

He said, "If you have any anger or resentment at all, follow me and fight. There are things you can only protect by doing so.
 ...... I've lost everything, but you still have something to protect.
"Stop, don't listen to him. ......!

 Even Zivarmaguza's desperate cries could not shake Lieramires.

Are you going to turn all the elves in this forest into dark elves?
That's what I intend to do.
What if ...... some of them refuse to become dark elves?
Hmm? I'm not going to do anything. If you want to bow to me, I'll take your body, but if you want to serve me, I'll treat you justly, human or demon.
 I'm sure it's inconvenient for you to live in this forest as an elf, though.

 I didn't need to use Tracy as an example, I would have used a human if I could. There are some things that can only be done by humans, and as long as they are useful, I don't care if they are human or demon.

 I'm not going to question whether you are human or demon as long as you are useful.
 There are not many elves who can accept becoming a dark elf. At least not overnight. But Rene says that he will be generous to any Elf who refuses to become a Dark Elf.
 Riela Milles' only motive is to protect her forest friends, so if Rene is going to sort them into friend and foe, she's not going to be able to keep up.

Well, ......
 I'm relieved. Then I'll fight with you.

 That's what Riela Milles said.

 Zivarmaguza plucked one of the jewels that he was wearing and threw it at him in a desperate attempt to kill him.
 The jewel took on a glow and became a spear of lightning, which pierced and burned Liaremires from behind as he lay motionless on the ground.
 Not Rene, not Everis, but Liaremires.

"Elemental Shield!

 The lightning bolt that was released, however, struck the wall of light that Rene had created with his magic, and fizzled out without reaching its target, Liiramires.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

You've failed, ......!
"......, Master.
It's a good thing you don't mess with my subjects, elf. ...... Pull him up.

 In the event that you've got any questions regarding where and the best way to get in touch with us, we're here to help.
 The freshly formed skeletons dragged Jivarmaguza up, picked him up and carried him away.

"Think again, Rieramires. ...... I can't let you sin. ...... Gosh, gosh, gosh. ......

 Lieramires did not even look back at Zivarmaguza.
 It was not because of hostility or animosity, but because she felt she could not face him.
 She was still bearing the weight of her sin.

"Well, then, let's get on with it. So, .......

 Everis looked into Rielramirez's face without reading the air, held up three fingers, and asked lightly, as if he were making her choose a drink.

I have a few rituals in my repertoire.
 Which one do you prefer, the solemn one, the lewd one, or the very painful one?
"Let me at least try to look good at .......

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.