135 [2-69] Type: Dragon: 120 Mainstream: 100 PP: 9 10


 The roar of the dragon roared over the dead city of Teiralore. It was like a wind blowing through the valley floor with the smell of death in it.
 In the midst of such a frightening sound, the sound of a girl's voice shouting in anger intermingled.

 A wyvern zombie with silver scales, a silver mane, and silver eyes pursues behind Erminio and the others as they sprint through the stone passageway.
 Wielding wings of only bone, they crush and spread the walls with a force that is unbelievable from the outside.
 Its sharp-edged head, covered in hard scales and sprouting horns, smashes the ceiling.

What the hell is this? Is this the Rose Princess of Hell?
"d*mn it, it's not working!

 While running away, Edgar shot his magic items backwards.
 But the fireballs and thunderbolts were repelled by the silver scales, and the silver dragon's onslaught could not be stopped for even a second.

 In the midst of the incessant sounds of destruction, I hear a sound like a bellows.

"Breath is coming!

 Edgar warned in an urgent voice.
 There was no escape in the narrow streets.
 He tried to move forward, tried to turn a corner.
 You'll get caught up in it like a smoldering insect.

 Breath is generally produced by magical action, but it's not just magic.
 They are often half ...... or fully materialized using secretions that accumulate in the body. For example, a breath of flame is a real flame, not a 'virtual flame' like the elemental magic of fire.
 It cannot be prevented by purely magical means such as amulets, and requires individual countermeasures. ......

I'm not sure what to say. What the hell is this thing spitting?
I don't know!

 If it's spitting fire, you can counteract it with water magic. Or use a spell to defend against fire.
 But if you don't know what's coming, you have too many choices.

Then it's ...... wind! Loretta, get the Wind Fan!
"Item box!

 Loretta's chanting was almost a scream.

 The breath is just an attack that blows something on the breath. It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 Loretta herself can use wind magic, but only rudimentarily. She can't use magic to blow back the breath of such a large creature, and must rely on magic items.

 She grabs a fan from the void. A fan that will create a storm if she holds it up.

"Lies ......

 The fan was half-broken and its face was in shreds.
 When Loretta took it out of storage earlier, it had been caught in a spinning saw trap.

"Oh no ......!

 A reddish-black flame flickered in the mouth of the silver wyvern zombie.
 It's a breath of miasma, which is a poison made from the elemental "evil air" that is originally contained in dust and other materials,......, and is destructive to life.
 If you are exposed to it, your body will become burned and necrotic, resulting in death.

 No defense will be sufficient.
 The moment the breath is released...

"No way!

 Something fell from the collapsed ceiling.
 It's a knight in armor with a holy seal engraved on it. He's holding a short sword in his mouth as a sub-weapon.
 On the left side of his body, there are numerous arrows piercing through the armor. They look as if they were used for blowguns or traps. If you look closely at the sides of his armor, you can see many small dents, and his left hand is just hanging weakly from his shoulder.
 Sacred magic is good at healing, but magic that heals wounds instantly consumes a lot of magic power. This situation seems to be the result of his unwillingness to consume magic power, giving only the minimum amount of treatment and preserving the rest of his magic power for the attack.

 The wounded holy knight clutched the wyvern zombie's neck with his single right hand. He then straddled the neck, supported himself with his legs, and picked up the sword in his mouth.
 The wyvern zombie shook his head noisily, but the holy knight held his ground.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.


 The wyvern zombie's mouth was sewn shut.
 The sword, clothed in multiple layers of holy energy, pierced the silvery scales.
 The miasma spilled from the gap between its clenched fangs.

"Young Master! Please run!
"Well done, Ettore! ...... Or is that Alfonso?

 Erminio ran off without even pretending to help the holy knight.
 Erminio could not tell the difference between the helmeted Ettore and Alfonso. You can tell them apart by their voices, and if you look closely, you can tell them apart by the scars on their equipment and the way they behave, but Erminio wasn't that interested in them.

 The wyvern zombie, whose breath had been blocked, was not intimidated, and head-butted the nearest wall as if it had taken no damage.
 The dungeon shook.
 The dungeon shook. The headbutt meant that the holy knight attached to his head would be caught between the wall and him.

"Haha ......!

 Blood spurted out of his full-face helmet.
 And the wyvern zombie rubs its head against the wall.
 As the wall cracks, the holy knight is crushed, shaken off, rolled on the floor, and then crushed. The claws of his strong legs, covered with silver scales, stitched through his armor.

He's already dead, what are you going to do?
Shut up, I know what to do! Something, some countermeasure: ......!

 The three of them run away as fast as they can, leaving the holy knight behind.
 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it. It seems that he pulled out the sword that was sewn to his mouth.

"......? Hey, mister!
I don't know why, but the building's magic protection is gone!

 This is a great way to make sure that you don't end up in a situation where you're not the only one.

"Then take it to ......!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
 The "Seven Miles Stone". It was a set of two jewel-like magic items, one of which could be placed as a beacon, and by breaking the other stone, the user could instantly transfer.
 Unlike the Seven Steps Stone, which has a similar effect but a shorter transfer distance, this one is quite valuable.


 Edgar slammed the Seven Step Stone onto the floor with all his might.
 The moment he did, everything twisted.

 The moon shone overhead.

 The moon shone overhead, and a cold wind blew through the air.

 The three of them stood in the open air.
 A place hidden by the undulations of the terrain when seen from the capital. It was the place where Drouet the Determined had rested earlier.
 Edgar had left one of the Seven Stones here. To escape like this in case of emergency.

 Medium to long distance transitions are not feasible, but it is the etiquette of advanced adventurers to prepare for escape somehow.
 Of course, being prepared does not necessarily mean that you will be able to escape in good health.

Thank you ...... for your help ......!
"Not yet, Miss.

 This is the first time I've ever seen such a thing.

 First, he took out a chic black lacquered vial and uncorked it. A vague, glowing cloud-like substance blows out and melts into the air. It is the "mirage deceptive incense" that envelops the surroundings with illusions and hides the figure.
 In addition, he tied the three of them together at the waist with the Binding Chain of the Hidden Forest, which muffles the sounds and signs of those who are tied to it, and sprayed them with the Ninja Toilette, which muffles their smells.

How long will it last, Edgar?
"...... We don't have enough magic stones for this extravaganza. Don't expect to last more than two hours.
 I'm not sure how long it will last.

 Edgar said as he stuffed the magic stones into the fueling box connected to one end of the Binding Chain of the Hidden Forest. Those connected to the chain can talk to each other, but no one else can hear this voice.

 A powerful magic item consumes a lot of magic stones, but if three people are using it, the consumption will be tripled. It was obvious that if we continued to fill up on magic stones along the way, we would run out of fuel before we reached the safe zone.

 Edgar wondered if there was a worse option than abandoning Erminio.
 There would be no reward if he didn't bring Erminio back, but life was precious.
 More than anything, the reason Edgar had followed him back to King's Landing was not because he was worried about Erminio, but because he was worried about Loretta. If he was on the brink of death, Edgar would choose to keep Loretta alive over Erminio.

It's tough ......, but if you can blind your pursuers for that long, you'll be able to keep them at a distance.
"Miss, is the carpet safe?
...... "Item Box".

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.
 It's the remnants of the torn up Flying Carpet. It seems to have been caught in a trap earlier and damaged.
 Erminio glared at Loretta with burning eyes, and Loretta gently looked away.

 Edgar lifted it up to try it out, and only a few of the sliced and diced pieces of fabric came to light.
 Unfortunately, it was too big to sit on.

You have to grab it and fly away. ......
 It's faster, and I'm not going to leave a trail.
"All right, ......, we're turning now.

 At about the same time Erminio gave the order.

 At about the same time Erminio gave the order, there was a hail of wind.


 There was an arrow sticking out right next to Edgar.

 Shadows loomed in the black sky.
 The sound of flapping wings could be heard like a chorus.

 Carrying a hazy moon on its back, a huge body with a shining silver outline danced in the night sky.
 Surrounding the silver dragon were skeletal riders with bows and spears driving hippogriff zombies.