72 [2-6] Knock 3 times, hand on knee

 Rene looked down and saw the people hiding in the small hut.

 First, there were four adventurers who looked like guards. "Compared to the Dragon's Throat, their equipment was clearly of a lower rank and less intimidating. They looked like second-grade trainees or third-grade explorers at best.
 I wonder if the beautiful warriors wearing armor like guards or knights are the Duke's private army. Under the system of Ciel-Teirah, courtiers do not have fiefdoms and cannot have knights under them, but they could have private armies as gatekeepers and guards. However, he could have a private army as gatekeepers and guards.
 The man who seems to be the squire is not the same as the combat butler that is often seen in the two-dimensional world of ...... Japan. He is probably here purely to take care of the Marquis.
 What catches the eye is an old man wearing gorgeous clothes that don't match the shabby log cabin. He was a nobleman of the Hilbertine court who had fled to Teiracaines. The Marquis of Seebach, whose appearance matches the description left by Revenant Alastor.

 And ...... there is another strange one.
 I'm not sure what to make of that. She was on all fours, her face covered with bruises, and for reasons unknown, she was in the middle of being beaten with firewood by the marquis.
 She looked almost human, but on her head, there was a triangular beast ear covered with a kind of hair.
 She was looking up at Rene with a pair of amber eyes with needle-black pupils.

 --I felt a very strong killing intent or hatred just now,......, is that the emotion of this cat girl?

 Only the cat lady (tentative name) was not afraid of Rene.
 Her feelings towards Rene were more like faith.

"Hey, how come this is ......!
 It shouldn't be within detectable distance! That's what Marks said for sure!

 The Marquis was in a state of shock.
 In order to uncover ambushers and those hiding around the city, Rene used the "Life Sensor" to widen the radius to a couple of kilometers.
 Even if you use a wide area search spell to grasp the situation of the battle, you usually do not use such a wide area if you consider the cost performance. The area around the battlefield is enough.
 But Rene is not normal. This level of magic consumption is like drawing a cup of water out of a bathtub filled to the brim. It's a consumption that can't be ignored, but he has more than enough energy left over. As a result, the Marquis of Seebach was discovered, and René's decision was justified.

"Well, let's start with one ingredient.

 Rene jumped down from the wreckage of the chimney, and ignoring the trembling Marquis, first pierced and killed the wizard.

 The wizard, as well as the three other adventurers in the vicinity, were unable to react to the lightning-quick movement.
 It seems that the wizard is not very good. In other words, even if I kill them, I can't turn them into undead. The wizards also seem to be of limited skill, but they are still a valuable source of riches.

 The wizard who was pierced by the cursed red blade fell, and those around him were finally thawed out.

"Whoa, you guys! Defeat it! Protect me! Work for your money!

 The Marquis is ranting and raving, but there is no way that these lowlifes can defeat Rene, and I'm sure the Marquis knows that. His real intention is probably to buy time for me to escape.
 Well, if you think you can buy time with these guys, you're as naive as a fruit in honey, and if you think you can escape just by stalling, you're as naive as a coffee with two dozen sugar cubes in it.

"Mu, I can't!

 One of the adventurers turned his back on Rene and ran away, not wanting to be used as a pawn by the Marquis in any way.

You can't just run away. You can't escape by running away. ......!
I'm not chasing you, so you can run. The rest of them don't look like they're worth letting go.

 The Marquis, as well as everyone else in the room, was stunned with their mouths hanging open.

I'm just saying that the Marquis Seebach is the target and nothing else matters.
 If you insist on coming at me, I will politely welcome you and have you serve me as an undead.

 They'll just run away in a cowardly wind, and you won't gain much by killing them. ......
 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why I've been so impressed with your work.

 Because of a certain reason, if Rene commits too many atrocities at once, his actions will be constrained by the mental load.
 He has a big job ahead of him, slaughtering civilians and destroying the city, and he can't afford to earn atrocity points here.

 Of course, the enemy has no way of knowing this.
 In their eyes, Rene's behavior is the leeway and whimsy of a powerful man. And people who are afraid will run away if you give them a way out.

"Run! You can't win like this!
I was hired to fight zombies and skeletons.
"I can't fight the boss, Named!

 Not only the hired adventurers but also the Marquis' private army threw down their weapons and ran away.
 They ran off in a frenzied manner towards the north, away from the city of Teiracaines.
 All that remained was the Marquis, who could not move. A hunchbacked servant. And then there was the cat lady (tentative name), staring at Rene with ecstasy in her eyes.

 --I've been seeing some strange emotions since a while ago. ...... Nanikore.

I'm not sure what to say.
 ......Buy yourself some time, Miaranse!

 I'm not sure what to say.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.
 He just genuinely regretted the loss of his fortune.

 The Marquis's orders made the cat lady, as well as Miaranse, go pale in the face.

"You ......!
You've got the blood of a beast in you, don't you? I'm not sure what to do.

 With a desperate look on his face, Miaranse jumped on Rene.
 It was very strange.
 She was attacking Rene, even though she didn't seem to have any of the hostility that should be generated by an attack.

 --Only her body is being moved by itself. ......? That collar has a strange magic ......

 And then I realize. She's called Miaranze, and she starts attacking Rene the moment the Marquis calls out to that strange artifact.

 Rene easily dodged Miaranse's tackle and gently placed the head in her left hand on top of her torso.
 The adhesion between the neck and the body is that of a large magnet. If he moves too much or receives a slight shock, the neck will roll off, but it is probably not a problem. The rest of the team would be unable to even land a single punch on Rene in Dullahan form, who is skilled in hand-to-hand combat.

 And with a single leap, Rene closed the distance to the Marquis, who was about to turn on his heel to escape.
 He swung his red blade lightly.

"Hmm? I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure what to make of it.
 It's an interesting item.
"Yes. ......

 In Rene's hand was a remote control with a microphone that had a steampunk feel to it.
 The Marquis' right hand grabbing it along with.


 The Marquis screamed as blood spurted from the section of his right arm.
 René cut the Marquis's arm and took the remote control, but he must not have known what had happened.

Oh my God! Help me, help me, help me! Miaranse!

 The Marquis is no longer separated from the remote control.
 The Marquis is no longer separated from the remote control, but his earlier order to buy time still seems to be in effect, and Miaranse is chasing after Rene.

 Miaranse's movements were full of gaps.
 He seems to have a little bit of physical ability, but no knowledge of martial arts.
 Rene dodged the amateurish fighting attack.

"...... In the box! I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. Please!

 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Is this what you want?

 In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you'll want to look at the following tips.

I've never seen anything like it. You're avenging your mother and father,......!
Wait! Let's talk! You were a helpless little girl with no power, and I provided for you for ten years. ......
"Shut up!

 I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a way to get your hands on it, but I'm sure you can.
 Right hand, left hand, right hand, left hand, right hand. ......

I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to do. I'll be back!
Know this! You deserve to die at least three times!
 My father's life! Mom's life! And the humiliation I suffered!
 Now repent, repent, repent for your actions and die!

 The Marquis screams as blood spurts from his mouth and chest under the attack of the glowing eyes of Miaranze.
 Rene was completely left behind.

"...... Well, ...... what's the situation?
"Master Rose of Hell. Thank you so much for rescuing me.
 ...... My name is Miaranse. I've been a chattel to this man since I was a little girl, and this collar has deprived me of my freedom, and I've been tortured with never-ending humiliation.

 Miaranse stomped on the Marquis' face, stood up, and bowed respectfully. She was splattered in her maid's white apron and her hands were stained with blood.

I know this is a very generous request, but ...... please give me the happiness to serve you.

 Rene could not believe his ears.
 How could anyone, of all people, offer themselves to serve Rene?

 Rene searched Miaranse's emotions carefully.
 There are no evil thoughts or self-interest. He is not trying to win René over for his own benefit, but is willing to devote his entire life to René, just as a religious monk devotes his entire life to God.

 --I was just looking for someone to help me, but this kind of thing is a bit of a turn off. ......
   I'm sure he'll realize his misunderstanding at some point and wake up from his frenzy.

 Needless to say, Rene is a revenger.
 And it's not the "target a few specific people and leave the innocent alone" kind. He will build a mountain of corpses the size of Mount Everest and a river of blood the size of the Nile if necessary for his revenge.
 No ordinary person would be able to follow Rene's path. Somewhere along the line, they would become disgusted and fearful of Rene's actions, and would surely defect.
 Well, there is also the idea that if they want to make a fuss about it later, they can get rid of it then, but I don't want to get into trouble if I can help it.

Don't do it. You have your own place to go.

I have nowhere to go, nowhere to return to.
I have nowhere to go and nowhere to go home. Shouldn't you find a place where you can live?
There is no place for me in a society where I am bought and sold for gold just for being me! Your place is my place!
You've mistaken me for a savior or something!
 I'm just a vengeful demon. I kill and destroy and destroy. In the eyes of the world, I'm a villain, or else I'm a disaster! What makes you so happy that you believe in me? What makes you so happy that you believe in me? You want to destroy the world by worshipping an evil god?
"What is it that saved me?
 Not the judgment of the authorities. Not the mercy of gods and temples!
 You only want to kill and destroy, not fight!

 Miaranse slammed her fist into the Marquis' stomach. Miaranse slammed his fist into the Marquis' stomach.

I don't want this world. I don't want this world either.
 You will follow the will of the evil gods and destroy this world, won't you? Please show me what you can do. And I want to be a part of your fight!

 Miaranse shouted with her hand on her chest.
 Renai gulped.

 --Miaranse is an avenger, too.

 Unlike Rene, she was not killed.
 But everything was taken from her and denied.
 You can fight with your grudge or you can hold on to it and disappear. At this crossroads, Miaranse is standing.
 And Miaranse doesn't have the power that Rene does. She has no choice but to leave the fight to Rene.

 Rene is beginning to think about taking Miaranse under his wing.

"Is ...... a help? Can you fight?
Oh, well, ...... I can't right now, but ......
So what about infiltration or espionage?
No, I have no experience. ......
 I have no experience in infiltration or espionage. ...... But I can do general work as a servant. ......

 --Hmmm... ............

 I'm having a little trouble evaluating Rene.
 It's not just that he has no power, it's that he's completely useless in a fight.

"I'll learn whatever I need to for my job! So, please!
I'm not sure what to do. ...... I wonder if I could get a ghoul with some thief skills or something to train me.

 I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
 Well, at least he won't betray us. Then, he thought, that's good.

Thank you!

 He was so moved that he bowed down and scratched the Marquis' face.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with that.
I'm sure you'll agree.
I mean, is it too late for that?

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.