95 [2-29] One, two, three.

What's going on?
There's been a death. I'll explain later.

 Rene and Tracy met at the bottom of a brick staircase on a street corner.
 Tracy was dressed in the jet-black work clothes of a thief.
 Tracy is dressed in the black work clothes of a thief, with amber eyes and black hair from the neck up. She has the face of Miaranse without the cat ears.

Here's one for you, Princess.

 The Miaranse-faced Tracy pulls out what looks like an opera mask.
 When René took off the hood that had been hiding her face up to this point, and put the mask on her face instead, it snapped into place.

Ok, my face has changed.

 I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure that Rene is now able to change into the face of Miaranse.

 The Mask of Silver Mirror.
 This is a magic item that allows you to disguise yourself by copying the face, or rather the head, of another person and putting an illusion on your own head.
 Note that cat ears are not supported.

 Tracy is a socially trustworthy person, so he should not act suspiciously by exposing his face too much. His face still has a value, and we don't want to diminish that value.
 Rene is genuinely too conspicuous. I mean, if you see a 10-year-old girl with silver hair and eyes, every citizen of Ciel-Teira nowadays will think of "The Rose Princess of Hell" with zero comma.

 With the same look on their faces, they began to move out into the night.

"It smells awful.

 Rene frowned, his nose twitching.
 There was an awful smell in the air, a smell that could not be compared to anything.

I'm smoking bat gorse in a few places near here.
 If it's a beast's nose, you can crush it with this, so even if you smell blood, it shouldn't go unnoticed. ...... The fact that something like that is being burned is suspicious in itself, so someone will be along soon to check out the situation.
All right. ...... There are already some signs of holy beasts moving around. We'll be lucky if the one at the orphanage catches on.
Oh, my God. Hurry up, hurry up.

 The inn we were going to was a stylish one with a brick exterior.
 The snow-covered garden was neatly lined with plants and avant-garde stone sculptures.
 And sitting like a pair of guardian dogs in the slightly widened space was a tiger with a white body and what looked like golden equipment.
 It is the Holy Beast.

 At first, the holy beasts that appeared in the city were feared by the citizens, but as word got out that they were the holy beasts of the Noachian army, they were accepted.
 However, as word got out that they were Noachian holy beasts, they were accepted by the people. Basically, they just stood still, and some children even came to poke at them for fun.

 René approached the Holy Beast sitting in the middle of the garden.
 There was no sign of movement.

 Apparently, these holy beasts are as inflexible as golems or robots.
 A girl approaching her in the middle of the night would normally be suspicious, but she is not under orders to deal with such things, so she does not make the slightest move.

 Her sense of sight was masked by her disguise.
 I don't know how keen her sense of smell is, but even if it were keen enough to distinguish individuals, the smell of bat fluff was enough to kill her.
 The presence is completely blocked by magic.

 Rene walked behind the holy beast and took the form of Dullahan there.
 As he removed his head, a cursed red blade was born in his hand.

"Good evening, holy beast. Goodbye.

 A light swing of the red blade.

 In a sitting pose, the tiger's head fell.
 The weak body fell to the side and blood flowed.

The tiger's head fell. Are you sure you didn't have some kind of telepathic connection with the sorcerer?
If that's the case, then this holy beast must be moving to find out what's going on. But there's a hundjager near the castle approaching.
 Maybe he's only ordered to start acting in certain situations, but otherwise he can't move unless he's directly ordered to. Otherwise, his telepathic range is too short.
"I see.

 The only exceptions to the immovable holy beasts moving are the smell of blood and the presence of the undead.
 When there was a robbery on the street two days ago, when people were stabbed and blood flowed, nearby holy beasts flew to the scene.
 Not to mention the undead. When Rene created a skeleton outside the city and let it approach the city, the nearby holy beasts barked and called out to their friends, who all flew in to exterminate it.
 In both cases, the Holy Beast confirmed the situation and went to the castle, perhaps to report back.

 These cases suggest that there is no spiritual connection between the Holy Beast and the sorcerer (?). From these cases, Rene concluded that there was no spiritual connection between the Holy Beast and the sorcerer(?), or if there was, it would be limited to a very short distance.
 The sorcerer is not getting any information from the holy beast's senses, nor is he able to give it instructions as needed. The holy beast that had found the undead had also gone to the trouble of barking to gather its friends.
 It's like a golem whose behavior is determined by a command formula (program). Perhaps it has been ordered to start moving under certain conditions and return to report back if something goes wrong.

I don't know if it will react to the sound of battle, but it should be able to handle a little noise now.
Okay. Well, I guess it's my job now. I'll put everyone to sleep except the target.

 I'll put everyone to bed except the target.

 Ralph was dreaming a happy dream.

"Mmmm ...... fierce ...... like me so much ...... go go go go go go .......

 And suddenly, he was thrown into the air.


 It's a great way to make sure you don't get caught in the middle of something.


 My nose smells like iron. When I woke up with my nose bleeding, something impossible had happened.

 The big bed that Ralph had been sleeping in. The large bed, which would take four grown men to lift, had been lightly turned over.
 Two girls with black hair and amber eyes looked down at Ralph, illuminated by the light of an artifact that resembled a fireplace. Their bodies are different in size, but their faces are identical.

I'm not sure what to say. What the hell is wrong with you people?

 I couldn't understand what was going on. I wondered if these girls had turned that huge bed upside down.
 The smaller girl closed the distance to Ralph's retreating back and thrust a bright red sword at him.
 A sword that looked like it was carved out of a jewel.

"Ralph Bred McGregor. I have only one request. I want you dead.

 Ralph saw fear in her eyes. He was terrified of a girl he didn't know, a girl no older than he was.
 There was an insane light in those amber eyes that looked down on Ralph.
 Not a flicker. They were the eyes of one who would pluck a man's life like a weed.

 He didn't even want to try to resist with his magic.
 All Ralph could do was raise his voice and call for someone.
 The result was the same anyway.

"It's ......!

 Just as he was about to call out, the larger girl closed the distance with wind-like speed and struck Ralph in the throat with her hand blade.

I'm not sure what to say. Go-ho, go-ho!

 She then gagged Ralph in a fluid motion.

"Was he trying to say, 'Somebody help me'?
"Mwah, mwah!

 The smaller girl chuckles.

 --What the hell are they? What are they? What are they doing here?

 Ralph was finally coming to understand that something deadly was afoot.

Take that.

 And they both pulled out something strange.
 Not a sword or a knife, but a long nail and a hammer.

I'm sorry. I know this isn't my thing, but it's my job.

 The older girl twisted Ralph's body around.
 Then the smaller girl leaned over and drove a nail into Ralph's arm in a completely random fashion.

"Ngg----! Ngg----!!!

 A bolt of intense pain shot through Ralph's body.
 With unbelievable force, the girl hammered nail after nail into Ralph's limbs, sewing him to the floor like an insect specimen.

 It hurts. Incredibly painful.
 But when he twists to escape the pain, the wounds open up and hurt even more.
 It hurts so much that I want to crawl around, but all I can do is sit still and swallow all the pain.
 Ralph was biting down on the gag as hard as he could.

"Aaah! Aaahhhh! What the ......! Aaaaah!
"As a mercy, I'll tell you how you're going to die.
 It's because of someone you framed and killed. You said you'd give me your soul, so I'm taking revenge.

 The girl's words were a slap in the face.
 I know what you're talking about.
 Even Ralph was aware that he was cheating.

 But from a very aristocratic and noble perspective, Ralph was looking at the international situation.
 It's impossible to let Yuyin go scot-free in that situation. Even if Yoon was not at fault, some kind of punishment would have been meted out. Yuyin had to be sacrificed for the peace of all people.
 Ralph was just a part of it. If the punishment for Yuyin was just to push him to do what he wanted, he didn't deserve to be punished so much. ......!

Oh, no! I don't know. I don't know what to say.
What? What? "Listen to me"?

 Ralph nodded his head as if his neck would burst.

 The mysterious girl pondered with a serious face.

...... If this had been a trial, there would have been people who would have listened to your side of the story.
 Only when the crime is presented in a way that everyone can understand can it be accepted as a crime. The suspect will be given a legitimate opportunity to defend himself. ...... That's the right way to judge.

 Ralph nodded his head as if his neck was about to snap.
 The girl smiled gently and ran a hand over her own face.

The girl smiled softly and ran her hands over her face, "I wish this knight, Yuyin, could have received proper justice.

 The girl's face peeled away.
 The girl's face peeled off. A white face with amber cat eyes and a somewhat oriental atmosphere. The face turned into a hexagonal patch of light, which eventually fizzled into particles of light. All that remained was a white opera mask.

 She took off her porcelain-like opera mask, and out from underneath came the bare face of an innocent, silver-haired, silver-eyed girl twisted into madness.

 How could I not know who she was?
 The tragic princess who has fallen to the capital and is about to destroy the country.
 "The Rose Princess of Hell." ...... Rene, "Rosy," Luvia Ciel-Teira.

"I am the avenger. Your right and wrong are out of bounds. I will only push through with absurdity.
 "I am the avenger.
"Ah ...... ah ............

 Ralph was speechless.
 He finally realized that he was in over his head and that there was no way in hell he was going to survive.

I wanted to kill you after watching you suffer so much, but it looks like there's no time. That's a pity.

 Ralph thought he had heard those words before.

 Rene turned his back on Ralph and put his hand on the mysterious black shadow.
 It was at this moment that Ralph noticed for the first time. He realized for the first time that the unidentified stone statue that had been left in the inn's garden was now in his room.

"Well. I'll just have to mess it up so it can't be resuscitated.

 To her horror, Rene easily lifted the statue, which was larger than she was tall.
 Then she carried the statue.
 She carries it over to Ralph.

 Stretching out, Renée raises the statue to the height of the ceiling.

Mass times height times gravitational acceleration.

 A huge, black shadow fills Ralph's vision.

 --Oh no! If you put that on top of me, I'll die, die, die!