130 [2-64] Heroes challenge fate

 Rene came to check on the chapel as the signs of the living had hardened.
 He heard that there was a loophole or two. He thought it was possible that Zithran was secretly in the chapel.

 I didn't remember destroying it in the battle with Zisran, but for some reason there was a huge hole in the entrance.
 When I entered through it, I found that the survivors were in the middle of evacuating through a loophole.
 The undead troops, who had lost contact with us after the suspicious message that the Second Knight Commander had fallen, were scattered on the floor as wreckage.

 The survivors are gathered at the far end of the chapel, which has been raised a step.
 There are knights in armor, people who look like castle servants, a knight named Bertil with a sword in his artifact arm, and .
 The girl in the red dress covered in ribbons that I've seen before, Catherine. She was looking at Rene with her hands clasped together as if in prayer. She was not a person René wanted to meet.

 René decided to make short work of it.

Where is Gislain? If you answer honestly, I'll let you off the hook.

 It was a trick.
 I've already killed too many people tonight. Rene was getting tired of killing. We need a break.
 I'm not in the mood for useless slaughter in a situation like this where the masses have already decided.

 However, it would be a threat to the prestige of the "Rose of Hell" if anyone found out about it. That's why I said something like I was offering a deal.

 With a single word from Rene, the people were terrified. Even those who were about to enter the loophole, instead of running away instinctively, cowered and became immobile.
 I wanted to taste their fear, but ...... I'd rather not use the power of Emotional Intelligence here and now. If Gislain gets caught, it's dangerous.

He's not here at .......

 In the midst of people who can't even open their mouths, a nonchalant Bertil answered.
 It was the first time they had seen each other since King's Landing, but for Rene it was like he was half on the inside.
 Is he unconcerned because he is sure he will not be killed? ...... No, this guy seems to be superficially unconcerned about the situation, whether it's dangerous or not.

I'm sure you're right. I'm not sure what to do. Did anyone come running in?
The only ones who came were the Earl of Keighley's knights.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've.

"You knights! Step forward. I'm going to check if there's a disguised Gislain in there.

 Where did the disappearing Gislain go?
 For example, he could grab one of the knights, kill or eat him, take his armor and put it on him so he could sneak away with the knights.
 There are many magic items and spells that can change your appearance, and you may even have the power to turn into the person you eat.

 The knights looked at each other. They are probably wondering how to react.
 They know they can't win. The Count and his family were defeated in front of their eyes.
 But it's natural for him to wonder if it's right to comply with the request.


 Then Katherine raised her voice.
 She wasn't talking to the knights, but to Rene.

 --...... What are you doing?

 Rene was a little scared.

 Suddenly, Rene remembered a game he had played in a previous life.
 There was a memory of a sub-event with a tragic ending that he had not dared to complete, but had stopped the event before the characters became unhappy and left it.
 I wanted my relationship with Catherine to be like that.

"My Master!
Please step back!

 The knights tried to hold her back, but she pushed them away and stepped forward.
 Katherine was trembling. She came towards Rene, hugging her trembling self.

Rene. I was wondering if you could answer me sometime.
 ...... will you be my friend?

 Strange, said Catherine.
 She looked straight at Rene with ashen and red eyes.

"What are you talking about?
"Don't be silly! I already know what you're talking about!
 I didn't say those words to Iris, I said them to a girl I thought I was just getting to know through our nightly chats! I only found out later that it was really you and not Iris!

 After all, Catherine was aware of it. She knew that the Iris she had met that day had been Rene.
 If so, she didn't understand how she could know that and then say, "Let's be friends.

I'm sure you'll agree with me.
 Rene, why don't you tell me about yourself too? It must be hard for you to keep your unhappiness to yourself .......

 It's not so heavy as to be called "love", but the care and tenderness of a friend is in the tone of Catherine's voice.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for and what you're going to get.

 I didn't expect that. I didn't expect him to say this, let alone turn hostile.

"Why ......! Why do you have to be so brazen to come in here?

 You still haven't heard? I killed your family!

 Rene was getting really frustrated.
 You'll be able to find a lot more information on the web.

 You can find a lot of things that you can do to make your life easier.
 In short, it's a matter of loneliness. In the sense of filling it, it may be the same whether it is a mother or a friend.
 It was a wound that René did not want to be touched.

 Rene decided to turn his back on his salvation and walk the path of revenge.
 But still, what hurts must hurt and what hurts must hurt.
 I won't forgive you if you feel sorry for me by flirting with a fake salvation, like showing a mirage oasis to those wandering in the desert. It is an empty and vicious temptation that shakes René as an avenger.

 But Catherine was not even surprised by Rene's words.

"I've already heard .......

 Rene couldn't believe his ears this time.

"I've never felt so sorry for anyone in my life. ...... My blood is boiling. ...... I want to grab you, rip you apart, and throw you into the fire... ...

 This is the result of education and pride as a little lady. The tone of her voice was quiet.
 But it also trembled, and was laced with fiery anger.

 Rene had been relying on the power of Emotional Intelligence so much that he had neglected to read people's emotions without it.
 It was obvious once she realized it.
 Her breathing was erratic. Clenched teeth. Slamming gaze.
 Catherine was shaking, not with fear, but with anger.

But if I hate you and fight you, ...... I'm weak and I'll die. I don't have the strength to wield a sword or the talent for magic, so I'll just die.
 I will only be one ...... of the many people you have killed.
 You can't ...... then. ......

 Catherine grabbed her left arm with her right hand. Stronger and stronger.
 Her nails, manicured and polished, pierced the soft skin.
 The red blood flowed over the white skin, dripping from her fingertips, but strong, strong.

That's why I'm ......! I don't hate you, I believe in myself for wanting to save you!
 So .............

 At that moment, Catherine may have tried to hold out her hand as if to shake it.
 In the end, Catherine couldn't reach out.
 I don't know if she didn't want to point her bloody hand at Rene, or if her hand was too stiff to move, trying to hold back her anger and hatred.

I don't know if he didn't want to point his hand at René, or if he was so busy holding back his anger and hatred that he couldn't move his hand.
 ...... Let's be friends, Rene. That's all I can do, .......

 With a smile on her face, Catherine said, "That's all I can do.
 Rene thought that these words contained everything.
 The will to stop Rene, to save Rene, to defeat Rene, to punish Rene, to forgive Rene. It may be a mourning for her father, a sense of duty as the daughter of a lord, or a judgment of right and wrong as a human being.
 The only words that the young and helpless Catherine could say when she tried to hold more wishes than she could hold in her small hands was, "Let's be friends.

 Rene was shocked as if a cannon had struck him.
 He could not move.

 Catherine hated him but pitied him, was angry with him but tried to be kind to him.
 She was trying to recognize Rene as a mere girl, even if Rene as the "Rose Princess of Hell" was not.
 That is what Rene's heart would have wanted.
 It was the form of "salvation" that Renée had left behind in exchange for her vow of revenge.

 Rather than being happy or sad, Rene was terrified.
 Rather than being happy or sad, she was terrified, as if cowering in the face of a powerful force.
 "The Rose of Hell" turned into just a little girl.

 --Why? I'm not sure what to make of it. And yet, and yet: ......

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something to help you.
 It's the same as Catherine's.

 --right here, right now: ......! I feel like I must kill him. ......!

 I'm not sure what to do.
 I don't know. I don't know, but this is a definite hunch.
 With that mentality, she could do anything.
 She's a threat to Renai. She's a big wall to stand against.
 Then it must be plucked.
 No matter how much you want to, you have to take it.
 Before she, Catherine, comes to fruition. ......!

 It was that moment.
 It was a devilish coincidence.

 An alarm went off in Rene's head. The worst of the spears had come in. A spear that could never, ever, be ignored at all costs.

"This is ......, no way!

 It was an instant decision.

 Rene has abandoned this place.
 I don't care about Catherine or Gislain.
 Compared to the reported incident, they are ...... trivial.

 Rene has abandoned his body.
 The discarded body collapsed into the decapitated corpse of a girl named Meri.
 In the event you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do.


 She left Catherine's confused voice behind.